What's next?

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Meredith was heading to the park, with Summer securely in her pram. The sun was shining so she wanted to make the most of it. It was her first day off in a while so she wanted to make the most of it. Whilst walking along, she was about to walk past the Shepherds house but before she knew it she was at the door, knocking. She didn't even know how she had got here but here she was.

Waiting for the door to open, she got more nervous. She hadn't been here in a while. Finally, the door opened and she was met with Derek's smile.

"Meredith, hey. What are you doing here?" He asked as he crouched down to greet Summer. Meredith listened as Summer babbled and giggled with Derek talking in his baby voice. She couldn't help but smile, this is the Derek she knows and loves.

"We were just heading to the park and I wanted to see if you was free to join us?" Meredith watched as Derek lifted his head to meet hers. He stood up to his feet before shoving his hands in his pocket. "If you are busy it doesn't matter." She was prepared to turn around before Derek stopped her.

Derek reached out to grab her arm before pulling his hand back. "Sorry, I am not busy. I would to come." He smiled at her. "Let me just get some shoes on, do you mind if Amelia comes as well, I don't want to leave her alone?" Derek asked as her pointed to the door, he watched as Meredith nodded before turning and headed into the house.

Amelia shot out the house and straight into Meredith's arms where they clung onto one another. Meredith kissed the top of her head and was certain she heard Amelia whisper 'I miss you' so Meredith squeezed her even tighter. They eventually pulled apart and Meredith allowed Amelia to push the pram along the way.

Derek and Meredith walked next to each other, side by side. Both of them wanted nothing more then to reach out and grab one another's hand but they couldn't. Their conversation was little and awkward. Meredith sighed before they continued their walk in silence. Once they reached the park they allowed Amelia to take Summer in her arms and headed off for the swings.

Meredith and Derek took on a seat on the closest bench and watched as Amelia and Summer giggled with one another.

"Thank you for this Meredith." Meredith turned and smiled at Derek. "I can't tell you how much this means. Also, I haven't seen Amelia smile like that in such a long time, so thank you." Derek placed his hand on her thigh, giving it a squeeze, before pulling his hand away and placing it back in his lap.

They then sat back in silence and just admired the view in front of them. Derek decided that he was going to join Amelia and Summer playing, so pushed himself up and made his way over.

"Dada!" Summer screamed as she reached her arms out to him and he scooped her into his arms. They continued to play, the happiest they've been in a long time. Summer would do some little things causing them both to laugh at her.

"I wonder what's going on over there." Amelia raised her eyebrows before pointing over to the bench where Meredith was sitting. Derek looked over and watched as she stood talking to some man. Even from where he was sitting he could see he was trying to flirt with her. Jealous ripped through his body as he watched her laugh at something he said. But he no longer had any right to be jealous and it was his fault.

Derek diverted his attention back to Summer, trying to forget what he had just seen. Eventually, he saw Summer start rubbing her eyes and then climbed into his lap. Knowing she was tired, he scooped her up and carried her back over and placed her in the pram. Lying it down, so she could sleep peacefully. Amelia took control of the pram again and they set off home.

Meredith could tell Derek was tense and his eyes burned with jealous. She knew he must have seen her talking to the young man that approached. Yeah he had been nice but Meredith turned him down straight away as Meredith was still in love with Derek. If she wasn't going to be with Derek then she didn't want to be with anyone.

Stopping in her tracks, she grabbed his arm and forced him to stop and look at her. She moved her head and made sure they were looking into one another's eyes.

"I said no Derek." Meredith watched confusion etch across his face and then finally relief. "He tried to ask me out and I said no. Do you know why I said no?" Meredith watched as Derek shook his head. "Cause he wasn't you. I just realised how cheesy that sounds."

Derek smirked at Meredith and then winked at her, she shoved his shoulder playfully before they started laughing together. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder before setting off back home. Once they reached the Shepherd house they said their goodbyes with the promise that they would do this again soon.

"Hey Derek." Meredith shouted to Derek's back, watching as he turned round and smiled. "Do you want to come to dinner one day? Help me put Summer to bed and that, only if you want." She smiled at him.

"Of course, I'll text you and we will sort something soon." He placed another kiss on Summers head again before pressing one to Meredith's cheek. They waved their goodbyes and set off home. Meredith couldn't help but smile to herself, things were still awkward but they were getting there very slowly. It would take time but it would be so worth it.

We are so close to the end of this story now, only 3 more chapters left! Hopefully they will be up tomorrow!

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