Summer's 1st birthday

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Today was the day, Summer was one. Meredith sat up in the bed, flipping through the baby book whilst Derek slept next to her. She ran her finger over the photo of the sonogram, she couldn't believe at quick it had all passed. Flipping to the next page, it was a photo of the three of them, just after Summer was born, she smiled before running her hands over the photo.

Derek opened his eyes to see Meredith sitting up, curious to see what she was doing he sat up and looked down at the album in her lap.

"Ah I can't believe it's been a whole year since this." He said as he leaned down and wrapped his one arm around Meredith's shoulders. "It's crazy, I do miss the new born baby stage so much but I love how she is now, like she's almost walking and attempting to talk, she's just so perfect."

Meredith closed the book and placed it onto the bedside table before turning and cupping Derek's cheeks in her hands before leaning into kiss him. She pulled back and leaned her head on his chest and cuddled into his side.

"Yeah I get what you mean but that new born stage is so precious. Like that new baby smell, how I could hold for hours and she wouldn't wiggle to get out my arms. God, I love her so much and wished I could slow time down." Derek squeezed her shoulders before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"You know, we could do something about that." Meredith leaned up to look at Derek as he wiggled her eyebrows at her. "We could, you know have another baby." He attacked her neck with kisses and pressed his body above hers, lining her to the bed. Meredith giggled and tried to free herself.

"Absolutely not Derek Shepherd! We are not having another baby, not yet. But we can practice, the practice could work." Meredith said as she started grinding her body up into Derek's.

"Hmm, I'm all for the practicing." He leaned down and captured her lips with his, he began grinding his body back. But before they could get any further they were interrupted by Summer crying over the monitor. Derek stopped and rested his head against Meredith's.

"Maybe later then, Summer is waiting for us." Meredith pushed Derek's body off hers and then stood up grabbing her robe and wrapping it around herself. Derek got up, placing his pj bottoms back on and throwing on a top. Together they walked out their room, hand in hand and entered Summers room.

Walking in they found Summer standing up and holding onto the rail, hearing the door open she turned her head to see her mom and dad stood there.

"Dada dada!" Summers face lit up and she reached her arms out to reach for Derek. Derek scooped up and squeezed her in his arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

"Happy birthday princess!" Meredith said as she rubbed her hand up and down her back, leaning her head down on Derek's shoulders. The tears filled Meredith's eyes, she was so proud of little Summer. She had grown so much and was continuing to grow everyday.

"God Mer, I can't believe we are at this day already. How is she one already?" Derek turned to Meredith as their were tears in each other's eyes. They laughed at each other, Summer joining in eventually.

Walking downstairs and entering the living room, it was filled with pink balloons of various shades, banners decorated the walls and there was a large pile of presents in the corner, along with a big number '1' balloon.

"Wow" Meredith exclaimed as she looked around the room. She saw Amelia, Carolyn and Michael all sitting waiting around. "Did you guys do all of this?" She watched as they nodded her head. Moving across the room she wrapped each of them in her arms before pulling back and allowing them to say happy birthday to Summer.

It was eventually time for the presents and they allowed Summer to sit in Amelia's lap to open her presents. Meredith and Derek sat back and watched as Summer pulled and giggled at the sound of the wrapping paper ripping. The pile of presents piled up, consisting of; paints, clothes, chocolate and dolls. All the presents were done, with the exception of the large present that sat in the corner of the room.

Michael cleared his throat before pushing himself of his chair. "So this one is from me and your mother. I spent a lot time building it from scratch, whilst your mother helped decorate it." He took Summer into his arms and carried her over to the large present.

Meredith and Derek sat up, trying to get a better look, curious to what it could be. They watched as they pulled the wrapping paper off to reveal a homemade toy box.

It was a white, with pink butterflies and flowers on it, with a cushion on top of it. On the front it had Summer wrote on it, it large cursive handwriting. Meredith gasped as she saw it and Derek smiled.

"You guys, it's gorgeous. It's perfect. She will keep that forever and know that her grandparents built that for her." Meredith and Derek both stood up and embraced their parents in their arms to smile their thanks.

For the rest of the morning, they enjoyed their breakfast and got changed to spend the day at the beach. They were later joined by Mark.

Meredith and Derek sat in each other's arms, sitting back to watch as their daughter tried her best to chase after Mark and Amelia. Giggling every time she fell down. Before she knew it, Summer waddled her way over to Meredith and fell into arms and pressed her face into her chest. Wrapping her in a towel to keep her warm, they watched as her eyes started to close slowly. Finally, drifting off to sleep.

Together they sat as a family, Meredith brushing the sand and loose curls away from Summers face. Derek got up and started playing football with Mark, bringing back memories for Meredith. This is the beach where she had bumped into Derek once again, and now here they were with their daughter. Life couldn't be better.

So I have just uploaded the first chapter of a new story! It's something a little bit different so if you could give it a read I would appreciate it! Hope you are enjoying this story!!

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