Not so Happy New Year.

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Meredith was so ready to say goodbye to this year. Even though she had been blessed with Derek and her pregnancy, this year had been an emotional rollercoaster. She found out her mother was sick and then was kicked out by the only family she knew. Multiple times she had tried to get in contact with both Finn and Lexi but it seemed they had her number blocked. This was all her fathers doing. She tried for so long to get him to answer her and accept that this is what she wanted. She never wanted to go to college but she felt like she had to. Derek and their daughter saved her.

Upstairs, both Meredith and Derek where getting ready for the yearly party that his parents throw.
"Hey Der, can you come zip me up please?"
Meredith stood in front of the mirror, smoothing the black dress over the bump. Derek walked out the bathroom, with his hair styled perfectly, black jeans and his red shirt with the top two buttons undone. Walking up to Meredith he started to do the zip up. Once the zip was up, he placed a kiss on her shoulder.
"You look gorgeous Mer,just wow, I'm so lucky."

They took their time and embraced one another pressing multiple kisses to each other's lips.
"Look Amy wants me to do her hair, so I'll meet you downstairs shortly. Love you."
"Ok, love you too." He pressed a kiss to Meredith's lips and then leant down to her bump "and daddy loves you."
Meredith rolled her eyes, he has taken to doing this often but Meredith didn't want to let on that she secretly loved it. Derek was the only one who she would willingly let touch her bump at any time or whenever he wanted.

They separated from another, Derek making his way downstairs and Meredith heading to Amelia's room.

*the party is now in full swing*
The house was full. There was family members, friends and neighbours filling up each and every room, including the porch outside. Meredith felt so overwhelmed, she only knew a small handful of people but luckily Amelia was sticking by her side. The clock read 11pm and Meredith was ready for bed but wanted to see in the New Year with Derek, this next year was their year. From the corner of her eye she saw a flash of red hair. She turned her head and saw Addison with Derek.

"I don't like her very much, she think she deserves anything and everything. Plus she isn't even that pretty, she's got nothing on you Mer."
Meredith turned and smiled at Amelia, she placed her arm round her shoulders and pressed a kiss to forehead. She turned back to look at where Derek and Addison where previously standing but they were gone. Meredith's brain started working in overdrive.
"Amy, I'll be back in a bit, I'm just going to find your brother."

She pushed herself up and her hand when straight to her back. Moving around the house she was unable to find Derek but eventually she bumped into Mark.
"Hey Mark, have you seen Derek?"
Mark turned to look at Mer, with a questioning look on his face.
"He has just heading outside with dad to sort out the fireworks, you alright?"
"Yeah, my backs just hurting, but I'm fine. Look I'm just going to go to Derek."

She didn't wait for Mark to answer before turning round to head off to Derek. She worked her way through the crowd and eventually got to the back door. Her back pain was now increasing and spreading around to her stomach. Tears sprung to her eyes at the unexpected pain. This couldn't be happening. She reached the porch and leant on the railing and dipped her head down low hoping to ease the pain. She felt a hand press on her back and turned to see Carolyn stood there with a deep look of concern spread across her face.

"Meredith, what is it? What's the matter?"
Meredith groaned in pain before answering.
"No, I need, I need Derek."
"Derek! Derek! Get over here now!" Carolyn shouted over the crowd.
Derek whipped his head around to see his mom standing with Meredith who looked like she was doubled over in pain. He dropped what he was doing and ran straight over to them. He was soon at her side, pressing his arms around her back.

"Meredith. Mer, what is it? What's the matter?"
She tried to stand up as straight as possible, clutching on Derek's arm to help her stand. Meredith lifted her head, the tears where streaming down her face and her eyes had deep fear inside of them. Finally she spoke, but it was more a whisper.

"Derek, I think I'm losing the baby."

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