6 months later

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Before they knew it, it was now October and Summer was officially 7 months old. Meredith and Derek couldn't believe how quickly she was growing, she was now sitting up on her own, she gurgled and cooed. She literally was the definition of perfect in their eyes. Derek had thrown himself back into work and business had completely picked up. Meredith had gone back to work, for a few hours every week. Margaret had allowed her to set up a little playpen in the back so Meredith could bring Summer to work with her.

Summer was growing perfectly and hitting all the right milestones. Everyday she was trying to crawl but it was more of a shuffle at this stage. Meredith would watch on with pure pride as she watched Summer play. Her giggle was like music to her ears.

As often as she could she would take lunch down for Derek. They would spend their time playing with Summer and speaking about their days before both of them headed back off to work.

It was late Friday afternoon when Meredith was nursing a cup of coffee whilst watching Summer lay on her back, kicking her legs and trying to talk to her toy. Every now and again she would squeal with excitement causing Meredith to smile before taking a sip of her drink.

"It's a good age this is." Meredith turned to see Michael standing at the doorway. He eventually made his way over and joined Meredith on the sofa. "She'a proper starting to get a little personality now. You and Derek really are doing an amazing job." Michael turned to Meredith and saw the tears glistening in her eyes. "Meredith dear, what's wrong?"

Meredith wiped the tears that threatened to fall before clearing her throat. "Yeah, it's just hard you know. I wouldn't change anything for the world and I'm so glad to have our Summer, but I kind of miss the freedom of it all. I don't know just seeing my friends going on holidays and go away. Like me and Derek haven't really had any time to he ourselves, you know what never mind I'm being stupid."

Michael reached out and placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into him. "Meredith, you allowed to find it hard, you're young. I mean me and Carolyn use to fight all the time cause we had kids young, but look at us now, stronger then ever. Look, just look at Summer, look at how happy she is and that's because of you. You're doing a fantastic job and I for one, am so proud of you."

Meredith leaned further in and enjoyed the fatherly hug, she had craved this growing up. They sat back and watched on as Summer rolled onto her stomach, pushed herself up and started crawling. She shot off across the room to reach her toy box. Meredith shot up out of her seat, scooped Summer up and pressed multiple kisses to her face. With this Summer let out a small giggle.

With the warm evenings still begin around, the family decided to have a barbecue. Michael set up everything before throwing the food on the barbecue. Carolyn was in the kitchen making up a salad whilst Meredith was setting up the table and watched as Amelia carried Summer round the garden pointing things out to her. She jumped when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a chin rest on her shoulder.

"Hey." Derek said as she pressed a kiss to her neck.

"Hey how was work?" Meredith turned in his arms, so that her head was resting on his chest and his head was resting on top of hers. Arms wrapped around one another.

"Oh you know, it was busy, super busy. It's like everyone's car is deciding to break all of a sudden. Enough about my day though, how was your day?"

"It was good. Me and your dad had a good long conversation today." Derek leaned back and looked into her eyes to see if she was truly alright. He was met with the sight of peace. "It was nothing bad, I just had a little and he was there for me. It was weird, I grew up not having that father relationship and it's nice, having him." She leaned back into his embrace and they watched on at Amelia and Summer.

Meredith pulled back from Derek's body again and started bouncing with excitement. "Oh I forgot to tell you. Summer crawled today, like proper crawled. Right across the room to get to her toy box." Meredith's eyes glistened with pure joy.

Derek looked down at Meredith. "No way! She will definitely be showing me that later. I cannot believe I missed it."

Meredith grabbed his hand and dragged him over to Summer before prying her out of Amelia's arms. She placed her down on the grass and watched Derek crouched down a few feet in front of them. Summer quickly started placing one hand in front of the other and making her way over to Derek. In no time she had reached him. Derek pulled her up into arms and was joined by Meredith. He wrapped his free arm around her and together they made their way over to the table to enjoy their dinner.

This is kind of a filler chapter, I'm looking to finish this story at around 50 chapters but I am looking to write a sequel for the first story but I'm not sure yet. Anyways, next chapter should be up later today!!

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