This is the end

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Months had passed and Derek was still spiralling out of control, coming home drunk at all hours and constantly snapping at Meredith. He had stopped going to work and he would just spend his days place since front of the sofa. Meredith knew he was grieving but at this stage she was at lost. She was having to be there for Amelia, who was completely broken, she was such a daddies little girl and they had been ripped away from her. Mark had been a god sent, even though he was grieving, he had been the biggest support system and was ensuring Carolyn was looked after. He even made sure Summer and Meredith were coping.

Summer was now up and walking completely, she was constantly on the go. Meredith remembered the day it happened, she will never forget it but she just wished Derek had been with her.

"Dada,dada,dada" Summer chanted from her place in Meredith's arms. They made their way downstairs and there was Derek once again, surrounded by empty beer cans and passed out on the sofa. Meredith sighed and had to stop herself from crying, this wasn't the Derek she knew. Placing her hands on his shoulder, she gave him a shove forcing him to wake up.

"Meredith, what the fuck?" He sat up and cradled his head.

"Get your ass up and clean this up. Summer is awake but she can't play cause the room is a pig sty. Also, she misses her daddy, so you're going to play with her." She never admitted that they both missing him.

Angrily he pushed his body up and started picking the cans up as Meredith made her way into the kitchen to make Summer some breakfast. He stormed into the kitchen, picking his coat and started making his way out of the room. Meredith quickly followed.

"Derek, where are you going? I want us to spend the day as a family, we miss you, we both do." Meredith pleaded with Derek.

"Oh grow up Meredith." He turned to stare at her. "I'm going out and you can't stop me, I don't know when I'll be back so don't wait up."

He slammed the door and it was like Meredith had just been slapped across the face. Doing her best to stop herself from crying, she made her way back to Summer and placed a smile on her face. She had to be strong for Summer.

Amelia creeped down the stairs and stopped when she heard her brother screaming at Meredith once again before storming out. Once again. When it was silent again, she made her way into the kitchen to see Meredith and Summer. Meredith turned her head and smiled up at Amelia, but she knew it was forced. She could see how broken down Meredith was, it was like she was losing who she is.

Amelia made her way to Summer placing a kiss on the top of her head before passing Meredith and squeezing her shoulder.

"Morning Mer,coffee?" She asked as she started pouring her own.

"No I am ok, thank you though. How are we this morning?" Meredith said as she pushed herself up to grab the wipes from the side.

"Oh, I am good, you know still aching a bit but I'll live. But I want to apologise for my idiotic brother. I am so sorry he is treating you the way he is Meredith, you truly don't deserve it." Amelia let her head drop before looking up to see Meredith staring at her.

Meredith walked over and wrapped Amelia into her arms. "Amy, you have nothing to apologise for. As for Derek, I am going to sort it. Today. So how would you feel about spending the day with Summer? You know just the two of you?"

Amelia pulled back with a hug smile on her face and nodded her head. "I would love that thank you. We can go to the park, play for a bit and then feed the ducks!" It was nice to see Amelia excited about something.

"She will love that, will both do you some good. Look I am going to take mom up some breakfast and then I'm going to go and find Derek." Meredith reached out and grabbed a fresh cup of coffee and toast for Carolyn before heading upstairs. She gently pushed the door open, to see Carolyn sitting up in bed.

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