We are having a...

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Today was the day. Meredith's 20 week scan. Today they would find out if they were having a boy or a girl. Meredith would be happy either way but Derek had expressed that he would love to have a little girl but would be happy either. As long as the baby and Meredith were healthy that's all the mattered. With having an early morning appointment they got up and decided to shower together.

It was around 8:30 by the time they made their way down stairs to find Carolyn having prepared breakfast for them already. Michael was currently dropping Amelia at school. After saying their good mornings they sat at the table and enjoyed their breakfast. Shortly after, Michael joined them at the table to have his own breakfast.
The time was approaching 10 by the time everything was cleared up and away. With the appointment being at 11, they started getting ready to leave when Meredith stopped and turned to Derek.

"Hey Der, do you think your mom and dad would like to come with us? I mean they've been so supportive and I would love if they were there with us when we find out whether peanut is a boy or girl."
Derek stopped from zipping up his jacket to look at Meredith, everyday he fell more in love with her. They had discovered last night that Meredith's stomach had truly popped and there was no denying that she was pregnant anymore. But they proud of it. They didn't want to hide it. He reached out to grab her hand and said
"Mer, they would love nothing more than to be there with us,go ahead and ask them." He placed a kiss on her lips and she set off for the kitchen.

He heard both his mom and dad gasp and before they knew it they were all heading out the door together. The car ride was full of their predictions of what they thought the baby would be. They then arrived at the doctors office and made their way inside.
Together they all sat inside the waiting room, waiting for Meredith to be called back.
"Meredith Grey, Dr Deluca is ready for you now."
So they all got to their feet and made their way through to the room ready to see their baby again.

Once again they got all the 'boring' parts out of the way before they eventually got round to the ultrasound. Meredith lay down and rolled her T-shirt above her stomach and waited for the coldness of the gel again. Derek took his usual position next to Meredith, with his hand in hers. Carolyn and Michael stood just beyond them with their hands linked, excited to see the grandchild in person.

Dr Deluca started the ultrasound and said
"So Meredith, everything looks perfect. The baby is a good size, there's the arms and legs. And if you look super close you'll see that the baby is actually sucking their thumb. Oh, let me flip the sound on for you."
Suddenly, the whooshing of the baby's heartbeat filled the room. Meredith and Derek would never get over that sound. Tears sprung to both Carolyn and Michael's eyes, it all seemed surreal.

Now it was time for the part they had all been looking forward to. The gender reveal. Dr Deluca moved the wand around Meredith's stomach until she got a clear photo.
"Oh so baby isn't shy and I can definitely see what you're having. I can confirm that you guys are having a...little girl. Congratulations!"

At hearing these words, Carolyn and Michael turned to embrace one another. The tears started flowing from Derek's eyes, he was getting his little girl. He couldn't believe it. They finished up their appointment and made their way home. Derek and Meredith made their way out onto the porch to get some alone time.

"So daddy, how does it feel to know that you're getting your little girl?" Meredith asked as she turned to look at Derek.
"Ah Mer, I can't express how happy I am, I just, I've never felt happiness like this, it's crazy and I have you to thank for this." They leaned into kiss each other and then sat back on the swing to watch the waves lap at the sand.

It wasn't long before they heard Amelia burst through the door and shout
"Where are they? I need to know, was I right, am I having a niece?" She ran outside to find Meredith and Derek there laughing.
"You tell her Der before she actually explodes."
Derek stood up and approached Amelia wrapping his arm around her shoulders.
"Well, Amy my dear little sister, I am glad to inform you that you are intact having a niece."
She squealed before hugging Derek and then rushing over to wrap her arms around Meredith.
"I knew it. Didn't I tell you, I can't wait, I'm going to go look at baby clothes now,bye guys."

Before they could answer she had rushed off, leaving Meredith and Derek to laugh at her reaction. They spent their time together just talking about what they still needed to get and when they'd go shopping. They were officially half way through the pregnancy now and they still had so much to look forward to. Their little girl would be here before they know it.

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