You're leaving?

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*time jump 2 weeks*
Time was getting away from them, the weeks were flying by. They spent all the time together. Breakfast dates, beach days and their favourite was the sleepovers. Over time they learnt each other's bodies, what they liked and what made them moan.

It was hot Tuesday afternoon when Derek and everyone was down at the beach waiting for Meredith to join them. The boys were having a game a football whilst the girls were embracing the sun and catching a tan.
"Hey man, time out. I need to grab a drink and see where Mer is." Derek said as we walked away from the game back over to his stuff. He grabbed his phone and decided to ring Meredith.

She quickly picked up.
"Hey Der, we've literally be away from each for not even a few hours." She giggled down the phone.
"Mer, you know I can't be away from you for too long. But I was just wondering how long you was going to be?"
"Der, look up."

Derek looked up and there she was. Walking down in the beach in her bikini, without hesitation he chucked his phone down and made his way over to Meredith. It didn't take him long to reach and he immediately swept her up into arms and spun her round. She looked down into his eyes and pressed her lips to his.
"Hey you."

They walked over to the rest of the group to enjoy their day. Derek went back to playing football with the boys whilst Meredith sat next to Cristina.
"Look I know we aren't ones to be all soft and gooey but I can see something is wrong. You seem really distant Mer, so come on tell your twisted sister what's up?" Cristina said.

Meredith sighed cause she knew this moment was coming and made it all seem more real.
"I have to go home. Like tomorrow. And I have no idea how to tell Derek." She turned to look Cristina hoping she would give her some advice.
"Well the way I see it, that boy is in love with you. It honestly makes me sick." They both giggled at this, as Cristina carried on saying
"But you need to tell him, he will be there for you no matter what, so go now and tell him. And if things don't go well then I will be waiting with the tequila."

Meredith was grateful for her friendship with Cristina, she knew she had a best friend for life. She looked over at Derek and he looked so happy. She knew she about to change all of that very soon. Reluctantly, she got up of her seat and walked over to Derek. She placed a hand on his shoulder with a somber look on her face.
"Der, can I speak to you it's important."
Derek looked at Meredith and knew it was something important.
"Yeah course, come on let's go somewhere more private."

He grabbed his hand and the set off a bit further up the beach. Together they walked hand in hand. Derek's mind was working on overdrive at would could possibly be wrong. He waited for her to speak as he didn't want to pressure her into anything. He heard her sigh and knew she was about to speak.

"So Derek, I spoke to my father earlier and he, he um- he needs me to go home. My flight leaves tomorrow afternoon." Derek stopped abruptly and turned to look at her. The unshed tears were sat in her eyes, she looked up at him and she looked so innocent.
He said placed his hands on either side of her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. He pulled into his chest and just held her. Together they stood on the beach, looking out the beach and embracing one another.

Derek couldn't let on how heartbroken he was. He knew this day was coming but he thought he still had another few weeks. I mean she lived in Seattle and he lived in Malibu so it would have happened at some point. But he never expected it to be this soon, how was he meant to say goodbye.
"Come on Mer, let's go tell everyone. You can say your goodbye's and then me and you are going to spend the evening together."
She nodded her head and together they made their way back.

The goodbyes were super hard but she knew the hardest one was coming. She promised to stay in contact with one another and were already organising to meet up next summer again.

*back at Meredith's house*
Together they lay on her bed, their limbs wrapped in one another's. Her bags were all packed and ready to go, waiting in the corner of the room. Suddenly, Derek felt Meredith placed her lips on his neck and started kissing her way up. She rolled on top of his body and flesh pressed against flesh.

Both of them were already naked as Derek flipped them over, so Meredith was underneath him now. His lips never leaving hers. They wasted no time in joining as one as Derek slowly slipped into Meredith.
This time was different then anytime before. It was silent. Apart from the few grunts and moans escaping from both of their mouths.
Derek kept his thrusts at a steady pace, he wanted to remember this moment forever. They were making love. Eventually, Derek felt Meredith begin to tighten around him and he knew he wouldn't be much longer himself. Together they reached their climax at the same time, quieting each other's moans by kissing one another.

Too soon it was over. Derek rolled off of Meredith but kept her close in his arms.
"I love you Derek, please don't leave me."
"Mer, I will never leave you. We can do this. It will be hard but I love you too."
They kissed once more before getting comfortable to go to sleep. Both shed some tears that night at the fact that their time together has been cut short. That wouldn't be spending every minute of every day together.
They had said their goodbyes and tomorrow it would be all over. He would drop her off at the airport and she would go home. They were determined to make this work but only time would tell.

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