Derek's birthday

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November 7th, Derek's birthday. Meredith had woke up early to set up everything, she lay out the presents and cards, blew some balloons, with help from Michael and began cooking breakfast, also with the help from Carolyn. She left Derek to sleep in as it was first proper day off in a long time. Once everything was ready to go, she made her way back upstairs to wake him up.

When she entered the room he was laying on his stomach, with his face buried into her pillow and his black curls falling across his face. She hated that she had to do this cause he looked so peaceful. Meredith approached the bed, and gently sat down next to him. She placed a kiss between his shoulder blades, ran her finger through his hair and placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Morning Der, wake up birthday boy."
Derek began to stir and eventually allowed his eyes to pry open. He was met with the most beautiful sight. Meredith sat there, with her golden hair falling in loose waves around her face, her green eyes staring into his and wearing his top. He loved her in his clothes.

He rolled onto his back and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and finally sat up. He reached his hand to Meredith and pulled her into him, where he placed a kiss on her lips and held her body to his. Meredith grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach, allowing him to feel the small swell there that was growing everyday. This was already the best birthday ever.

"Der, happy birthday my love."
Meredith looked up from where she was laying and got lost his ocean blue eyes.
"Thank you Mer, this is the best birthday ever."
They stayed together for a while before Meredith forced him out of bed and made their way downstairs. Once they got there he was met with decorations sprinkled around the room, presents and a pile of cards. He was greeted by his parents, sister and Mark wishing him a happy birthday.

They sat talking and then got onto opening presents. He opened his presents off Meredith first. She got him a new pair of running trainers, some new tops, a new watch and a couple new books.
"I'm sorry it's not much,"
Derek interrupted her by placing a kiss on her lips
"Mer, it's perfect. If anything you got me too much! I mean you are carry my baby so that's the best present I could possibly ask for."

They spent the rest of the morning relaxing and taking photos together. In the early afternoon they decide they would all go for a walk together. They all separated to go get ready, ensuring that they were all wrapped up warm and the wind had a sharp, icy feel to it. Before leaving, Carolyn and Michael handed Derek a small box. He had no idea what was in and neither did Meredith. Slowly he opened the box to find a single car key. Derek looked up shocked and then turned to make their way outside.

There in the drive stood a new jeep. It was big and definitely family friendly. Derek couldn't believe this, he was saving up for a new car but that had been put on hold for the near future. He climbed in the car to inspect it all and when he turned to the back there was a car seat ready and waiting for the arrival of their baby. Derek climbed out the car and wrapped both his parents into a hug, he began to cry. His tears were out of pure appreciation for them both.

Meredith stood off to the side with Amelia hugging her side and Mark next to her. Derek called her over to show her the car, but more importantly show her the car seat. With seeing this Meredith couldn't hold back the tears, she then too made her way to Carolyn and Michael and gave them a hug. After all the tears were wiped up, they set off on their walk on the beach. Meredith and Amelia walked side by side, arms linked, talking about school and boys, much to Derek's dismay. So he took the opportunity to wind up Mark. This resulted in them having a running race and acting like complete children. Carolyn and Michael walked hand in hand watching all of their children and smiled at how lucky they truly were.

No more then an hour later they were back in the house all nursing a cup of either coffee or hot chocolate. Michael started the dinner and they all helped set up. They sat down to eat dinner and finally had a toast.
Derek sat up straight and placed his hand on Meredith thigh before speaking.
"I just want to say thank you to all of you for making this the best birthday ever. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by the best family. I love you all much."
Derek squeezed Meredith's thigh and they leaned in to kiss.

Eventually the day came to an end after having lots of cake before they made their way up to bed. Mark was crashing on the sofa as Carolyn didn't like the idea of him walking home.
Meredith and Derek were in their bathroom, with Derek having a quick shower whilst Meredith was brushing her teeth. They went about their usual routine before climbing into bed.

"I'm not sure if my belly has popped or the amount of food I've eaten today has cause my stomach to swell." Meredith giggled and turned to look at Derek.
" I mean it's probably the food but it won't be long," he said as his reached his hand out to rub her stomach
"It won't be long now and you will be complaining that you can't see your toes."
This caused Meredith to playfully slap his shoulder and they both laughed together.
"I won't complain, well I will but I can't wait, it's all getting very real and exciting now. I'm so grateful to have your parents by our side, they truly are the best"

Derek knew that Meredith was missing her family and wish he could help out in some way. But he knew that she would forever be apart of his family no matter what. They had their goodnight kiss and eventually settled down to go sleep for the night. It wasn't long before small snores started escaping from Meredith's mouth. In which Derek pressed his face into Meredith neck, allowing himself to be engulfed by the smell on lavender. He finally fell asleep. Best birthday ever he thought and the next one would sure be better as he would have the baby here.

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