Work day

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Derek couldn't keep the smile of his face as he entered work the next morning. He was even whistling. It was getting harder to leave Meredith at home but today she was going out shopping with his mom and sister.

"Woah dude are you whistling? oh my god, did you get laid last night? You so got laid last night." Mark came from out the office, handing Derek a cup of coffee.
"No Mark I didn't get laid last night, but I did get to see the baby. Want to see your future niece or nephew?" Before Derek gave Mark a chance to answer he was already getting the scan out of his wallet.
"Ah man, look at that." Mark said as he was looking at the scan, he was happy for his brother and knew this is exactly what he needed. Before they knew it, their day was starting, they were busy today with quite a few cars to get sorted.

*lunch time*
Derek received a text from Meredith saying that she was coming to drop some lunch off for him. Before he was able to respond, Meredith walked through the door clutching a bag.
"Hey, I come bearing gifts."
Derek stopped what he was doing and walked over to greet her.
"Hey you" He leant down and pressed a kiss to her lips and took the bag off her. He placed his hand on her lower back and guided her through to the office. Mark looked up when he heard them enter and got up to greet them.
"Hey Mer, by the way cute baby, but hope it has your nose."

Meredith giggled at that and saw the annoyed look on Derek's face.
"Ah I love Derek's nose." As she placed a kiss to it
"Oh by the way, there is enough food in there for both of you, I can't stay cause mom and Amy are outside waiting to go shopping. So it's been a pleasure but I need to go." She kissed Derek and waved goodbye to Mark.

Both of them tucked into the sandwiches that Meredith had made for them before Mark eventually said
"Man you hit the jackpot with that one, I mean really dude, if you hurt her then I'll hurt you."
Derek laughed until he realised that Mark wasn't joking. He was glad that Mark was protective towards Mer.
"I don't plan on hurting her Mark, but you're right I am really lucky."

Too soon their lunch break was over and they were back to work. Derek was exhausted when his day was finally over but he knew it was all worth it. Meredith was currently looking for a job but he would support them all, fully, if he needed to as he didn't want to stressing out. He couldn't wait to get home later that day knowing that Meredith, his mom and sister wouldn't have held back from buying baby stuff. He for one didn't get all goo goo over baby clothes but seeing Meredith getting all excited was so worth it.

So he quickly cleaned down, locked up and made his way home. As he got into the car he couldn't help but get the scan out again and run his fingers over it. Counting down the days till he would meet them was now apart of his life and he wouldn't change it for the world.

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