Where's Derek?

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Michael and Mark searched everywhere and anywhere for Derek. They checked all his favourite places; the garage, the docks, the local cafe and the beach. But he was no where to be found and no one had heard off him or seen him. At this point they were starting to panic because Meredith was in labour and Derek was missing it all. Carolyn was texting them with updates, they need they needed to find him quick.

"Dad, I don't know where he could be, and I know Meredith needs him. When I see him, I am going to kick his fucking ass." Mark was frustrated at this stage. He knew Derek was his brother but he cared deeply for Meredith, he could relate. They had bonded over their messed up families one afternoon whilst Derek was working and they had been close ever since. Michael laughed at Mark's reaction before sighing and looking up at the sky. His first granddaughter was about to be born and he wasn't there, but more importantly Derek wasn't there.

"Mark, my boy, your brother is an idiot. Your mom told me that they had a massive bust up and he stormed out, leaving his phone at home." He smiled as he remembered a memory. "I remember when you boys were younger, you had an argument, not sure over what, but Derek was mad. You just went out to the garden to kick a football about but Derek he walked off and went up to the hill, looking over the land..." he stopped when the realisation hit him, he knew exactly where Derek was. Michael chucked the keys to Mark before walking off.
"Mark go to the hospital, I know exactly where Derek is. Go help your mom with Meredith, we will be there shortly."

He took off and made his way towards the hill, whilst Mark got into the car and sped off to the hospital. Michael finally reached the top of the hill and there was Derek. He was sat down with his head in his hands, constantly racking his fingers through his hair and shoulders shuck which meant he was crying. Michael made his way over to Derek and at down next to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, at this comfort, Derek completely broke down and fell into his father.

"It's over dad. I love her so much, but I said things. God, I was so mean to her, I used some of her biggest insecurities against her. I don't deserve her but I need to be there, for me and for Summer." Michael could see how broken his son was and he would speak to him but right now he had to get him to the hospital. He would never forgive himself if he misses the birth of his daughter.

"Derek, son, I know things are awful right now but it's Meredith. She's at the hospital, she's in labour. She's with your mom right now. But she's asking for you Derek, she wants, no she needs you there." With hearing his words Derek's head shot up, Meredith was in labour, he was about to become a father. His hands started to shake getting the keys from his pocket. Michael simply took the keys from Derek's hands and they made their way to the car.

In record time they were on their way to the hospital, today was going to be a good day. Today would be the day their daughter was born.

*back at the hospital*
Meredith's contractions were getting more intense but it wasn't helping that she had no idea where Derek was, so she was stressed. But Carolyn was an absolute angel. She had not left her side, she let her squeeze her hand with every contraction, she would wipe her forehead with a cloth, fed her ice chips but more importantly was there saying comforting words. But as much as she loved Carolyn she needed Derek there.

Meredith could still feel Summer kicking and rolling around in her stomach, she couldn't believe that was about to become a mother. It was all becoming very scary. Life was scary. Her and Derek were on the rocks, she had no idea where they stand but right now Summer was both of their main priorities. When another contraction hit, she cried out in pain and starting sobbing.

"Oh Meredith love, you're doing so well." Carolyn placed the cloth of her forehead and fed her some ice chips.
"Carolyn, have they found Derek yet? I can't thank you enough for being here for time but I really need Derek. I can't do without him. I don't want to do this without him." She was still sobbing at this point and she couldn't bear this anymore. 

"I can't do this, I can't. Please make it stop Carolyn, I want to go home. Please take me home. I can't do this without Derek." Meredith cried out.
"Well, it's good job you don't have to do this without me." Meredith looked up and saw Derek standing at the door, panting and sweating, letting her know that he had just ran up here. Within a second he was at her side, brushing the hair out of his face and planted a kiss on her lips. His hand was quickly grasped in hers as another contraction ripped through her body.

Carolyn started to make her way out of the room, when she looked back, this is exactly how it was meant to be. Her son was there supporting his girlfriend through the most magical, yet painful, experience of their lives. Things were hard at the minute but this was going to make them stronger then ever. Soon they would be a complete family.

Surprised myself and managed to get out another update! Anyways, it's finally time, Summer is on her way!!

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