Back to work

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Today was the day that Derek would finally be returning to work. He dragged himself out of bed before heading into the bathroom and jumping into a warm shower. Exiting the bathroom he would hear Summer starting to whimper, so wrapped his towel around his waist before scooping her up to her arms. Knowing she woke because she needed a diaper change, he took through to the nursery and started changing. Her big blue eyes were looking around the room and her arms were waving about. Derek quickly got her changed and cleaned up before gathering her into arms again.

He walked round the room trying to get her back to sleep but her eyes stayed wide open.

"Summer, it's time to go to sleep again. I won't be around much today but I already cannot wait to get home and be with you." He stroked his finger down her cheek before kissing her forehead and started making his way back to his and Meredith's room. He saw Summer's eyes starting to close so gently placed her into her Moses basket before grabbing his work clothes and heading into the bathroom.

Once he was finally ready to go, he headed back over to the bed and placed a kiss on Meredith's forehead. She didn't even budge, proving how exhausted she truly was. He grabbed the post it notes from the bedside table before quickly writing down a note for Meredith before heading out to work.

*at the garage*
Derek entered the garage with head buried in his phone when he felt a rag thrown at his head. Snatching his head up he saw Mark staring at him.

"Here he is." Mark said walking up to Derek. "How's my favourite niece? Oh and how's Meredith?"

Derek laughed and rolled his eyes jokingly. "They're both absolutely fine and gorgeous. Oh and I'm fine by the way."

Derek playfully shoved Mark before they headed off to the office, to be met with someone that Derek had never seen before. He looked at Mark with confusion. Mark stared at the two of them before it clicked that they hadn't met before.

"Oh shit my bad, Derek this is Andrew. He is the new guy, Andrew this is Derek, Michael's son." Mark quickly introduced the two of them before they started off for work. Derek was glad to be back in a routine of working but he kept checking his phone and smiling at the photos of Meredith and Summer.

*back at the house*
Meredith rolled over reaching over to Derek's side to be met with an empty side. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before sitting up. Looking round the room she saw Summer was still resting peacefully so she made her way to the bathroom.

After exiting the bathroom, she walked back over to the bed, grabbing her rope and wrapping it around her, when she saw a post it note stuck to the photo frame. Walking over she pulled the post it note to see Derek's scrawly writing.

'Hope you have a good day today! Make sure to send my lots of pictures of Summer today please! Will see you later, love you both'

Meredith smiled at the note before she was interrupted by Summer's whimpering. She placed the note back down before scooping her daughter up in her arms. She settled down back on the bed before adjusting her top and getting Summer latched on. Meredith looked down at her daughter. This is the moment she enjoyed the most, it was just the two of them, their true bonding time.

Once she was all fed and burped, Meredith got her bathed and changed. When Summer was ready to go, she took a quick photo and sent it to Derek. Whilst Summer was placed in the middle of their bed, fast asleep, Meredith took this time to get changed. When she was ready she picked Summer back up and made her way downstairs.

The house was silent for once, as everyone was either at work or school, in Amelia's case. Meredith went into the kitchen to make herself some breakfast, when she saw a plate of pano cakes waiting for. She placed Summer in her bouncer before digging into her pancakes. After eating she got her plates washed, she started getting her bag packed up.

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