The nursery

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Derek woke up alone in the morning as Meredith was working a short shift before they headed off into town to shop for furniture for the baby. He turned his head to look at the photo placed on his bedside table. It was from back in the summer, when they had first started hanging out again. Meredith was on Derek's back with her chin pressed on his shoulder, they both wore big smiles on their face. Derek smiled at the photo, cause that where it all started and they never thought they be here today but he wouldn't change it for the world. Turning to place the photo back, he saw that he only had an hour before having to pick Meredith up.
So he climbed out of bed, got dressed, raced downstairs, grabbed a banana and headed out the door.

He got there just in time, cause as he pulled up to the shop Meredith was just walking outside. She climbed in the car, carefully not to knock her bump as it was truly starting to show now. Meredith leaned across the console to kiss Derek before he started driving off.
"So we have a long list to be getting through today, I want to try and get most of it sorted and then we can start painting that little room."
"For start off Mer, you won't be painting nothing, it will be me and dad or even Mark doing it, you will be staying away."
Meredith turned to look at Derek and rolled her eyes, she knew he was protecting her but she didn't want to feel useless. It was as if he could read her mind when he turned and said
"Mer I know you want to help and you can, but you can't be round the room cause of the paint fumes, it's not good for the baby." He reached across and grabbed her hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand.

*at the shopping mall*
Together they made their way round the mall stopping at multiple shops. They decided that they would paint the nursery a light grey and would be having white furniture. After organising for the crib, draws, changing table and rocking chair to be delivered in a few days, they made their way to the clothes section.

Derek watched as Meredith floated around the isles chucking stuff in to the trolley. Every so often she would place a hand on her lower back whilst the other loving rubbed up and down her bump.
"Hey Der, look at this."
She came walking over him clutching a small light pink onesie in her hands.
'Daddy's little girl.'
Without hesitation he took the onesie off Meredith and placed in straight into the trolley with everything else. Meredith giggled cause she knew he was just as excited as her and loved the fact that he took in interest in actually shopping for the baby.

*a few hours later*
Once they arrived back at the house, Meredith decided she was going to lay down for a quick nap. As she progressed through her pregnancy she was starting to feel the effects on her body more. Exhausted. She slept whenever she was able and spent most of the day with her feet up.

However, Derek wasted no time in getting to work on the nursery. Both he and Amelia got to work painting the walls but spent more time getting paint on one another. Derek appreciated this time with Amelia cause with everything that was going on, he felt like he was failing her as a big brother. But times like this proved that their bond was still as strong as ever.
When the walls where all covered with paint, they stood back to admire their work. Derek was picturing in his head where everything was going to go.

"Got to say Derbear, I did a good job today, I honestly don't know what you'd do without me."
Derek turned to look at Amelia who was waving the paintbrush at me. Laughing, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"It's true Amy, I don't know what I'd do without you, you're going to be the best auntie."

They stood their giving each other a hug when they heard a light knocking at the door. Turning round they found Meredith stood there with her arms crossed just above her bump. She was taking in the room around her.
"Wow, you guys have been busy. It looks amazing, I can't wait to get all the furniture in here now and have everything ready."
She went to take a step into room when Derek reached out to stop her.
"Mer, you can't come in, paint fumes remember. Give it a few days to air out and then you can come in, I promise."

Meredith looked up into his eyes, she couldn't help but admire his eyes that looked at her like she was the best thing in the world. They stood each other's embraced before they were called down to dinner. Meredith sat at the table and was watching everyone, this was her life now and she couldn't ask for more. But she was constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Everyone she ever loved walked away from her. She felt the flutter of her daughter and it reminded her that she would never be alone. She just hoped that Derek and his family would be there for her too.

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