Family holiday

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Their car was packed and they were on their way. After quietly moving about the house, they had managed to get Summer down to the car keeping her asleep and waking no one else in the process. Derek sipped at the coffee filled flask that Meredith had prepared for him as he kept his eyes on the road ahead. Beside him, Meredith slept in the passenger seat with her head resting against the window, as Summer was cuddled up with her blanket, her dummy in her mouth as she slept soundly.

Derek smiled to himself, there was no where else he would rather be. He turned his attention back to the road fully, watching as the sun began to rise. Leaving a variety of warms colours scattering the early morning sky. 

Meredith stretched and rubbed at her neck, which was now stiff. Sitting back up properly, she rolled her neck around and moaned.

"Ah, remind me, never to sleep in the car again." She said as stiffly turned her head towards Derek.

Derek quickly glanced at Meredith before diverting his back to the road and giggling to himself. "I've told you before Mer. Anyways it won't be much longer, we are almost there" he said as he pointed out to the road in front of them.

"Wait really." Meredith sat up as the excited lit up across her face. "Has Summer woke up at all?" She asked as she turned to face the backseats where she was located.

"She was a bit grizzly a few minutes ago but she just snuggled into her blanket more and then she was fine after that. Also, she lost her dummy but she found it quickly." He said as he reached out and placed her hand on her thigh, giving a quick squeeze.

They carried on with their journey until they build up to the large hotel that they would call home for the next week. Climbing out the car, Meredith went round and got Summer out, bundling her into her arms whilst Derek grabbed the bags.

Walking into the hotel together they walked up to the reception where they checked in.

"Hey, I have a reservation under the name of Shepherd." He smiled at the receptionist as she began to check them in. Handing over the key, they headed to the elevator.

Derek watched as Meredith walked round the room, admiring it all and taking it all in. She was pointing things out to Summer and listened as Summer babbled back to Meredith. He watched as she opened the door and stood on the balcony, soaking in the view. Derek placed the bags door and went to join his family on the balcony. Resting his hand on Meredith's back and his cheek against her head, they stood together and soaked up the sun.

Their holiday was spent down at the beach, Summer running free and squeezing the sand with her chubby little hands. Derek would take her out into the sea, where she would giggle as the waves crashed around them. If they weren't at the beach then they were in the town, exploring. Trying all the different food venues.

Once Summer was fast asleep, Meredith and Derek would spend their time cuddled up in the bed or even the bath. This time away is exactly what they needed. They were half way through their week away when they received the dreaded phone call.

It was late at night, Derek had his head resting on Meredith's chest, with his arms wrapped around her waist when the phone began to ring. Derek snuggled tighter to Meredith as she reached out for the phone. Seeing it was Mark, she placed the phone back down and tried to get back to sleep. He was probably just drunk and missing his best friend. As soon as the phone stopped ringing, it started up again causing Meredith to reach out and answer the phone this time.

"Mark this better be good, do you have any idea what time it is? I don't get an..." she was interrupted to Mark sobbing down the phone. She pushed Derek's body off her and sat up straight, her blood ran cold. At the change in position, Derek sat up and rubbed his hand up and down Meredith's back. He watched as she put the phone down before turning to Derek with tears running down her face.

"Meredith what is it?" He tried to pull her body into his but she just shuck her head and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Mer, please, you're scaring me." He could see that her hands where starting to shake.

"Der, that was Mark." He watched as she took a big gulp before trying to continue to speak. "It's dad, he had a heart attack, Derek, he didn't make it." Derek's eyes went wide with fear as the tears started to pool in his eyes.

"I need you to say it Meredith, please." His eyes pleaded with hers.

"Dad died Derek, he's gone." She watched as his body crumbled into hers and sobs racked his body. Together they clung to one another tightly, letting their tears flow. Who knew one phone call could change their life so drastically.

Finally another update! Sorry for the lack of updates, it was a combination of writers block and being super busy with work! Will try and get another chapter up today

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