Time for a change

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Derek woke up the next morning with Meredith cuddled into her side. Her head was resting on his shoulder, with arm laying across his waist and her legs tangled with his. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, breathing in her signature smell of lavender. Smiling to himself, he squeezed Meredith, he couldn't believe that this was happening right now. He came so close to losing all of this.

Meredith sighed and began to move more, meaning she would be waking up soon. Eventually, she opened her eyes and smiled up at Derek.

"It's still weird you know, you watching me sleep." She smiled at him before placing her head back on his chest.

"I've missed it. I've missed waking up with you in my arms." Derek watched as Meredith lifted her head up. "There are no words to say how sorry I am for hurting you Meredith, if I could take it all back I would. I truly don't deserve you at all. The fact that you are here right now is a miracle and I thank god every day that you gave me another chance. So please Meredith, can I come home?" At this point they both had tears in their eyes.

Meredith leaned down and pressed her lips to his, rolling her body on top of his. His arms reached and cupped her bum, causing her to smile against his mouth. Seeing this as his opportunity, he flipped them over so he rested above her, causing her to squeal and giggle. He leaned down and pressure his lips against hers with a great amount of pressure.

They took this time to really get to know each other's body again, they gasped and moaned into one another's mouth. Moving in perfect sync. Eventually they collapsed down next to each other before cuddling into one another's side once again.

Finally they pulled themselves from their bed, with Meredith heading into the shower and Derek heading downstairs. He couldn't wipe the smile of his face as he entered the kitchen to see his mom, sister and Summer enjoying their breakfast together.

"Good morning family." He cheered and then whistled as he went and made himself a coffee. Amelia and Carolyn stared at him before Amelia shouted out.

"Oh my god, you so got laid!" Amelia shouted and pointed at him accusingly.

"Amelia Shepherd!" Carolyn scolded as Derek smirked and raised his eyebrow before taking a sip from his coffee, causing Amelia to laugh.

"Mom I need a favour." He asked as he took a seat next to her. "Can you have Summer tonight, I need some time to speak to Meredith." Derek watched as a smile stretched across his mother's face.

"Derek, it's about time! Of course I will have Summer tonight." She smiled.

Meredith came down and was dressed for work, so she walked in and grabbed a coffee to go. She started saying her goodbyes and pressed multiple kisses to Summers face before turning to Derek and pressing a quick kiss to his lips and turning to leave the house.

Later that day, Meredith walked into the house, exhausted from her day. She wanted nothing more then to grab Summer and climb into bed but she still had to get home. Walking in she noticed that it was quiet.

"Amelia? Carolyn? Summer?" She shouted as she walked through the empty living room. "Derek?" She shouted again as she pushed open the kitchen door.

The room was decorated with flowers, pictures of Meredith and Derek decorated the room and it was lit up with candles. She looked round and saw Derek standing there with another large bunch of flowers in his hand and a box of chocolates in the other.

"Derek, what is all of this?" She asked as she dropped her bag on the floor and made her way over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. He placed the flowers and chocolates on the side and wrapped his arms around her back, resting them on her lower back.

"Meredith." She looked up at him. "I know you say you've forgive me but I am so sorry once again. I plan on spending the rest of my life proving it to you. But I want us back together, I don't want to go through the days without you by my side. I want to wake up in the morning with you in my arms, to come home from work to collapse in your arms and to be with you and Summer every minute of the day. Meredith, you are my everything. So please, will you be my girlfriend or whatever again?" They laughed together as he wiped her tears away.

"Der, I forgive you. I love you so much, more then words could say. I would love nothing more then to be your girlfriend or whatever again." She winked up at him, laughing with each other before leaning in to kiss one another.

Derek reached down and cupped her thighs in his hands before pulling her up so her legs were wrapped around his waist. She squealed before leaning back in to kiss him again.

Derek and Meredith spent their evening together, just them. They laughed and joked before falling into bed together. This is who they were. Derek watched as Meredith fell asleep in his arms again. He reminded himself that he needed to thank his mom for allowing them to have this time together and for giving him the kick he so desperately needed to get his family back.

That night he fell asleep with a hug smile on his face, he finally had his family and he wasn't ever going to lose this ever again.

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