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Meredith was exhausted.

The past few nights, Summer had been over clingy and had a temperature. She screamed every time Meredith tried to put her down or someone else came near her, only going to her and Derek. The only way to comfort her was through breast feeding, whilst Meredith usually loved the bonding time, she was so tired and needed to sleep after being awake most of the night.

With Derek being in work, Meredith decided to take herself and Summer down into the living room so at least Derek could sleep. She lay down with Summer on chest, scared to move cause she didn't want to to disturb her, it was the one time she had actually dropped off to sleep. Meredith took this time to close her own eyes in the hope of getting even the tiniest amount of sleep. That was until they were interrupted.

"Meredith where did you put my car keys? I am going to be late for work!" Derek came storming through the living room running his hands through his hair with frustration. The loud commotion caused Summer to shoot her eyes open and start screaming once again. Meredith shot up of the sofa and glared at Derek.

"Are you joking Derek? Do you know how long it took me to finally get her to settle and you just come barrelling through here. I haven't slept in nearly two days now, I can't even go to the toilet without her screaming bloody murder. You could help me out a bit." Meredith knew that it wasn't Derek's fault but at this point the exhaustion was taking over her body. "Plus I haven't seen your car keys, I haven't left the house in days."

Meredith was bouncing Summer in her arms trying to get her to settle, her screaming now starting to turn into the occasional whimper, whilst biting down on Meredith's finger. As she turned round to make her way back upstairs Derek began to speak.

"Yeah well, some of us still have to work." Meredith stopped dead in her tracks before taking a deep breath and then continuing with her journey up the stairs. Derek sighed and rolled his eyes before going into the kitchen to hunt for his keys. He swung the door open and stopped when seeing his dad.

"Dad, what are you doing up so early?" He asked confused whilst he carried on looking for his keys.

"Tell you son, you need to take it easy with Meredith." He sipped his coffee and then looked up to see Derek staring at him confused, his keys now secured in his hand. "That girl has been on the go none stop for days now. I don't think she even knows what sleep is, look I know you are serious about your work but Derek, your family needs you. Like take a proper look at Meredith and tell me that she is truly alright. Summer needs her father as well, she isn't very well, it won't last forever but right now, that's more important. So give your keys, I will go in for you today and you will stay here. Be the father you know how to be." He stood up and reached out his hand. Derek placed the keys in his hands and watched as his dad left the house.

Quickly, he whipped up himself and Meredith up some breakfast of toast and bowls of fruit, with a large cup of coffee for both of them. Also, he made up a bottle for Summer in the hopes she would eat it. Placing it all on a tray he made his way upstairs, hearing Summer still crying and Meredith pleading with her.

"Please Summer, I know it hurts but please just eat and then you can go to sleep, we both can. Do this for mommy. I am really trying to help you love." He could hear the desperation in her voice, so he didn't hesitate to open that door and take over for a bit.

When he entered Meredith looked up at him from where she was sitting on their bed, she avoided eye contact before looking back at Summer, rocking her once again. He placed the tray down on the bed and reached his arms out to Meredith.

"Give her to me. You're going to enjoy your breakfast and then go for a long, relaxing bath. Don't worry about Summer, I've got here, after your bath, you are going straight to sleep,alright?" He knew Meredith would be reluctant to hand over Summer so he crouched down to look her in the eyes to prove that he was serious.

"No,no you have work, you have to go to work, I've got Summer, I can handle this." Meredith got up and started pacing the room. Derek placed his hands on her shoulders, stopping her in her tracks. He gave her no choice and took Summer out of her arms and guided her to the bed and made her start eating breakfast. He saw release a sigh of relief and inhaled the scent of coffee.

Walking into the bathroom, he turned the taps on and got the bath ready for Meredith. Once her breakfast was finished, he made sure she was comfortable in the bath before heading back down stairs. He headed straight to the kitchen and saw a post note on the fridge with his moms handwriting on.

'Derek or Meredith,
There's a teething ring in the freezer, try giving her that. Worked a treat when Amelia was a baby! We've gone shopping so will be back much later, ring me if you need me or anything.
Mom x'

Derek was super grateful that his parents had been there every step of the way, giving them advice and kicking his ass into shape when he was slacking. He reached into the freezer and pulled out the teething ring before handing into Summer, placing it into her mouth.

Derek looked down at her daughter, seeing her cheeks where a bright pink colour, her baby blues eyes were fall of tears as she stared up at him and her hair was sticking up in all kinds of directions. Once the teething ring was placed in her mouth, the whimpering stopped almost completely. Grabbing a blanket, he made his way outside where there was a cool breeze and placed himself on the swing, in the hopes it would help Summer drift off.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed but when he looked back down at Summer, her eyes were now closed and she occasionally chewed on the teething ring. Slowly, he stood up, making his way back through the house to go check on Meredith. He reached their room to find Meredith crashed out on his side of the bed, wearing on of his tops and clutching his pillow. Walking back out into Summer's room, he placed her down into her bed, making sure she was comfortable before leaving the room and shutting the door too. Back in his room, he picked up the baby monitor and placed a kiss on Meredith's head before heading back downstairs.

No more then an hour later, he heard Summer gurgling over the monitor, so he sprinted up the stairs in the hopes to get there before Meredith. Reaching her room, he saw that she had rolled on to stomach and was kicking her feet behind her. For once she seemed to be in a much happier mood. Walking over, Derek picked up and placed her on his hip, letting her slap him with her tiny, chubby hands. She giggled at this. That's when Derek seen it, there was two teeth clear as day.

"Would you look at that, my girl has two teeth! You're getting so big but you'll always be daddies little girl!" Derek pressed kisses to Summers face whilst dancing round the room with her causing her to giggle. One of his favourite sounds was that giggle, along with Meredith's. That's when he heard Meredith's giggle.

Turning round he saw her standing in the door way, leaning and staring lovingly at them. She shuck her head before pushing herself up and making her way across the room to join them. She placed one hand round Derek's lower back whilst the other rested on Summers back.

"She looks so much better! And well rested, an-oh my god is that teeth!!" Meredith squealed and clapped her hands, causing Summer to do the same. She grabbed her out of Derek's arms and embraced her. Summer reached out and ran her fingers across Meredith's face. Derek stood behind Meredith with them wrapped in his arms, Meredith turned and looked up at him before they kissed. Together they stayed in Summers room before they all became hungry. Another milestone had been hit, they were together again and he couldn't believe that Derek had almost missed it. He definitely had to thank his dad once again.

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