We have a name

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Days had passed and now Meredith was back at home, resting up in hers and Derek's room. Derek was currently at work whilst Meredith had her nose buried in a baby name book. It took some encouragement for Derek to go back to work as he was reluctant to leave her at first which resulted in a few little arguments. But thankfully Carolyn was there to metaphorically smash their heads together; they needed to grow up.

Carolyn made her way upstairs and quietly tapped on the door alerting Meredith of her presence.
"Mer, I've just brought you up some lunch, is it alright if I come in?"
Meredith pushed her body up so she was sitting against the headboard.
"Yeah of course come in."

Carolyn walked in and placed herself on the end of the bed passing Meredith the sandwich she had made. Meredith smiled a thanks and placed the book down onto her bump, saving the page.
"Having any luck?" Carolyn nodded towards the book.
"No, not really, this a lot harder then I thought it would be. Like I need Derek's opinion but we can't seem to have a normal conversation without it resulting in an argument at the minute. I love your son, I really do but he hovers and I just need some space. Also, I've still got to tell him that I'm returning to work in two days." Meredith giggled and shuck her head.

Carolyn reached out and grabbed Meredith's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Mer, just tell him how you feel, he loves and seeing you in pain and so scared them few days ago really shuck him up. He really does love you. And as far as you going back to work, he will just have to deal with it, if not then send him to me." She winked at Meredith and smiled, then pushed herself up and made her way back out the room.

Meredith knew Carolyn was right. They had to deal with this and sort it out. Meredith felt the baby kick and got back to trying to find a name. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep with her face buried in Derek's pillow. His sense comforted her and lulled her to sleep. The book fell down next to her, forgotten about for now.

*a few hours later*
Derek returned home from work, and made his way upstairs after saying a quick hello to his mom. He peeled his work jacket off his back and entered into the room. He hesitated before opening the door, he had a long, exhausting day at work and wasn't ready for whatever argument was waiting beyond this door. He and Meredith where strong and truly did love each other but things had been a bit rocky lately. Things had been tense since Meredith had come out the hospital cause they were both of edge of what could have happened.

Derek took a deep breath before placing his hand on the handle pushing his way into the room. The tension from the room was gone when Derek saw Meredith fast asleep clutching his pillow. Walking over to her, placed a kiss on her forehead and brushed the hair away from her face. She looked so peaceful. Reaching down her ran his hands over her bump and pressed a kiss to it before making his way into the bathroom to have a quick shower.

Upon exiting the bathroom, with his towel wrapped around his waist, he saw Meredith rubbing her eyes. He knew it wouldn't be long before she woke up. She stretched her arms before her head, rubbed her belly and then sat up. It took her a while before she saw Derek leaning against the door frame, staring at her.
Looking up she smiled at him with tired eyes and said
"Hey you, when did you get back?"
Derek pushed himself off the door and placed himself down next to Meredith, leaning down to kiss her lips before speaking.

"Oh, I've been back about 20 minutes but I didn't want to wake you up. You looked so comfortable and peaceful."
Derek then noticed the baby name book abandoned now on the floor so he reached down to pick it up.

"Derek, we need to talk. Look I know things haven't been easy lately, I know you're worried about me and love me but I need space. Yes we are a couple but we always need to be our person. Also, I'm going back to work in 2 days so..." she said in a slight whisper and was trying to look anywhere but at his face, scared for his response.
Derek looked up from the book, and placed his fingers under Meredith's chin, forcing her head up so their eyes could meet.

"Mer, you're right. Look I know I've been overwhelming but that day, seeing you in so much pain and not knowing if you both was alright, my heart broke. But I've been speaking to my dad and I get it now. We are young and we are about to face a really big challenge of being parents. So, I'm sorry and I think going back to work will do you wonders but please promise me that you will take it easy to heavy lifting,ok?"
Meredith smiled at Derek whilst nodding his head and leaning in for a kiss. Together they stayed in an embrace for a bit before pulling apart to catch their breath. Derek picked the book up and held it in front of their faces.

"So, how's the list going?"
Meredith took the book off Derek and started reading off the names. Together they went through and crossed off a lot of names that they simply did not like until Meredith found a name she truly had fell in love with. Derek was up getting changed into some tracksuit bottoms and a t shirt when Meredith spoke again.

"Right, so I have a name here, that I have kind of fell in love with but I don't know if you will like it or the reasons I want it. But basically, I am thinking of Summer. Now here me out. Me and you are story together started out last year, in the summer and I feel like, no you know what it's stupid, never mind."

Derek finished getting ready, when he joined Meredith in the bed. He took the book out of hers and tossed it onto the floor and pressed a kiss on her lips.
"Mer, I love that name and I get why you love it, I truly do. So, that's it, why have our name." He placed his hand on her bump "Summer Grey-Shepherd. It's perfect."

Meredith cuddled into his side and together they spoke about their day and Meredith's birthday which was approaching. Derek had big plans for her birthday and wanted to ensure that her day was all about relaxing as she truly deserved it. He was going to make this day all apart her.

Right so I'm slightly unsure on the name but like it kind of makes sense to their story and yeah, but your opinions would be greatly appreciated.
Will try and get another chapter up tonight hopefully!

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