First scan

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Meredith was officially moved in. Derek had ensured that was comfortable, she had enough space for her clothes and their bathroom was organised. Every morning Derek would get up and hold Meredith's hair back whilst rubbing her back as morning sickness was hitting her hard. But this morning she was still tucked up in bed with Derek watching her and brushing her hair behind her ears. He knew he had to get up soon to go to work but he didn't want to her, or should he say them. Today they were going for their first scan and he couldn't contain his excitement. He was like a kid on Christmas morning.

Eventually, he pulled himself from the warmth that was their bed and hurried into the bathroom. He showered quickly and got changed into his work clothes. Walking back in the bedroom he saw that Meredith has now wrapped her arms around his pillow. He walked over to her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. This caused her stir and pry her eyes open. She stretched her arms above her head and smiled up at him.
"Morning, what time is it?"
"It's just gone 7, go back to sleep, I'm just heading out to work. I'll be back at 12 so I can get ready for the appointment, it's at 2 right?"
Meredith smiled at his excitement that was clearly plastered over his face.
"Yes Derek it is, now go before you're late."
He leant down and pressed a kiss to her lips and she rolled over to go back to sleep. Derek made his way out of the bedroom but hesitated to watch her sleep a bit longer. Eventually, he left and made his way to work.

*around 8:30ish at the house*
Once again Meredith woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. She knew Carolyn was downstairs cooking up a huge breakfast as she did every morning. Slowly she dragged herself out of bed and made her way downstairs.
As she approached the kitchen, Carolyn turned to Meredith
"Meredith dear, good morning! How are we this morning? You feeling alright, sit. There's some fruit there and I'm just finishing up the pancakes."
Meredith approached Carolyn and pressed a kiss to her cheek
"Morning mom, and no morning sickness today which is a relief. And you're the best, I think I'd starve without you."

With this they both giggled and Meredith made her way over to the table to join Amelia who was sat on her phone.
"Morning Amy."
She placed her hand on her shoulder causing her to look up.
"Mer, hey. How's my niece this morning?"
Once again they all erupted into laughter as Amelia was convinced it was a girl even though they had no idea as she was only 12 weeks. Carolyn finished their breakfast and together they sat and enjoyed their meal.

*a few hours later*
Derek entered the house to hear his mom, sister and Meredith gossiping in the living room. He opened the door to see Amelia sitting on the floor in front of Meredith, where she was currently plaiting her hair. He walked over and placed a kiss on the top of Meredith's head and then his mom.
"Hey, so I'm just going to go jump in the shower, having something to eat and then we can leave."
Meredith smiled up and Derek and said
"Look Derek, just relax, we have plenty of time and plus I made you a sandwich already, it's on the side."

Derek turned to Meredith and smiled, she really was glowing. He couldn't be more in love with her if he tried. Walking back over to her, kissed her on the lips and set off to get ready.

*at the doctors*
Derek was practically bouncing in his seat, he was beyond excited. Meredith had to keep herself from laughing, she placed her hand on his thigh causing him to look at her.
"Der, I know you are excited but please relax, you look crazy."
"I'm sorry Mer, I'm just ready to be in there now and finally see and hear our baby."

The minutes ticked by before they were called back into the room. They were left alone, allowing Meredith to change into her gown and place herself on the table. Their doctor, Dr Deluca, reentered the room and began the examination. They got all the checks out the way before getting to the exciting part. 

"So Meredith, I'm going to ask you to pull the gown above your stomach, and I'm going to place the gel on your stomach. It will be cold."
Meredith sucked in as the cold gel hit her stomach, and then waited for the imagine to come up. Her hand was placed in Derek's whilst the other stroked her hair.
The screen was then turned towards them and there it was. Their baby. Their emotions were in overdrive; happiness and love.

Dr Deluca started to point out the features of their baby, they were mesmerised.
"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"
Both of them nodded their heads as they couldn't speak as they were completely overwhelmed. That's when the room filled with the gentle whooshing of the baby's heartbeat. Derek's new favourite sound, closely followed by Meredith's giggle.

"So the baby looks perfect, the heartbeat sounds amazing and everything looks healthy. You are 12 weeks, so we are looking at a April baby, your due date is 4th April."
Meredith finally found her voice and spoke up
"Thank you so much. I'm so happy everything is good, I've been taking all my vitamins and eating good and light exercise as well. Can we please get some copies of the scan please, like quite a few?"
Derek squeezed her hand and leant into kiss her.

Eventually, everything was complete and their next scan was booked for the 20th week of her pregnancy. They took the pile of scan photos and made their way back to Derek's car. He began the drive back home with his hand tightly placed in hers. It all felt so surreal. He couldn't wait to get home and show off their baby off to his family. Meredith sat their with a hand lovingly rubbing up and down on her slightly rounded stomach. Derek watched her lovingly and couldn't wait for the days where she had a proper bump.

Once they got home, everyone was waiting for to see the scan photos. Meredith wasn't shy when it comes to showing them off and Derek stood back proud and watched her do it. His dad entered the room and tapped him on the back and brought him into a quick hug. Derek was making it his mission to be the best boyfriend and father he could possibly be.

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