Meeting the friends

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Summer was now officially two weeks old. Both Meredith and Derek had adjusted well to the roles of being parents now thanks to the support from Carolyn and Michael.

Today was the day that everyone would be travelling to see them and finally meet Summer. Meredith woke before Derek and made her way to the bathroom, where she slipped into the shower and let the warm water beat down on her. She enjoyed these moments where she could just relax. Being lost in the moment, she didn't hear the door of the bathroom opening or hear the shower door open. It wasn't until a pair of hands wrapped around her waist causing her to jump. She turned her head to be met with Derek's eyes staring at her.

"Der, what are you doing in here?" Meredith said as she moved away from him and wrapped her arms around her stomach.

"I'm having a shower what do you think I'm doing." Said Derek as he started to approach Meredith again before being pushed back by her hand. He looked at her and saw how vulnerable she looked. "Mer,what's the matter?"

Meredith sighed and tried to make herself as small as possible, cowering into the corner of the shower. "Der, my body doesn't look the same. I've put on so much weight and my boobs are massive. I just don't want you seeing me like this." She dropped her eyes to the floor.

Derek stepped forward and grabbed Meredith into his arms, not letting her push him back this time. "Mer, you gave birth only 2 weeks ago, you need to stop being so hard on yourself. You're gorgeous and I wouldn't change anything about you." He placed his fingers under her chin forcing her to look up. "And for one, I am huge fan of the bigger boobs." Winking at Meredith as he said this.

Meredith giggled before wrapping her arms around Derek's neck and standing up on her tippy toes to plant a kiss on his lips.

"I love you Der." She said before kissing him again. "But we should finish getting ready as everyone will be shortly."

Together they finished up in the shower before making their way back into the bedroom to get ready for the day.

*a few hours later*
Derek was out in the garden, setting up the table and seats. With today being one of the days where the sun was shining and was actually warm, they decided to make the most of it by having everyone other to have a gathering in the back garden.

Meredith was inside feeding Summer, when there was a knock at the door. Not wanting to disturb Summer she shouted out to them.

"The door is open! Come on in!" She said before grabbing the blanket to cover up. Mark walked through the door with Jackson.

"Hey guys, Derek is outside, carry on. I will be out shortly, just got to finish up here." Meredith said. Jackson congratulated her before they made their way outside.

Once Summer was fed and burped, Meredith made her way outside to join the boys. Upon stepping outside she was greeted by Mark.

"Come to Uncle Mark." He said reaching his arms for Summer. Meredith placed her into his arms before he turned to walk away. "This is Jackson. But you don't listen to anything pretty boy says, you just listen to your uncle Mark."

Meredith laughed and watched as both Mark and Jackson cooed over their daughter. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the knocking of the door again. She turned and made her way back through the house. She opened the door to be greeted by Izzie, Cristina and Alex.

"Hey guys, come on. We are all hanging out in the garden today." She said before being wrapped in Izzie's arms.

"You look amazing Mer! You wouldn't think you just had a baby. Speaking of the baby, where is Summer?" Izzie asked as she looked around the room.

"She's outside with Mark, good luck trying to get her off him." Meredith laughed and watched as Izzie made her way outside. Alex walked over and quickly wrapped his arms around Meredith before following his girlfriend outside.

Cristina stared at Meredith. "What are you staring at Cristina?" Meredith asked, looking down at her top to see if it was covered in any stains.

"You're covered in mommy, it's gross but honestly it suits you Mer. You look happy." Cristina said. "But I'm not hugging you." Together they both broke out into laughter before making their way outside.

Once they got outside they saw that everyone was gathered around Mark, who was still yet let anyone else hold Summer. Eventually, he did hand her over to Izzie, insisting that she be careful and not drop her. Meredith was glad Mark was already so protective over Summer, she needed someone else to have her back. Derek left the task that he was doing and made his way over to Meredith. He placed his hands on her shoulders before kissing her neck and then wrapping her in his arms.

Together they stood there and watched on as their friends cooed and admired their daughter.

"Crazy isn't it? I mean even Cristina looks like she is enjoying the baby." Meredith said as she pointed over to them. "I'm so glad they've accepted her and like not walked away from us, which they could have done."

Derek pressed another kiss to the side of Meredith's head before dropping his arm around her back and walking over to the group. Together they all made their way down the table and chairs, where there was plenty of food and drinks decorating the table for them. Summer was passed round the group, enjoying all the cuddles and fuss she was getting. Cristina even had a hold but it didn't last long. She held out at arms length and looked at her like she was a bomb waiting to go off so Meredith took her out of her arms putting her friend out of her misery.

Cristina told them that both Owen and April couldn't get off work to come but they send their love. Also, that Callie and Arizona had got it to a huge fight and gone away to sort it out but insisted that they would visit soon.

The time past them quickly and everyone started making their way to the door with the exception of Cristina. Derek occupied himself in the kitchen, with the cleaning with Mark, whilst Meredith and Cristina stayed in the living room with Summer in her Moses basket.

"I tell you Mer, I've got to say, I'm so proud of you." Cristina turned to look at Meredith. "Like you had a baby and you're an amazing mother. I for one can't wait to see Summer grow up. Also, you're one milf alright." Cristina winked at Meredith but they both burst into laughter.

"And there's me thinking you was going to be all sentimental but thank you Cristina. I couldn't do this without the support from all of you and having Derek by my side." Meredith smiled at Cristina.

They spent the rest of their evening catching up before Cristina and Mark finally left. Meredith was curled up on the sofa with her head buried into a small pillow and a blanket thrown barely over her. She was woken up when she felt someone brushing her hair out of her face. Stretching her arms above her head and smiled up to Derek who was staring down at her.

"Seriously Derek, it's still weird that you sit and watch me sleep." She pushed herself up into a sitting position before stretching her legs across Derek's lap. He lazily ran his hand up and down her legs, enjoying the silence and watching the tv. Every so often Derek would squeeze Meredith's thigh. They completely got lost in the silence before they heard the rattling of the door opening.

In through the door, Carolyn and Amelia entered. Together they walked into the living room and Amelia went straight to Summer whilst Carolyn greeted everyone before heading to the kitchen. They spent their evening as a family, with Michael finally joining them.

Meredith was exhausted from the day so she excused herself and went up to bed with Summer. Derek stayed downstairs having so time with his family. His time off work was coming to a close and whilst he was ready to be back working, he wasn't ready to not be with Meredith and Summer all the time. Making his way up to bed, he climbed in and cuddled up to Meredith after checking in on Summer, tucking her in her blanket more. That night they slept peacefully only waking to attend to Summer.

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