Baby's first christmas

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Christmas had always been Derek's favourite time of year, however, this year was extra special cause it was Summers first Christmas. Snow decorated the ground outside, making for the perfect day. In the weeks leading up to Christmas they had spent their time decorating the house. Lights sprinkled the outdoors, whilst there was a full tree decorated in the corner of the room, with home made decorations and ornaments collected from over the years. The house smelt of cinnamon, everything had come together, this was going to be the perfect Christmas.

Everyone was tucked up in bed fast asleep, with the exception of both Meredith and Derek who were awake. Derek had gotten up to collect Summer and have her in the bed with them when she woke up. She was currently lay on Meredith's chest, with her cheek squished against her and her head turned towards Derek.

Derek was propped up on his elbow looking down at his two girls. He ran his hand up and down Summers back before joining Meredith's to rest on her back.

"Can you believe this? Like it's her first Christmas already, only feels like yesterday I was giving birth to her and now she's 8 months old." Meredith said before placing a kiss on top Summers head, that was covered in her light brown curls.

The last few months had been crazy for them, with Summer well and truly on the go now. She was getting into everything and trying to eat everything. But Meredith adored this age, watching her attempt to feed herself, babbling and gurgling, she was so close to saying her first word. Meredith got chocked up at how quick she was growing up, she wish she could slow time down.

Derek squeezed her hand and whipped the unshed tears away from her eyes. He placed a kiss on her lips.

"She's growing so quick, but it's amazing, seeing her get a little personality." Excitement lit up Derek's eyes. "Before we know it, she will be up and running around. Saying her first word, kicking a ball, taking her fishing and oh her first day at school. I honestly couldn't do this without you Meredith, there is no one else that I would want to be the mother of my child."

He leaned back down before pressing another kiss to her lips, only separating when they felt Summer staring to wiggle round and stretch her arms, letting them know that she would be awake shortly. Letting out a short whimper, she buried her face further into Meredith's chest before blinking her eyes open and looking at Derek.

"Morning princess, Merry Christmas! Santa has brought you lots of presents, yes he has." Derek spoke in a baby voice receiving a gummy smile from Summer. They spent a few minutes together before they heard the commotion of everyone else getting up, rolling over Derek looked at the time, 8:00am, knowing this was late for them and he had his mom to thank for this. He had requested that they were left alone to enjoy their time together.

Pushing themselves out of bed, the made their way down the stairs with Meredith carrying Summer on her hip. Entering the living room, they saw Carolyn and Michael nursing another cup of coffee together on the sofa. Whilst Mark and Amelia were sat on the floor, arguing over who was going to open the first present first.

Summer squealed and clapped her hands upon seeing Amelia, she reached out for her and Amelia wasted no time in scooping her out of Meredith's arms. Amelia handed her a piece of toast, in which she immediately started sucking on. They all wished one another a Merry Christmas, sharing out a fair amount of hugs and pats on the back. Once everyone had their coffee, that's when the presents started.

Amelia handed Summer back to Meredith knowing that they would want her to open her first presents. Meredith smiled her thanks at her before taking a seat on the floor with Summer placed in front of her. They had all agreed not to go overboard for Summer this year as she really didn't need much and wouldn't remember it anyways. Carolyn sat there with the camera, ready to get plenty of shots and videos.

Summer constantly hit the presents placed in front of her, opening them with the help of Meredith. Her presents consisted of interactive toys, teddies, new clothes and new blankets. However, it seemed Summer was more interested in the wrapping paper, giggling at the crinkling sounds it was making.

"Remind us for her birthday just to get her a load of wrapping paper, forget the presents." Derek said as everyone laughed.

Once Summers present were done, everyone else started exchanging presents, they had all been spoiled. When things were cleared up, they all went to get changed and that's when the photos started. Carolyn insisted that Derek, Meredith and Summer have their first Christmas family photo, which went on until Summer let out a frustrated cry meaning they were done now. 

For the rest of the day, it consisted of everyone helping out in the kitchen, with Meredith disappearing to put Summer down for a short nap. Carolyn and Michael had to keep control in the kitchen as Mark and Derek looked ready to start a food fight. Carolyn glared at the boys which immediately caused them to stop.

Meredith and Amelia got the table seat up just in time for the food. Summer let out a cry, in which Meredith went upstairs to grab her. Coming back downstairs, everyone was placed around the table so Meredith strapped Summer into her high chair before taking her seat next to Derek. They said their Grace before digging into their food. Mark piled his food up high and tried convincing everyone that he would eat it all. This was the only time they were pretty much in silence as they all enjoyed Carolyn and Michael's cooking.

"Holy shit, I am officially going to be in a food coma until next year. That was some good food." Mark said rubbing his stomach.

"Mark, I don't appreciate that kind of language at the table but I especially don't appreciate it in front on granddaughter, but thank I am glad you enjoyed it."
Carolyn shuck her head disapprovingly before laughing at the chaos that was her family. She would never change it for the world.

"I agree mom, that was, I've never had food that amazing,and Summer definitely enjoyed it." Meredith pointed out at Summer who was still shovelling the smeared food into the mouth and letting out adorable little moans. This caused everyone to laugh.

Meredith picked up Summer and took her upstairs, to have a bath and go to bed. It wasn't long before she was joining them back downstairs with the baby monitor in hand.

"She was out like a light." Meredith said as she took her place next to Derek. "I'm hoping she will sleep through the night now, she definitely had a full belly." She laughed as she placed her hand on Derek's thigh, giving a quick squeeze.

They spent the rest of the evening, cuddled in the living room watching Christmas films whilst the snow continued to fall outside. Meredith and Derek couldn't wait to get Summer outside in it tomorrow. As the time passed everyone started to fall asleep with Amelia crashed on the floor, Mark curled up on a bean bag, Michael and Carolyn were sleeping in their usual chairs. Then there was Meredith and Derek sleeping on the sofa, with Meredith lying on top of him in a tight embrace. Nothing could have topped this day, family was the most important thing and they had spent it exactly the way they wanted. It was perfect.

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