Let's talk

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Derek was sat at the dining room table and his hands were sweating. He was nervous. Actually he was beyond nervous, he was terrified. He had never felt this way about a girl before and Meredith meant so much to him that he didn't want to hurt her. Ever.

Meredith came from the fridge holding two beers. She was avoiding all eye contact, she was looking anywhere but at him.

"Sorry this is all I've got in the fridge, I need to go shopping tomorrow and get some groceries. It's been a hectic week like."
She smiled at Derek as they both took a swig from their beers. Derek couldn't hesitate anymore and decided to just get it over with.

"Look Meredith, you probably think that kiss came out of no where but, but I really like you Meredith. Like more then a friend. It's crazy I know cause we haven't seen each other in 4 years but you drive me crazy."
Meredith looked at Derek with confusion.
"Wait not crazy in a bad way, crazy in a good way. Wow I'm really messing this up aren't I?"
Meredith let out a smile giggle which cause Derek to do the same and rub his hand over his face. Meredith could see the stress on his face so she reached out to grab his hand, gave it a squeeze and rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand.
"Derek, just relax. It's just me, just your Mer."
"That's right you are my Mer, and I want you always to be my Mer. God, right you make me nervous, you've literally infected me with your smile, your giggle, your body but most importantly your eyes. I want more Meredith, I want us to be more. The thought of anyone else having their hands on you drives me insane. So what I'm trying to say Meredith, is I want to date you."

He felt sick, he had just poured his heart out to her and she just sat there in silence. Finally he forced himself to look up into her eyes. There was unshed tears there. He thought he had messed it all up that was until Meredith took a swig of her beer and then stood up and made her way towards him. She made her way around the table, and placed herself into his lap. She cupped his face between her small hands and placed a quick kiss on his lips. She linked her arms around the back of his neck and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Wow, and you said I could ramble on and on."
This cause them both to giggle, which eventually turned into a proper belly laugh. Tears streamed down their face. In this moment they were both so happy. Eventually silence fell over the room again, she once again kissed him again.

"Derek, I don't know what to say. Well no, I do but oh god, here it goes. Der, the thing is I really like you too, and that scares me. Cause everyone I love either leaves me or dies, so I'm beyond terrified. But what I do know is, I don't want to go through life without you ever again. I would love to date you Derek. But first I want to do this."

She leant down and placed her lips against his once again. However this time was different, this kiss was more passionate and the heat began to build between them. Derek tongue brushed against her bottom lip, which she then allowed access. It wasn't until they needed air did they separate.
"Wow, that was..."
"Yeah that was something."
Derek turned to look at the time, he saw it was getting late and knew he should be getting home but he just couldn't leave her. Not yet.

"You could stay. Nothing has to happen, we will just go upstairs, watch a film, talk and then just sleep. But if you don't want to then I understand." It was as if Meredith could read his mind or the fact that she didn't want him to leave either.

"Mer, I would love to stay, come on let's go to bed, let me just text Mark and let him know so he doesn't worry."

Together they made their way up the stairs and into Meredith's room. Derek stripped down to her boxers and climbed into bed and waited for Meredith. She exited the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and underwear, with her hair thrown up in a messy bun. She had never looked more gorgeous. She climbed into the other side of the bed and quickly cuddled up to Derek. They were like two magnets. Destined to be together.

They lay with Meredith's head on his chest, his heart beat lulling her to sleep. Their legs tangled together. There was no where else Derek would rather be. It didn't take long for Meredith to fall asleep, as small snores emitted from her body.
"Goodnight Meredith." Derek smiled and then placed a kiss on her head and lay down to go to sleep. 
Right now made sense, like he was meant to be here. That night they both slept better then they had done in years. It was confirmed in that moment that they were meant to be together.  This was just the beginning of their story.

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