Summer Grey-Shepherd

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Derek couldn't believe it, his daughter lay sleeping in the small cot next to Meredith's bed. Meredith had crashed long ago and was finally getting some well deserved sleep. Derek was so proud of her and was super grateful for her, she had given him a purpose. Thanks to Meredith he had a aim in life, to be the best dad and partner ever. He couldn't stop staring at Summer, it was like a dream.

He was unaware of how much time had passed when he heard Summer start to whimper and wiggle about. Before she was able to burst into full on tears, Derek scooped her up into his arms and cuddled her. Whilst she was in his arms, he started pacing the room and bouncing her gently to sleep again.

"Hey Summer, its daddy. God, I can't believe you are here, you're so perfect. Just like your mom. She's amazing, I am so proud of her and love her so much. I love you both so much. I promise you that I will be the best dad and I will always be by your side no matter what. Even if me and your mom don't work out, I'm going to be there, for both of you. But no boyfriends until you're 30 do you hear me?" Derek leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead when he heard a giggle from behind him. He turned around to see Meredith's green eyes shining towards him. "How much of that did you hear?" He laughed when making his way towards Meredith's bed.

He placed Summer down into Meredith's arms and planted a kiss on the top of her head. Meredith looked up at Derek and smiled.

"Der, I heard what you said, all of it. Look I know we aren't on the best of terms at the minute but I want to get through this, I need you. I love you Derek." She titled her head to the side and looked Derek in the eyes, before they knew it their lips joined as one. They had both been craving this moment. Finally, they broke apart and rested their foreheads against one another. Their moment was interrupted by the gurgling of Summer. Together they both turned their heads and smiled down at their daughter.

"Ah Derek,she's so perfect." Meredith said as she ran her fingers over the top of her hair, smoothing down the hair on her head. Summer was cuddled into Meredith's chest and her head was resting on Meredith's shoulder. Derek reached round and placed a hand on Summers back whilst the other wrapped round Meredith's shoulder.

"Look Mer, there's no rush, with me and you, we will take it slow. But one now we will concentrate on being parents." Meredith turned her head and looked back at Derek, she reached her free hand up and cupped it round Derek's cheek. She smiled and they once again leaned in for a kiss.

Their kiss was interrupted by the knocking of the door.
"It looks like we have some visitors, maybe we should pretend that we are asleep and then they wi hopefully go away." Derek joked. Meredith turned and playful slapped his shoulder.

"Derek stop, it's probably Amelia and Mark. Go on, we've left they waiting long enough. You know how excited Amelia has been so go. We will have plenty of time for just us, but now go let them in." Derek playfully sighed before pushing himself off the bed and making his way to the door.

Upon opening the door he was pushed out the way by Amelia who was at Meredith's side in no time to meet her new niece. Mark entered and they embraced in a brotherly hug.

"Congratulations Derek, she's gorgeous man, mom showed me some pictures. I can't believe it, how you feeling?" Mark said before shoving his hands his pocket and turning to look at Derek.

Derek sighed before speaking. "Honestly, it's overwhelming but I'm so happy Mark." Derek turned to look at Meredith, Summer and his sister before continuing to speak. "Me and Mer aren't in the best place right now but just look at them. That's my family, all mine."

Mark slapped Derek on the shoulder before they made their way over to join everyone else. Amelia was firing all the questions at Meredith and she was giggling at Meredith enthusiasm.

"Amy I love you but please slow down with the questions, would you like to hold her?" Meredith asked before she turned to Amelia to see tears shining in her eyes.

"Yes I would love to, I'm going to see down though and Derek can pass her to me. I don't want to drop her." Immediately Amelia made her way to the chair next to the bed and Derek picked Summer from Meredith's arms and placed her into Amelia's.

"Hi, I'm your auntie Amy, yes I am." Amelia spoke in a baby voice "I'm going to teach you so many things, I can't wait to watch you grow."

Whilst Amelia and Derek were having their bonding time with Summer, Mark made his way over to Meredith. He wrapped his arms around her before congratulating her.

"She is so gorgeous Mer, you did an amazing job. How you feeling?"

In all honestly, Meredith's body was exhausted and she just wanted to sleep but right now she was enjoying her family time. "Honestly Mark, I'm exhausted, I mean how would you feel pushing out an 8 pounds baby?"

Mark winced at the thought. "Seriously Mer, I'm so proud of you." He pressed a quick kiss to her forehead before going to sit on the sofa. Together they laughed and joked, enjoying their time with anyone another.

Summer's cries suddenly pierced the peaceful air, alerting them that she was hungry. Derek scooped her up out of Amelia's arms and took her over to Meredith who was already adjusting her hospital gown. Mark and Amelia took this as their queue to leave, waving their goodbyes and saying they would see them tomorrow. Meredith got Summer into a comfortable position and allowed her to latch on.

Derek took a seat on the edge of the bed and watched his daughter eat.
"Derek stop looking at my boobs." Meredith smirked at Derek.

Derek rolled his eyes and laughed. "I'm not looking at your boobs, they're nice boobs don't get me wrong, but I will have you know I am actually looking at my daughter. Who happens to be attached to your boob." At this they both started laughing together. Their hands found their way towards one another, clasped together. They were like two magnets when it came to one another.

For the rest of the evening they spent their time admiring Summer and talking about the argument. They came to the conclusion that they were both under an insane amount of stress and they allowed that to take over. They were far away from being in a good place but this was the start. As the night came to a close, Summer was placed back into the cot whilst Meredith was curled up, fast asleep. This is exactly where Derek wanted to be, this was it for him.

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