She's fine

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Meredith buried herself in work and getting ready for Summer's arrival. The time flew away from them and now Meredith was only 2 weeks away from her due date. It was the only keeping her going, she knew if she wasn't pregnant right now then she knew that she would crumbled a long time ago. Derek was hovering and it was now starting to annoy Meredith, she knew he truly cared but she couldn't take it anymore. She really was at her breaking point.

It was a late Tuesday afternoon, Derek had just got in from work and was looking for Meredith. He stumbled into the kitchen to see her folding up the freshly washed baby clothes, they were piled up high.  It was clear to anyone that come in that Meredith had not stopped all day, she was well and truly into the nesting stage but it was also a way to cover up her grief. Meredith had convinced everyone that she was alright and dealing with it but Derek knew that deep down she was hurting and it wouldn't be long until she completely broke down.

Derek stepped into the kitchen and pressed a kiss to the side of her head before making his way to grab a drink.
"Derek, you need to put them shelves up, so I can get them last few books out. Then we need to sort out the pushchair and get into the car and oh we need to pack the baby bag for the hospital. I mean it's almost all done but there's still a few things that need to go in, so like I need your help." Meredith didn't stop from folding the clothes.

Derek sighed and took a sip of his drink, he was exhausted from work as he has been squeezing all hours so he could have time off when Summer was born.
"Yeah Mer, I will do it tomorrow. But for now me and you are going to have some dinner and relax."
This was clearly the wrong thing to say as she threw down the piece of clothing she was holding before turning around to face Derek and there was fire in her eyes.

"No derek, we can't do it tomorrow. We need to do it now! I am 2 weeks away from my due date, so I'm other words, Summer could come at any day now, don't you get that? Cause I don't think you do. I am exhausted, my whole body hurts and now you're giving me a headache." She crossed her arms over the top of bump staring him down.

Derek knew he should stay quiet, but he was also tired and his fuse was very short. "Mer, I am exhausted, we've had a busy day at work today. I just want to eat and relax with my girlfriend. So stop having a go at me Meredith."

"Are you joking? You're exhausted, you're not the one who has a baby resting on the bladder, she kicks me in the ribs waking me up, my ankles are swollen and my boobs hurt. Everything hurts." At this point Derek knew she wasn't just on about the pregnancy, he knew she was referring to Lexie. It had been a few months since then but she was hurting. Her heart was hurting.

Derek placed his glass down on the side before walking round to Meredith and cupping her face in his larger hands. He looked straight in the eyes to see that was a load of tears ready to be shed.
"Mer, you're not ok. Look I know things have been tough, real tough for you but you have to know that Lex..." As he started to mention Lexie's name, Meredith pulled her face out of his hands and walked away. She hated anyone bringing Lexie's name cause no one knew how she was feeling and she hated being told how to deal with her grief.

"Derek, you have no right. You have no idea, none! So don't you dare bring Lexie up, this has nothing to do with her. I'm pregnant, heavily pregnant and you're not doing anything to help me!" Meredith was now shouting at this point, she had no idea how it had got to this point but this was some tension that had building up and now it was all about to explode.

Upon hearing Meredith's last sentence, Derek couldn't take this anymore. He was about to snap.
"Not doing anything to help you? Are you fucking joking me Meredith?" Derek was raging at this stage. "Meredith, I am working 6 days a week and when I'm not there I'm doing the nursery. If I'm not doing that I'm on trips to get you, your ridiculous cravings. I'm trying Meredith but whatever I do, you have a problem with. You've been like a closed book since Lexie's death, it was a shit time for you but you're taking out on me. I want to be there for you Meredith I do but I can't do this anymore, whatever this is." He leaned on the table with both hands before letting out a sigh.

Meredith couldn't take this anymore. "Do what Derek? Us? If that's the case then go, I'm not keeping you here, leave." She knew she had no right to be 'kicking' him out of his own parents house but she truly had no where to go and she wasn't thinking straight right now. "I don't need you, I am more then capable of doing this on my own. So this, me and you , we are over." This is not what either of them wanted but right now is this moment it seemed like the only thing to do.

Derek snatched his head up and stared at Meredith standing at the other end of the table. "No, this isn't the end of us Meredith, I refuse. This is not happening, we are a family, me, you and Summer. So stop being so stubborn."

Meredith winced in pain but Derek was completely oblivious to this. Braxton hicks she thought. "Look Derek, I need space, I can't take you hovering over me all the time. So please leave. Just go to Mark's. I am not doing this, you can be in Summer's life but me and you are done Derek." She kept her tears at bay, she couldn't let him see her break, she had to do this.

"Wow Meredith that's it, just push me away just like your dad with you." Derek knew he shouldn't have said that but right now is this moment his words where getting away from him. Meredith snapped her head up and stared him down, the tears now freely flowing. She stormed over to him and started pushing him.

"Get the fuck out! Leave!" Meredith screamed at the top of her voice. Eventually, Derek went storming out the house, slamming the door on the way out. Meredith completely broke down at this point, another pain searing through her. At this point she knew they were no longer Braxton hicks, she knew this was labour. Reaching for her phone she knew she needed to contact Derek, even though they were fighting, she wouldn't stop him from being there for Summer's birth. She let the phone ring when she heard Derek's phone ringing in the other room, of course he had left in behind.

No more then 15 minutes later an unbearable pain ripped through Meredith's body, she cried out in pain. Her hands grabbed the kitchen table, turning her knuckles white with how hard was holding on. Eventually, Meredith was able to stand up straight and wiped the tears from her face, she needed Derek and she had sent him away. She had no idea how they had got here. Finally, Meredith heard the click of the front door, she hoped that it was Derek but was slightly disappointed to see it was Carolyn. Upon seeing Meredith doubled over in pain once again, Carolyn abounded her shopping bags and was at Meredith's side in an instant. 

"Meredith dear, are you labour?"
With being in the middle of contraction she nodded her head before groaning out in pain. Once the contraction had passed Meredith did her best to speak. "Me and Derek had an argument, it was big. We are over. I tried to ring him but of course he has left his fucking phone at home. I just really need him right now." She started sobbing at this point and leaned onto Carolyn for support. "Also, she's early. I've been putting my body through so much stress recently and now Summer is at risk, what if she isn't alright?"

Meredith looked at Carolyn, her eyes the same blue as the ones she had fallen in love with, Derek's eyes. Carolyn squeezed the tops of his arms before kissing the top of her head. "Mer, look you are 2 weeks away from your due date, she will be alright. As for Derek I will send Michael and Mark to go find him. But me and you are going straight to the hospital, come on love it's time to go have this baby."

Meredith nodded her head and together they made their way out to the car. Carolyn ran inside, phoning both her husband and Mark before grabbing the bag and making her way back out to the car. Once she reached the car she found Meredith to be in the middle of another contraction, her hands gripped the side of the seats whilst crying out in pain. Carolyn hated seeing Meredith like this and she knew Derek would be kicking himself if he knew he wasn't here for this. She hoped and prayed that they were able to find him quickly.

Eventually, they reached the hospital and got Meredith checked into a room. She was quickly changed into a hospital gown and was checked over by a doctor, they let her know that she was at 5 centimetre dilated. It was going to be a long night. Meredith needed Derek, she couldn't possibly do this without him. He was her rock and she had just shattered that. For now she couldn't worry too much about their argument, she had to worry about her daughter. Summer was coming and she was about to become a mother. But where was Derek?

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