Meredith's birthday

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Meredith woke up to an empty bed, not how she wanted to be starting her birthday. However, once her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw large bunch of flowers, lavender, laying on Derek's pillow. She reached up to inhale the flowers, her favourite smell. Fallen on the bed was a small hand written not in Derek's scrawly handwriting.
'Meet me down stairs when you wake, I'll have breakfast waiting, I love you.' Meredith gently rose to her feet and walked towards the door and made her way downstairs. She never imagined that she would celebrate her 19th birthday at almost 7 months pregnant but she wouldn't have it any other way.

When she reached the bottom of stairs the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes reached her nose, it wasn't until this point she realise how hungry she truly was. Over the clattering of the pots and pans, she overheard Amelia and Derek arguing with one another. She stood at the kitchen door and listened before entering the door.

"No, no Derek, you've got it all wrong, you've got to place the cutlery like this and the flowers can't go there."
"Amy, Mer is my girlfriend, I think I know what she will like, also, come and help me plate up cause Mer will be up shortly."
Meredith giggled to herself, before pushing the door open. The kitchen was completely decorated. With balloons in the corner, banners decorating the walls, flowers dotted across the table and a pile of cards and presents on the side. Carolyn and Michael were sat at the table nursing their morning coffee whilst Amelia and Derek were placing the finishing touches up on breakfast. Meredith couldn't believe they had all gone through all this, just for her, she was amazed and felt so loved in this moment.

"Wow,you guys, this is amazing." Meredith spoke, disturbing everyone from their tasks and took in her presence. Derek abounded the breakfast, leaving it to Amelia and made his way over to Meredith. Embracing her into his arms and placing a kiss on the top of her head, he finally spoke.
"Happy birthday my love, today is all about you."
Meredith leaned back and saw that he looking lovingly at her, Meredith reached up and planted a kiss on his lips.

"Thankyou, thank all of you. This, I've never had a birthday like this. I really do love you." She leaned her head back against his chest, her favourite place to be. Hearing his heartbeat calmed her. Eventually, he directed her to the table where she was greeted by the rest of the family. Together they sat down and enjoyed their breakfast and then got round to opening her presents. She truly couldn't believe how spoilt she had been. From Michael and Carolyn she had received some more flowers, a bottle of her favourite perfume and then a necklace with both of hers and Derek birthstone in. Amelia got her a couple new t-shorts and a bracelet with sister engraved into it. At this she got choked up, realising how much she was truly missing both Lexie and Finn and how she longed for them to be with her today.

Quickly, she wiped the tears from her eyes and whispered a quick thank you to Amelia before giving her a hug. Lastly, it was time for the presents from Derek. He had well and truly spoilt her today. He brought her a new pair of trainers, a new hand bag, some new earrings, a keyring with a photo of both of them in and finally, an evening stay at a home hotel and spa.

"Der, this is too much, oh my god, I can't take all this, thank you."
"Mer, I told you today is all about you, in my opinion I haven't got you enough. You are giving me the greatest gift in life, our little Summer. I will forever be in debt to you, so thank you and I love you."
Together they sat with their hands joined, resting on top of her bump. They leant in for a kiss, and then rested their foreheads against each other, feeling their daughter kick under their hands.

"So Der, we are going for a spa weekend?" Meredith smirked and looked back at Derek.
"Oh no, I love you Meredith but I am not going for a spa weekend."
Meredith looked at Derek with confusion before he spoke again.
"Oh don't worry, I am not sending you alone. Cristina, Izzie, Callie, Arizona and April are flying in. I know how tough things have been and how lonely you've been feeling, so I'm giving you some you time. Some girl time."
Meredith couldn't believe he had organised this for her. He had listened to her and made sure that she truly was looked after.

For the rest of the day they spent the day together as family. Mark joined them in the afternoon to celebrate the day. The ordered in pizza as they truly didn't have the energy to cook any dinner that night plus Meredith was craving pizza and no one was going to argue with her.

At some point during the evening Derek noticed that Meredith had become unattached from reality. She in the room but from the look in her eyes she was completely somewhere else. After everything was cleared away, Derek walked over and crouched down in front of Meredith.

"Hey Mer, hey."
Meredith jumped slightly before smiling sadly at Derek.
"Come on, come with me."
Derek stood back straight and reached his hands out and helped pulled her to her feet. With their hands clasped together, they made their way outside to the porch. Derek wrapped the blanket around them before they sat on the swing. He knew Meredith needed some space and had something on her mind that she wanted to talk to him about and that's why he had brought her outside. They sat in silence. Derek was waiting for her to speak first and he didn't  want to push her before she was ready.

"Hey Der, I am so grateful for everything you and your family have done for me today. I've never had a birthday like it before, you've truly spoiled me" she sighed before carrying on "but I can't help but miss my family. Well, Finn and Lexi. On our birthdays, we would always go out for a meal, then we would come back and have a movie night. It always ended up in a food fight and then we would all crash in the same room. It was nice, cause I never had that growing up, I was always alone. But I know I'll never be alone, cause I have you and Summer. However, I just kind of wish they were here, you know, it's just hard."

Derek knew how hard it was hitting Meredith that she still couldn't get in contact with Finn and Lexi. She had accepted that her dad would never be her life again but she wanted Finn and Lexi there. Derek pulled her head to rest against his shoulder.

"Mer, my family will always be your family. I could never try to understand how you're feeling and I'm not going to sit here and tell you how to feel, only you know how it feels. But I just want to say I am always here for you. Also, if you don't want to speak to me, you've got my mom and dad. Then if you want to rant about me I'm sure Amelia will happy to listen." Together they giggled before Derek spoke again "we will get through this Mer, and hopefully one day, you will be reunited with your brother and sister. But for now, why don't we head back inside before we get too cold. Also, I'm pretty certain my mom mentioned something about cake."

Meredith lifted her head and smiled at Derek.
"I love you Der." She leaned in and kissed him, showing him how much she truly loved him. That's the thing with them, they could express their love for one another without words. This is what true love feels like.
"And cake, cake sounds amazing, why didn't you mention that earlier?"
Derek shock his head and laughed. Pushing himself to his feet, he once again reached his hands and helped pull Meredith to her feet.

He placed one hand on her lower back and made their way back into the house. When entering the kitchen, Carolyn, Michael, Amelia and Mark stood there with the cake and the candles lit. Together they started singing 'Happy birthday' before allowing her to blow out the candles. Honestly, right now in this moment she couldn't wish for anything more, if she could ask for anything it would be that the rest of her pregnancy was healthy and a safe delivery. Right now in this moment, she was going to enjoy her family and worry about things much later in the future.

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