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Rain. It battered against the window, dragging Derek out of a deep sleep. It may have been cold, wet and stormy outside but he for one couldn't be any warmer. Meredith lay with her back towards Derek, with her hair now spread out against the pillow and falling in front of her face. Derek woke up an stretched slightly, doing his best not to wake up Meredith.

Peaceful. Derek had never seen Meredith so relaxed and he couldn't help but reach out to brush the hair out of her face, pressing a kiss to both Meredith's cheek and neck. This action caused Meredith to stir slightly and slowly open her eyes.

"Mmm, what time is it?" She asked as she rolled over and cuddled into Derek's chest again.
"It is just after 9, good morning by the way." He placed two fingers under her chin, forcing her to tilt her head back and look into her eyes.
"It is a good morning indeed." Meredith leaned up and pressed a couple kisses onto his lips. The perfect way to wake up.

"So as it's raining outside today, I'm thinking we should have a movie day. You can invite everyone round if you want? I mean we will have to go to the shop first but they are more then welcome."
Derek looked at Meredith with pure love in his eyes, this girl was every he asked for. She cared not only for him but was already caring about his friends as well.
"Yeah, I'll drop them a text now Mer, I'm sure they'd love to come but we better get up and go to the shop now. Come on I'll even treat you to breakfast."

At the promise of food, Meredith leaped out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Derek stayed on the bed, leaning against the headboard with arm bent up beyond his head, just watching Meredith move across the room. As she got to the bathroom, she stopped, turned to look at Derek with a smirk on her face.

"Der, you coming?"
"Wait, what? Mer are you sure, I don't want to pressure you, I mean I can wait."
"Der, it's just a shower but if you don't want to the-"
Before she was able to finish her sentence, Derek was across the room and scooped Meredith up into his arms. Together they got undressed and hopped into the shower together.

They stood together as the warm water sprayed down onto them, they were in their own little world.
"I hope you don't mind smelling like lavender, it's the only shampoo and conditioner that I have."
"Of course I don't mind, I'll have you know it's one of my favourite smells."

With this said Meredith turned round to face him with a smile on her face, she placed a kiss on his lips, then his nose, and then eventually on his neck. She pressed the kiss on his neck with a slight amount of pressure and sucked, intending to leave a mark. In other words, marking her territory. In doing this, it's caused Derek to moan.

"Meredith, we should stop, otherwise I can't control what I will do to you."
There was no lie that Derek's body was reacting to Meredith being stood in front of him naked but he wanted to respect, she was meant more to him then just sex.
"You're right, let's finish up in here and get ready to go."

Quickly they finished up in the shower, and then climbed out with Derek getting out first to ensure that Meredith didn't fall. Wrapped in their towels they made their way back to her bedroom and started getting ready. Derek placed himself on the edge of the bed and watched Meredith get ready.

With the weather being a bit colder today, she decided against dressing up so threw on some tracksuit bottoms and a plain cami top. She didn't bother with her hair, embracing her natural waves, she applied some moisturiser and was ready to go. She turned around to see Derek staring at her.

"Oh wait you need clothes, wait here, my brother may have left some clothes here from last time."
Whilst she exited the room, Derek dried the rest of his body off and threw on his boxers. He took the time to look at the pictures around the room, picking up one picture that really grabbed his attention.

"That's my dad. You never met him, I never really met him again until I was sent to live with him."
She walked over to Derek with a pile of clothes in her arms and started pointing at the photo,
"That's my stepmom Susan, she's great but she struggles with personal space you know?but she means well. That's my step brother Finn, he is super overprotective, you know typical older brother. And that, that's Lexie, she is so clever and I am so proud of her. She made me want to become a better person, a better role model. But yeah, that's my family, my very own complicated family but I love them. All of them."

Derek had never seen Meredith like this when it comes to family but she seemed happy. Gently he placed the photo back in its place and turned to face Meredith.
"They all seem really great and I would love to meet them one day. Not saying it has to be soon but one day."
Meredith had never introduced a boy to her family but she had a feeling that was about to change.
"I can't wait for you to meet them either." She stood on her toes and pressed a kiss to his lips.
"Right this is all I could find, there is a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt there for you but I couldn't find a jacket for you."
"This is perfect, thank you Meredith, I'll just get ready then we will go."

Together they finished getting ready for the day, made their way downstairs and grabbed her bag, keys and phone and made their way out to the car.
"Here Derek you can drive."
She tossed the keys to him and then they made a mad dash to the car to avoid the rain as much as possible. They scrambled into car and got ready to go. Derek made sure Meredith had her seat belt on before reversing out of the drive.
He placed his right hand onto the top of her thigh and gave it a squeeze. They started their journey into the town. Eventually the silence was interrupted by Meredith's stomach growling, causing both of them burst out laughing.
"Oh my god, I didn't realise how hungry I was until now!"
"Well, I better feed you then, you good with pancakes Mer??"
"Of course I am, let's go before I start eating the car seat."
The laughter never stopped. They were so happy together. Shortly, they pulled up in front of a small cafe and made another dash inside. Together they sat at table located by the window. And this was the start of their first unofficial date.

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