I got a job

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Meredith was approaching the 16th week of her pregnancy now and was bored. Derek and Michael were at work and Amelia was at school. Carolyn was great but she felt like a burden constantly begin there. Carolyn entered the living room and saw Meredith sitting there rubbing her stomach.

"Meredith love, are you alright? You look fed up?"
Meredith loved how much Carolyn cared and could read her. She never had that growing up. But she had that now and she never wanted to lose it.
"Yeah I'm fine mom. It's just, I need to find myself a little job but it's hard cause no one wants to hire the pregnant girl."
Carolyn knew how hard Meredith hard been looking for a job but was yet to meet any success.
"Ahh dear, you'll find one eventually, I'm sure of it. Whatever job you get, they'll be lucky to have you." She lovingly rubbed Meredith's shoulder before making her way into the kitchen.

Carolyn picked up her phone and made a few phone calls, she had a few friends that owned their own book shop. She didn't want to interfere but she wanted to help Meredith out. With this job it wouldn't be too much on Meredith's back or feet as she got further into her pregnancy and could have the baby there with her after giving birth. After a few minutes of speaking on the phone she made her way back into the living room.
"Mer, get up, we have somewhere to be. Come on, get your shoes and coat on." She helped Meredith up off the sofa and helped her get ready.

Meredith had no idea what was going on or where they were going. All she knew she was no sitting in the car with Carolyn driving them to an unknown location. Eventually they stopped outside a small little book store. They exited the car and made their way inside.
"Margaret are you there, it's me Carolyn."
An older women came out from the back of the store and smiled when she saw the two of them. Approaching Carolyn and Meredith they exchanged quick hello's before Margaret turned to Meredith.

"So Meredith, Carolyn here tells me you are looking for a job. And you're in luck cause I'm actually looking to take someone on. I know you are pregnant, so we will be super flexible and meet all of your needs, so would you like the job?"
Meredith didn't know what to say, she was speechless. She never thought she would see the day that she would finally get a job but here she was.

"I would love the job! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it and will work super hard. I won't let you down. Either of you." Meredith said as she turned to look at Margaret and Carolyn.
The discussed a few more details before they said their goodbye's. Meredith would be starting work in two days time and she was beyond excited.

Together her and Carolyn made their way to the local cafe and stopped to grab a drink and some food.
"Mom, I can't thank you enough for doing that. It really does mean the world to me how supportive both you and Michael are being. I truly do love you."
Carolyn looked at Meredith with pure admiration and said
"Meredith dear, you don't need to thank us, you are like our daughter. We both love you so much and as far as that job, I simply suggested your name, but you got that job on your own." They spent the rest of their afternoon in the cafe before heading back home.

Derek had just finished another long day at work and wanted nothing more then to get home and cuddle with Meredith. He entered the house, he kicked off his shoes and before he knew it Meredith was jumping into his arms.
"Woah what's this all about?"
Meredith leaned back, pressed a kiss to his forehead and said
"I got a job Derek!"
He squeezed her tight and spun her round crating a squeal from Meredith's mouth. He placed her back down on the ground and cupped her face in his hands.
"Meredith I am so proud of you, I knew you could do it." He kissed again before they made their way into the living room.

That night at dinner they celebrated Meredith's new job. Before long they headed off up to bed and crashed for the night as they had both had a long and pretty exciting day.

*Meredith's first day at work*
Meredith and Derek woke up together and both started getting ready for work. Derek didn't need to be until later but he insisted on dropping Meredith off at work as he wouldn't get to see her until later that evening. They climbed in the car and started off on their way.
Once they reached the shop, Meredith leaned over and pressed a kiss to Derek's lips before exiting the car to start her first day at work.
She entered the shop and began her day. The day was slow, which she was grateful for, she had the odd few customers. It allowed her to read a book herself and rest, allowing some of the tension in her back to ease up.

Before she knew it her day was over and Carolyn was waiting outside to pick her up. They got home and sat down for dinner as Derek entered the house. They spoke about their days at work before heading off up to bed, they stuck on a film and sat up looking at baby stuff. With them both having a day off tomorrow it allowed them to spend some well deserved time together. Eventually they fell asleep and dreamt of their future together.

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