Movie night

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An hour later, they exited the cafe, hand in hand and made their way back over to car. Derek opened the door for Meredith, allowing herself to get comfortable before making his way round to the drivers side and climbing in himself.

"So breakfast was delicious, thank you for paying Der, you didn't have."
"Look Mer I told you, I wanted to, and you're right it was delicious but the company was even better."
Derek turned to Meredith with a smirk on his face and she started to giggle.
"That was cheesy Derek, very cheesy. Just get a move on and take us to the shops so we can't get everything together. Is everyone coming tonight or?"
"As far as I'm aware they are all coming, told them to come around 1ish, so we've got a couple hours to get sorted."
"Come on then let's go."
She leaned over, gave him a kiss and then continued on with their journey.

*back at the house*
They carried the bags full of food into the kitchen and started getting everything ready.
"I feel like I went over the top, did I go over the top?like is this too much food?what if they don't come?what if they don't like any of the food?"
Meredith was pacing the kitchen and at this point Derek knew she was panicking. He approached and cupped her cheeks into his large, warm hands and stopped her and forced her to look into his eyes.

"Mer listen to me, my friends are your friends now. They will come so stop panicking alright, I'll be by your side all night but I have a feeling the girls will drag you away from me at some point. Please believe me when I say this, tonight is going amazing. Plus with the way you eat, the food will be gone."
Meredith looked at him with a shocked expression and playful slapped his shoulder.
"Sorry Mer but your tiny ineffectual fists can't do much damage to me. Come here."
He dropped one hand to her lower back and pulled her in for a kiss. Their tongues began to battle and they were getting carried away when there was a loud knocking on the door.
"Yo! Derek, Meredith, let me in! It's cold out here!"
"I'm going to kill Mark." Derek said as he unwilling released himself from Meredith's embrace.
"Shh!! Go and let him in before the neighbours phone the police on him."

Reluctantly she pushed Derek towards the door and continued sorting out the food for everyone. Eventually Derek arrived at the door to see Mark there holding a crate of beers.
"Hey man. Look mom got us these but she said she wants you home tonight cause she needs to speak to you. Don't worry I didn't tell her about Meredith."

Derek knew he couldn't avoid his family forever but he didn't want to scare Meredith off already. She knew his family but things were different now and time had passed. But if he knew his mother and father, and he did, he knew that they would be meeting again, sooner rather than later.
"Cheers man I appreciate it, come on let's go help Meredith and we can put those in the fridge for later."
Together they made their way into kitchen where Meredith was placing popcorn into a bowl. She looked up when she heated them enter the kitchen.

"Hey Mer, thanks for having us over today, real cool of you."
"Hey, and of course, it's my pleasure, it will be nice to have some company around here."
Mark made his way to Meredith, gave her a quick hug, grabbed a beer and made his way into the living room.
"Well he is making himself at home." Meredith giggled.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about him, that's just Mark."
"No, I don't mind, come on help me carry these bowls in to the living room, everyone else will be here soon."
"Wait come here first."

Derek grabbed Meredith's hand and pulled him into an embrace, and pressed multiple kisses to her lips.
"That's better,now we can go."
Together they made their way into living room where Mark has already turned a movie on. Derek placed himself onto the sofa, with Meredith plopping herself into his lap shortly after. Her one hand brushed through his hair whilst the other rested on his chest. They turned to each other and leant in for a kiss, it was quick, like they would do it again, For the rest of their lives.

"Alright love birds none of that please, we get enough of that off Izzie and Alex, talking about that,they should all be here soon. I wanted to get here early, get the best seat."
Meredith and Derek giggled at this, which was then interrupted by the knocking of the door again.
Meredith leaped out of his lap and made her way to the door to greet everyone.
Mark turned to look at Derek and said
"Wow dude, you really love her don't you?"
"Yeah I do Mark, I really do."
"Man, you totally turning into a chick right now."
"Shut up Mark!"

With this Derek chucked a pillow at Mark's head causing him to let out a short laugh. Everyone started filtering into living room, saying their hello's and taking their place around the room. Meredith entered the room again and took her seat back in Derek's lap, ready for the movie night to begin.

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