It's time

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Time had never moved so slow, the minutes passed by at an alarmingly slow pace. It's the like the arms of the clock were teasing Meredith. She had been in labour for 9 hours now, it was now well in to the next morning. 17th March, her daughter would be born today. Since Derek had arrived at her side, he hadn't left, he had been the biggest support. He talked her through every contraction with words of encouragement and rubbed her lower back, applying pressure when needed, when she was lying on her side. Meredith has refused the epidural so now she was trying to catch little bits of sleep in between each contraction.

Derek had crashed into the chair next to the bed, with his hand still clasped in hers. Meredith needed some water but the pitcher was on the other side of the room, she gently pulled her hand from his and gently made her way out of the bed. She placed her feet onto the floor before waddling her wave to get her water. When she was half across the room when she felt a rush of water fall between her legs and hit the floor.

"Oh shit." Meredith knew that this was her waters breaking and it wouldn't be long until she was having to push now. Once again she was hit with a contraction but this time it was more intense then ever. She moaned out loudly in pain, both hands grabbing her bump and tears streamed down her face. This contraction lasted a lot longer and she feel the pressure building at the bottom of her back. At this stage she knew she needed to get back into the bed before she was too afraid to move. She looked over and saw that Derek was still sleeping for him.

"Derek! Derek! Derek!" Eventually Derek shot up and looked round the room confused as to where Meredith was gone. He saw her stood in the middle of the room doubled over in pain. He shot up out of his seat and made his way over to her.

"Meredith what are you doing? Did you spill your water?" Meredith rolled her eyes at this as he clearly was still half asleep.

"No Derek you idiot, my waters have broke. I need you to help me get back into the bed and get Dr Deluca." Meredith gripped Derek's arms and smiled at him. He wrapped his arms around her, helping her change her hospital gown before getting her settled back in to bed. Dr Deluca entered the room shortly after them.

"Good morning guys, how are we doing?" Dr Deluca said as she placed on a pair of gloves. "I am just going to see how dilated you are."

Meredith shuffled down the bed and grabbed Derek's hand, whilst his other ran through her hair.

"So Meredith, you are 9cm dilated now, so I'm going to go get the team ready and get everything ready. It's time to have a baby!"

Meredith and Derek turned and smiled at one another and kissed one another. They melted into one another's touch, they leant their foreheads together. Meredith felt another contraction and this time the pressure was unbearable and she felt like she needed to push.

"Der, I need to push, I really need to push." Meredith gasped as she tried to speak. Derek looked around the room not knowing what to do, he was scared. "Derek, go get your mom, I want your mom in the room, she deserves this and your dad. But your dad needs to stay like up by the head."

Together they laughed before she was hit with another contraction. He released her hand before heading outside to call his parents in. When he entered the room again, it was full of doctors and Dr Deluca was placed between her legs. It was officially time to have their baby. Derek rushed over and took her one hand on his and Carolyn took the other hand, whilst Michael took his position stood behind Derek, out of the way.

"Alright Meredith, on your next contraction I want you to push, I will tell you if you need to stop but just push as hard as you can."

Meredith looked at Derek and he nodded his head and kissed her forehead. "You've got this Mer, you're my girl, you've completely got this. It's time to meet our daughter."

Before they knew Meredith was bearing down and pushing with all her power. Her whole body was exhausted, she had hardly slept and now it was catching up on her. She had been pushing for over half an hour now and yet still no baby.

"I can't do this anymore, I'm too tired, please Derek take me home. I need to sleep." Meredith turned to Derek and pleaded with him, she had never looked so vulnerable. It broke Derek's heart broke seeing Meredith like this.

"Come on Meredith, you are so close, you've got this." Derek leaned down to press multiple kisses to her forehead before another contraction took over her body. Derek was so proud of her.

"That's it Meredith, keep pushing I can see the head, lots of hair!" Dr Deluca said happily knowing how much they wanted this to be over with now.

With each contraction Meredith pushed as hard as she could, until a burning sensation ripped through her body causing her to gasp. She had never felt pain like this but tried her hardest not to scream. It helped having Derek, Carolyn and Michael there.

"Right Meredith, don't push." Meredith panicked upon hearing this so Dr Deluca put her mind at ease immediately. "The burning pain you can probably feel right now is the head crowning. So if you push you could tare and I want to avoid that. So just pant and I'll tell you when to push again."

Meredith panted, whilst Carolyn took the cloth to her forehead and got rid of the sweat that was building. Derek continued to whisper encouraging words into her ear and allowed her to grabbed his hand in a vice lock hold.

"Ok Meredith, you can push again now. Just a few more pushes and your daughter will be here."

This was all the encouragement Meredith needed, she pushed like she had never pushed before and then there it was. The cries of their daughter pierced the air. It was all a mad rush of movement before Summer was finally placed on Meredith's bare chest. At this stage everyone in the room was crying, Carolyn had stepped back and made her way round to join Michael and together they took in this moment, right now. It was beautiful.

Meredith cried out of pure exhaustion and pride. She had done this, she had given birth. Derek couldn't hold back the tears at this point, he was a dad. His daughter was right there. She was gorgeous. With dark hair feathering across the top of her head, baby blue with specks of green and Meredith's face structure. Summer was the perfect combination of them both. Dr Deluca came over to get Summer.

"Meredith, we just need to get her cleaned up and you need to deliver the after birth. She won't leave this room she will just go over there in the warmer." Dr Deluca could see how reluctant Meredith was to give Summer back over so she ensured her that everything would perfectly fine.

"Derek go with her, don't leave her side." Meredith said as the nurses took Summer. Derek nodded and made his way over to where the nurses where taking Summer and stood right by her side. When she started to wail Derek reached out and Summer wrapped her small hand around his finger. At this he chocked up, it all felt surreal. From outside he could hear the cheering from both Mark and Amelia. He had completely forgot about anyone else outside of this room apart from Meredith and Summer.

Eventually, both Meredith and Summer where all cleaned up and reunited back together. This was just the beginning of their lives together cause no matter what they would always be a family, they would always and forever love each other. Together they would come together and raise Summer to be the best little girl she could be.

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