Daddy, daughter date

546 13 1

Meredith pulled herself out of bed and tip toed to the bathroom, leaving Derek and Summer sleeping in their bed. Summer had refused to settle last night so Derek had given in and brought her into the bed with them. Today was the one day off where Derek was off and Meredith was working, so she would be leaving Summer at home with him.

Jumping into the shower, Meredith soaked her body in the warm water before getting out to get changed for work. She chucked on her clothes, applied a light amount of make up and styled her hair. Brushing her teeth and her hair, she was finally ready to go. She slowly creeped out the door, standing to admire the sight before her. Derek had Summer wrapped in his arms whilst her cheek was pressed into Derek's arm. Slowly, she pulled out her phone and snapped a quick photo, this is something she wanted to remember forever.

Leaning over she pressed a light kiss to Summer head before pressing one to Derek's. Derek stirred slightly before opening up his eyes and stared at Meredith with tired eyes before smiling at her.

"Hey, sorry I didn't mean to wake you. I'm off to work now, so I'll see you later ok?enjoy your daddy, daughter day. I love you, go back to sleep." Meredith whispered as Derek got comfortable and closed his eyes again.

"I love you too." He replied before falling back to sleep. Meredith left the room and made her way out the house and started her journey to work.

Derek woke around an hour later to some little finger pressing and poking at his face, slapping his cheeks and pulling at his ears. He pried his eyes open to see Summer smiling up at him. He picked her up and stretched her up above his head, before bringing her down to press kisses to her face, causing her to giggle.

Finally, Derek pulled himself out of the bed before placing Summer on his hip and making their way downstairs. He placed her into her high chair before setting off to make them both some breakfast. Flipping on the radio, the kitchen filled with music. Summer started bouncing her legs up and down and waving her arms, like she was attempting to dance. Derek took notice of this and started dancing around the kitchen himself, if Meredith could see him now, she would die with laughter. Once the toast was done, he cut it up to pieces and placed into the tray for Summer, with some banana sliced up.

Derek sat to eat his own breakfast consisting of toast and eggs, watching as Summer shuffled the food into her mouth and smearing the bananas around the tray before running her hands through her hair.

"No, no Summer don't do that!" Derek yelled causing Summer to stop in her tracks and dropping her bottom lip before the tears started to flow. She eventually broke out into full on crying. Derek immediately felt guilty and wasted no time to take her in his arms. She cuddled into his chest where he rocked her whilst rubbing his hand up and down her back, whilst talking sweetly to her.

"Shh, come on now baby girl, daddy didn't mean to yell." Eventually her cries turned into whimpers then it was silence. Derek cleared up the few plates, keeping Summer into his arms. Once everything was cleared up, he took them upstairs and together they jumped in the shower. Derek got them both cleaned up and then quickly wrapped Summer up in a towel before wrapping himself in one.

When he got into the room, he placed Summer down on the bed to see that she was fast asleep wrapped up in her towel, her one hand rested under her chin whilst the other one was gripping the towel tightly. He reached over to grab his phone and snapped a quick photo, sending in to Meredith. Once that was done, he got Summer changed and ready, then leaving her to sleep on the bed. Quickly, he got himself changed before scooping Summer up and heading downstairs.

With the weather being quite warm, he placed Summer into the pram before heading out on a walk, placing his earphones in and setting off. During his walk, his phone began to ring, seeing it was Meredith, he quickly picked up.

"Hey, you, how's work?"
"Works good, been super busy but I have just sent that photo you sent me, god she's so adorable." Meredith giggled down the phone.
"Not joking Mer, that girl could fall asleep anywhere, she's just like you with that."
"That's true, she may look like you but she has my personality, so we are screwed." They both started laughing. "What are you up to right now?"
"We are just out on a walk at the minute, she's still sleeping but we plan on going to see the ducks, maybe go to the park but yeah it will be a nice, relaxed day."
"Ah I am so jealous, I would much rather be with you two then at work right now, it's been super busy. Talking about busy, I've got to go, Margaret is calling for me. I'll speak to you later, love you bye."
"Love you too, bye."

They hung up the phone and Derek continued on with his work. Eventually, Summer woke up, so Derek sat her up more so she could see everything around her, she was observant. They made their way to the park, where they stood and looked at the ducks, with Summer squealing and pointing at them.

Derek was walking back out of the park when he decided to take a detour and visit Meredith at work, hoping she wasn't too busy. When he arrived he was met with Margaret, who looked up at smiled at them both.

"Well, look who it is. How are we both?" Margaret said as she made her way round to them and looked down into the pram. "Wow, you are so gorgeous, aren't you? Yes, you are, yes you are." She cooed at her causing Summer to smile and giggle.

Hearing this commotion Meredith came from out the back, seeing both Derek and Summer there. She stopped what she was doing and skipped her way round to them.

"Hey, what you two doing here?" Meredith said as she leaned to Summer, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Oh, we was just passing through. We've been to the park, seen the ducks and we are just going to head to the shop before heading home. Thought you'd both want to see each other." Derek replies as he rubbed his hand up and down Meredith's back.

"Wow, sounds like you have a busy day, don't let me keep you." Meredith turned and said goodbye to Summer before pressing a kiss to Derek's lips. She then waved goodbye before heading back to work.

On the way home, Derek stopped by the shop before heading home. Entering the house he got Summer out of her pram and carried her through to the living room. He placed down on the floor and together they started playing. Time passed and before Derek knew it, Summer had made herself comfortable, laying on his chest and eventually falling asleep. Derek didn't want to disturb her so he gently stood up with her securely in his arms before laying on the sofa. He took this as an opportunity to get some sleep himself.

Meredith walked into the house after work and was met with silence. Curiously, she looked round before hanging her bag up and entering the living room. There she met with Carolyn who held her hand up to mouth, telling her to be quiet, before pointing over at the sofa. Meredith turned her around to see Derek and Summer asleep together once again. She walked over and pressed kisses to both of their heads before heading into the kitchen with Carolyn. 

They sat together nursing a cup of coffee each when Derek walked in, his hair sticking up in all directions, Summers hair being the same.

"Wow, just when I thought she couldn't look like you anymore." Meredith laughed.

"What can I say, I've got some strong genes." Causing Meredith to roll her eyes. "Anyways, we have a good day today, I plan on doing this every month with her, just us two having a day together. A new tradition." Derek smiled before passing Summer to Meredith, pressing a kiss on the top of their head.

For the rest of the evening, they started looking at plans for Summers first birthday party. They couldn't believe they were at this stage, it only seemed like yesterday Meredith found out she was pregnant and now here they were. This party would turn out to be the best celebration for her.

So this fanfic is nearly complete now, only a few more chapters to go and they should be uploaded by the end of this week! Also, I'm in the process of putting together a brand new fanfic which I will start uploading after this one is finished!!

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