Baby girl

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Emptiness. The hospital was quiet. Everyone was out celebrating the New Year just they should be but things had taken a drastic turn. Derek walked the corridors nursing a cup of coffee. He couldn't believe that they here. He made his way back to Meredith's room, he leaned on the door frame and watched as she slept. She lay there with one hand placed on top of her, resting just next to the monitor. Their baby girl was still safe and secure inside of Meredith, exactly where she needed to be.

The evening had become hectic, Meredith and Derek immediately rushed straight to the hospital. They were taken to a room where they were shortly joined by Dr Deluca. She immediately did a scan which allowed them to see that everything was fine with the baby but Meredith's blood pressure was very high and she was having contractions. Fortunately, the contractions had no pattern and they were able to get them under control and to eventually stop. Now Meredith needed rest and that's exactly what she was doing.

Derek pushed himself off the door and shuffled his way over to the chair that was placed at the side of the bed and fell into the chair. He was exhausted. But sleep just simply wouldn't come to him tonight. Grabbing one of Meredith's hand, he gave it a tight squeeze and placed the other one on her stomach.
He cleared his throat before he started to speak in a whisper.

"Hey, baby girl, it's daddy. Look I know I said I can't wait to meet you but you need to stay in there, you're not ready to come out yet. We love you so much and we are so glad that you are alright in there. We should probably think of a name for you now, don't worry we will make sure it's a really good name! I promise to try and be the best dad I can, Meredith is already the best mom ever to you. But for now it's time to sleep, goodnight baby girl, I love you." With that Derek pressed a lip to Meredith's stomach gently to ensure he didn't disturb Mer.
He placed his head down on the bed and did his best to get to sleep.

A short time later Derek was woken up by the feeling of someone's fingers running through his hair. He lifted his head up slow, his neck stiff from the way he had slept but his eyes met hers.
"Hey Mer, why are you awake? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine Der, the little one was kicking like crazy and it woke me up."

Derek could see how tired she was, it was written all over her face.
"So Der, we really need a name for our little one, cause I can't keep calling her baby girl."
Meredith giggled when saying this and Derek was relieved to see a smile gracing her face again.

"Mer, we will find a name for her but right now, you are going to go back to sleep, you need your rest." He got up and placed a kiss to her forehead and brushed her hair away from her face. Meredith soon fell back to sleep as she had been fighting it for a bit. Once Derek was convinced she was asleep, he made his way over to the couch and lay down to go to sleep.

The year had started off down at rock bottom. But that's the thing with rock bottom, there is only one way left to go and that is up.

Short chapter this time round but I didn't want to keep you waiting too long for the next update! This story will be getting a lot lighter soon, big plans for this story!!

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