Time moves so slowly without you

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It had been 3 weeks since Meredith had left, they FaceTimed all the time and text all the time. But Derek hadn't heard off her in a few days and she had stopped responding to him. Everyone had gone off to college with the exception of Mark. Together they were going to take over the family business once his dad retired, working in the garage together.

Derek sat in the office nursing a cup of coffee, rubbing his hands across his face. He needed to get a hold of Meredith but still there was no answer. He had no idea if she was alright. The door creaked open and he looked up to see Mark there.
"Hey man, you look like shit, no offence or anything."
He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.
"None taken."
"Still no word from Meredith?"
Derek shook his head sadly and looked up to the ceiling to avoid the tears from running.
"Look man, I'm sure she's alright, just give her a bit more time. Before you know it she will be chewing your ear off."
"Yeah your right.yeah..." Derek slipped his phone into his pocket and went back to work.

He didn't even know how he was functioning anymore, the days moved by so slow and he struggled to get out of bed. Derek was underneath a car when he heard his fathers voice below across the garage.
"Derek! Where are you son? It's important."
Derek sighed and rolled his eyes knowing he was probably going to get another lecture.
"Not now dad I'm busy, I'm sure it can wait."

Before he knew it he was being dragged from under the car and came face to face with father. However, he failed to see the small figure lurking behind him.
"Dad, we are super busy so whatever it is can wait, I'm not in the mood right now for one of your lectures."
"Derek will shut up and listen to me."
Derek was taken back by his dads tone of voice, it had been a while since he had heard him like that.

"Look son, someone is here to see you and she really needs to speak to you."
This grabbed his attention as he stood on his feet, wiping his hands on a cloth when he saw her standing there. At first he thought his eyes were deceiving him. Meredith.
His breath was knocked out of him when her saw her. He wasted no time in walking over to and wrapping his arms around her. She was really there.

"Hey Der." That voice was like sweet music to his ears.
"I know you're busy, but can we talk, it's really important."
Derek looked back and into her eyes, blue met green. Home. That's what it felt like when their eyes met.
"Mer I'm never too busy for you. Come on let's go down to the cafe, it's too cold to be on the beach today."

Together they made their way of their garage and walked towards the cafe. Once they arrived Meredith went straight to a table whilst Derek grabbed the drinks. Derek couldn't take his eyes off her. She sat looking at the window, she looked stressed and worried. He grabbed their drinks and joined her at the table.

She replied with a quiet thanks and took a quick sip of her hot chocolate.
"Mer, not that I'm not glad to see you but why are you here? What happened, and how come you haven't been answering me and I've been worried."
Meredith looked down as her hands fidgeted together, she knew she had to get this over with.
"Der I'm so sorry. I never meant to worry but I've had so much going on. I will start at the beginning, I dropped out of college."

She looked at him expecting him to be disappointed but he just looked concerned. His silence allowed her to carry on.
"There is a reason for that. I had to make some really tough choices. Life choice. Derek I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to say this. Hm, Der, I'm-im pregnant."

Derek was shocked. This is not what he was expecting.
"Both of your parents know cause I went to the house first. They weren't mad unlike my dad, he was real mad. He kicked me out, saying I'm a bad example to Lexi."
Derek's heart broke hearing this but nothing could beat the fact that she was pregnant. The love of his life is pregnant. With his baby. Yes they are young but he wanted nothing more then to have a family with her.

He took his time to look at her. Like really look at her. She looked exhausted, her eyes were red rimmed and it was clear that she had been crying. She looked scared waiting for his reaction. Derek pulled her round closer to him and placed a kiss on her lips and sat there with the biggest smile on his face. He took this time to speak.
"Mer, you're having my baby, we are having a baby. We are going to be a proper family! And don't worry you can stay with us, you aren't going anyway."

Meredith looked up and the happiness was so dread right across Derek's face. This is not what she had planned but she could never imagine ever getting rid of Derek's baby. She knew they needed to talk but right now in this moment she was happy. Derek had his hand placed on her stomach and the other cupping her cheek. Right now it was perfect. But they had a lot they needed to talk about.

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