First time

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Once they entered the house, they wasted no time in making their way up to Meredith's room. They entered the room and Derek dove straight onto the bed, whilst Meredith entered the bathroom.

"Hey Mer, what film should we watch? Or the show?"
Meredith stuck her head out the bathroom and said
"Just stick on any film, no horrors though or criminal minds." She quickly dipped back the bathroom and placed herself on the bed next to Derek. Criminal minds was on the background but they wouldn't be spending much time watching anyways.

Meredith placed her hands on Derek's face and pulled him down to her for a kiss, she lay down on her back and Derek careful positioned his body above hers. The kiss was like no over, it wasn't full of lust but it was full of love. Their hands began to roam over each other's body, exploring. Slowly but surely their clothes started to come off until they were completely exposed to one another.

Fresh pressed against flesh. Derek started placing the kisses down Meredith's neck, down across the chest but not without paying attention to both of her boobs. He took a nipple in his mouth and swirled his tongue around it, whilst massaging the other, he then swapped over and paid attention to the other one. The sweet moans that came from Meredith's mouth was like music to Derek's ears.

He continued his journey down and pressed kisses down her stomach until he got to his final destination. He pressed a kiss to each thigh and then placed a kiss on her clit. At this Meredith gasped with pure pleasure. Derek took his time in exploring her body before placing two fingers inside of her. She was ready. So ready.
Derek picked up the pace and could feel her starting to tighten around him.
"That's it Meredith, let it go, cum for me love."
With this Meredith gasped and moaned until the orgasmic bliss was over and left her breathless. Derek made his way back her body and kissed Meredith on the lips. Letting her taste herself.

"Derek, that was, oh my god, amazing."
"Oh Mer, that's just the start my love."
With that Meredith reached over to her bedside draw and pulled out a condom, pacing it Derek. He ripped open the packet and placed on the condom.
"Mer, are you sure you want to do this? It's alright if you have changed your mind."
"Der, I'm sure, now please."

With this he placed a kiss on her lips and slowly slipped inside of her. Meredith gasped and Derek allowed her to adjust to his size. The thrusts started off slow, with them gasping and moaning into one another's mouth. But before he knew it, Derek couldn't hold back, the thrusts started speeding up and increasing with pressure. Together they moved in sync perfectly. Derek allowed one hand to slowly grabbed Meredith by the neck. He thought he took it too far until he saw her smiling.

Derek pounded into Meredith over and over again. Too soon he felt her starting to tighten around him and she moaned loudly. Not long after Derek followed after Meredith and finally collapsed on top of her. Breathless. Reluctantly, Derek rolled off of Meredith and lay beside her, he disposed of the condom and pulled Meredith into his side to cuddle.

No words where needed after that. Meredith lay with her head on his chest whilst she ran her hand across his chest. Derek lay there running his hand up and down her back. Before they knew it they fell into a deep sleep, it was this moment that Meredith felt the safest. It wasn't about the sex, it wasn't. It was about this moment. They both knew in this moment that they were completely in love with one another and would do anything to stay together.

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