Dinner with the Shepherds

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Meredith stood in front of the mirror and smoothed out dress. From behind her Derek approached and wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his chin on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her cheek. They both smiled at one another in the reflection.

"Mer, you look gorgeous. Now I think you'd look better wearing nothing at all but I don't think that's very appropriate for dinner with my family."
Meredith burst into a laughter and turned into his arms to face him and slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Derek shut up. Come on let's go before we never get out here."

*at the Shepherd's house*
As they approached the front door of the Shepherds family home, Meredith's grip tightened on Derek's hand. Derek turned to Meredith gave her a smile, a quick kiss on her cheek and gave her hand a squeeze. No words where needed. With this simple gesture she knew he would be there for her all night.
Together they stepped into the house together and into the hall where Derek took her jacket off and placed it up on the hooks.

"Mom! Dad! We are here!" Derek shouted.
Carolyn and Michael walked into the hall together to greet them two.
"Meredith dear, come here. How are we?" Carolyn reached out and pulled Meredith into a hug. 
She had missed this. A mother's touch.
"Hey Carolyn and Michael, you know I've been busy but I'm good, really good." Meredith said as she turned to look at Derek and smile.

This action didn't go unnoticed by either Carolyn or Michael. Altogether they made their way into the kitchen to finish getting the dinner ready. They laughed and joked just like the old days. Derek eyes stayed on Meredith the whole time until he felt a hand press to his shoulder.
"So when was you going to tell me that you was in love with Meredith son?"
"Is that obvious?"
"You look at her the same way I look at your mother. Don't mess this up Derek, she is a very special girl and it would be an honour to call her my daughter one day." Derek turned to look at his father and gave a small nod of his head.

Eventually the dinner was served and they were sat at the table. The conversation flowed as they enjoyed the home made meal. Meredith truly felt like she belonged here. It was home. They were then interrupted by the blaring of Meredith's phone ringing.

"Oh, it's Finn. I'm just going to step outside whilst I take this. I'll be back shortly." With that Meredith stood up and made her way outside to the porch.
The minutes flew by as Derek and his parents cleared up the dinner and put the dishes away. It was at this point that Derek had realised Meredith hadn't returned yet and was starting to get worried.
He made his way outside and found her sitting on the swing looking out into the distance. The phone long forgotten. She made no reaction to the fact that Derek was there. Frozen.

Derek gently approached her and picked up a blanket off the chair. Once he reached he placed the blanket over her and sat down next to her. She was now alerted to the fact that Derek was there, but her eyes looked empty. She looked broken. He simply placed his arm around, pulled her into his chest and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

"It's ok Mer, we don't have to talk about it but I'm here for you. Please don't ever forget that."
With that the damn burst and the tears began to flow from Meredith's eyes. Derek simply hugged her tighter and held her. Together they stayed like that until she was ready to speak.

From the kitchen window Carolyn stood watching his son and girlfriend.
"Dear, move away from that window and give them some space. Derek will take good care of her."
Carolyn turned to look at her husband and smiled.
"I know Michael, but I worry about her. I do really love her like she's one of our own. But I know we raised our Derek right and he will be there for her." He reached out to grab her hand and embraced the silence together.

*back outside*
Still wrapped in each other's arms, Meredith reluctantly sat back up to look into Derek's eyes. He reached up to brush her hair beyond her ears and wipe her tears off her cheeks. Meredith leaned into Derek's warm hand, whilst he stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"Der, loo- I don't kn- that phone call. It was Finn and he, he hmm, said it's my mom." Meredith stumbled on her words and looked like she was going to cry again.
"Look Mer, you don't have to tell me about it now. Eventually I want you to talk to me, but right now, let's get you inside, warmed up and we will go from there. Ok?"
Meredith nodded her head. Derek stood up and held his hand out and pulled Meredith to her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck and reached up press her lips to his.
She leant back and looked at him.
"I love you Derek." As soon as she said it she panicked. What if he didn't feel the same? Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt his warm lips press to hers again and he said
"I love you too Mer. So much."
Together they giggled and embraced once more.

With that they turned around to make their way back into the house, with his placed on the bottom of her back. They walked in to see, Carolyn and Michael sitting at the table with 4 cups of hot chocolate. Once again they all sat at the table together, and enjoyed the rest of their evening together.

Hey guys! I'm very new to this story writing so all reviews will be greatly appreciated! Will try and upload again later today!

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