What are you doing here?

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"Finn what are you doing here?"

When she took a proper look at him, she noticed his tired complexion. His eyes were a red raw, like he had been none stop crying. At this point she knew, she knew that something bad had gone down. Finn cleared his throat before speaking.

"I shouldn't even be here right now, if dad knew then all hell would break loose. But you need to know. It's Lexie. She, she umm." Finn was not able to finish his sentence as the tears started to flow again. Meredith reached out her hand to comfort Finn but he jerked his arm away. Meredith's heart dropped, she didn't like the way this conversation was going and couldn't believe Finn's reaction.
"She was on her way home from school one day, she was crossing the road just outside the house. The road was clear when she stepped out but some car flying round the corner an,an-, this is harder then I thought. Meredith, Lexie she, she passed away."

Meredith's heart dropped and her hands flew straight to her stomach. She couldn't believe this, her little sister was gone. The past 7 months had been ripped away from her and she had accepted that she wouldn't be in her life but she would still get to see her grow up from the background. But now, now she was completely gone. At this point both of them had tears flowing down their face.

"Look Meredith I hate to do this but I had to tell you cause Lexie was your sister too. But dad didn't want you knowing, something about you not deserving to know but that's bullshit. However, you can't come to funeral. If dad was to know I've seen you then I would be cut off completely. I need to go Meredith, please look after yourself and that baby of yours. Goodbye."

Before Meredith could actually comprehend what had happened, Finn had climbed into his car and was gone. Meredith stood there cemented to her spot, she was completely alone. She wanted nothing more then for Finn to take her into his arms, she needed her big brother right now. She was once again abandoned by her family. Eventually, she turned around and made her way inside. Without stopping she made her way straight upstairs, avoiding the questions from everyone. She got changed into one of Derek's tops before climbing into bed and stared off into space.

Downstairs Carolyn was worried about Meredith, she was expecting her to come back all relaxed but she looked devastated, heartbroken and empty. Her thought were interrupted by the knocking of the door. Making her way to the door, she was greeted by Cristina who was holding Meredith's bag.

"Here Mer left this in my car, she kind of forgot it." She smiled slightly before handing over the bag. Carolyn took the bag and spoke just as Cristina was turning to make her exit.
"Cristina, what happened? I mean Meredith came in here and didn't speak a word and went straight upstairs. I'm worried about her."
Cristina sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.
"When we got back there was someone here, I think she said his name was Finn. Basically, they spoke and then she just stood there and then came in here. I don't know what was said but look I've got to go now, tell Mer to text me."

With that Cristina and Carolyn waved their goodbyes before she shut the door. She knew the situation with Meredith and her family, so she knew exactly who Finn was. Knowing what she needed to do, she grabbed her phone and texted Derek. Meredith needed him right now.

A short time later, Derek came sprinting through the door. His heart was racing from the moment that he got that text from his mom. Upon entering the living room he saw his mom nursing a cup of tea but there was no sign of Meredith.
"Mom, what's the matter? What is it?"
Carolyn turned to look at Derek, tapping the seat next to her.
"Sit down son." Derek took a seat next to his mom, but he couldn't sit still he was worried. "Before you ask Summer is fine. It's Meredith I'm worried about, Finn was here."

With hearing this Derek knew it wasn't going to be good news. He leaned back into his seat and sighed a relief upon hearing that Summer was fine. Derek allowed his mom to carry on speaking.
"She got back from the spa and she went straight upstairs, not speaking a word and she looked heartbroken. Cristina said they spoke but nobody knows what was said but Meredith was like a ghost. She has been upstairs ever since and I didn't know what to do, so I messaged you."

Derek was happy that his mother was here for Meredith. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to her forehead before standing up.
"You did the right thing mom, I'm going to go up and see Meredith now. Thank you again mom."
Derek made his way upstairs, he stood outside their room listening for any sign that Meredith was awake. Upon hearing no sounds, he entered the room.

The room was dark, with the curtains shut but he could make out Meredith's figure, laying on her side with her head on his pillow and wearing one of his tops. She was awake but she made no move to greet him or show that she noticed he was there. Walking over he stood next to the bed before crouching down to be eye level with Meredith. Her eyes were dull. The usual sparkle was gone and she looked heartbroken. He reached out to brush the hair out of her eyes and placed a kiss down on her forehead. At this point, it was like the dam had burst and she broke down. Derek had no idea what had caused this but he knew he needed to comfort her. He slipped off his shoes and climbed into the bed behind her, he immediately wrapped her in his arms, spooning her.

Over time, Meredith had rolled over and now had her face pressed into his chest, her bump resting against his stomach and their legs intertwined. They were still yet to say a single word to each other but right now their presence was enough comfort for the both of them. Derek could feel Summer kicking causing him to smile every now and then. Meredith sniffed and eventually looked up to meet Derek's eyes, he reached up and brushed the tears off her cheeks before kissing her on the lips.

"Finn was here today." Derek wasn't expecting her to speak so soon, she normally bottled it up but she was growing and trusted him enough to open up now.
"He came to tell me that Lexie, she um, she died Derek. She's gone. I can't even go to the funeral cause my dad didn't want me to know, but Finn he told me, he wouldn't let me touch him and then he left. He left me when I am at my lowest. I just can't do this."

Derek pulled her back tightly into his arms, she knew this would affect her deeply. His heart broke for Meredith but he was also angry. Angry at the world. But more importantly angry at Finn and Meredith's dad. She didn't deserve this at all, she needed her family and they just abounded her. Again. Eventually, Meredith fell asleep, she had exhausted herself from all the crying. She had his top tightly grasped into her hand, like she was scared to let go, like he would leave her.

Together they lay there, just taking comfort with one another. Derek would never leave Meredith ever, but she had insecurities. All he knew was that he needed to be there for her, no matter what. They would get through this together but this was just the beginning of a very rocky road.

Please don't hate me! I just needed to the story to go in a certain direction and this was the only way I could see it working. New chapters will be up tomorrow.
Oh and Happy Grey's Day lovelies!!!

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