Late night fire

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Meredith and Derek made their way across the beach, giggling and joking the whole way. Too soon they reached the rest of the group, sitting around the large beach fire.

"Derek, my man there you are. We was about to send a search party out looking for you. And this must be Meredith."
Derek gave Meredith's hand a tight squeeze to reassure her that he was there. They both turned and gave each other a small smile.

"Calm down Mark, I wasn't even gone that long and yes this is Meredith but let me introduce her to everyone before you start-"
Derek was quickly interrupted by Meredith placing her hand on the top of his arm and giving it a quick squeeze.

"Derek it's alright. Hey Mark, I'm Meredith but you already knew that." She reached out her hand to give him a handshake in which he grabbed and pulled her into a quick hug.
Jealous. Derek didn't like Mark hugging Meredith but he had no right. Meredith wasn't his girlfriend and he had no right to be jealous. The hug was over quick and Meredith was back at Derek's side with her arm slung around his waist and head resting on his shoulder.

"Come on then guys, we've just got the fire going properly and we've got a few beers. You want one Meredith?"
"Oh no,I'll just share Derek's, after he introduced me to everyone."
With that they made their way to up rest of the group.

"Everyone this is Meredith. Meredith, this is Mark, Cristina, Owen, Izzie, Alex, Jackson, April, Callie and Arizona."
Meredith shyly waved at everyone. They all took their places around the fire and it soon became clear that there was multiple couples in the group. Derek took a seat on one of the chairs placed around the fire and tapped his leg, inviting Meredith to sit on his lap. She hesitated at first but then realised there was no other seats available so she settled gently into his lap.

Derek pulled her body close to his and whispered in her ear,
"Hey, it's alright, just relax. Everyone is really chill but if you do want to leave at any point then let me know and we will go."
"Derek, I'm fi-, no, I'm great actually but I appreciate it and I appreciate you."
With this she leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to Derek's cheek. He took a quick from his beer and passed the bottle to Meredith as she did the same.

*a few hours later*
The night flew past them and now Meredith was sat with the girls laughing and joking. Derek stood back and watched her. She really was gorgeous. He needed to tell how she felt before it was too late.

"Derek, I mean tell me to mind my own business but the way you are looking at Meredith right now, it's looks like you're in lovveeeee." Mark joked as he dragged out his words.
Derek turned and gave Mark a quick shove and laughed.
"Shut up Mark. She's special you know, like I don't know how to explain it but I care about her, I really do. She just looks so happy."
With that Meredith turned to Derek gave him a quick smile and wave. She turned to say goodbye to the girls and made her way over to Derek and Mark.

"Hey Derek, I am going to head off home now, it was lovely to meet you Mark and everyone else. Bye."
With that she began to walk away and Derek just watched as she made her way across the beach.

Derek was brought back to reality when a hand slapped him around the back of his head.
"Ouch! What was that for?"
Izzie looked at Derek like he was stupid.
"Seriously!! That girl is madly in love with you, it's obvious and am I wrong in saying you feel the same? Go after her. Go!"

With that Derek turned and ran after Meredith.
"Meredith!wait up!"
"Derek,what are you doing? Go back to your friends, I'll be fine, I haven't got far to wa-"
Before she could finish his sentence Derek placed his lips on top of hers. The kiss was gently, but full of so much passion and love. Too soon the kiss ended and they pulled back with their foreheads resting against each other's.
"Meredith we need to talk."
"Yes I guess we do, come on. We will talk back the house."
Their hands linked and they began their journey towards the house. The next conversation was about to change both of their lives, for better.

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