Spa day

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It had been a few days since Meredith's birthday, they had been busy with work and getting some more bits in for Summer. Time was getting away from them and her due date was fast approaching. Things were falling into place and everything was alarmist ready. However, that would all be on the back burner today as it was the day that Meredith was off to the spa with the girls. She hadn't seen them since August as they had been busy with college and she had been busy with work.

Meredith rolled over and cuddled into Derek's side, she watched as he slept. Over time, she understood why Derek liked watching her sleep, she got it now. She enjoyed how peaceful Derek looked and relaxed. He smiled in his sleep before scrunching up his nose and reached up to rub his eyes of sleep. This let Meredith know that he was waking up. His eyes opened and looked down to Meredith.

"Well, this is a surprise, watching me sleep now?"
Meredith couldn't resist so moved up to give him his morning kiss.
"What can I say, we are just two weirdos who enjoy to watch one another sleep."
Hearing this they both giggled. They eventually pried there selves from one another and then finally from the bed. They headed downstairs together as Meredith would leaving later that afternoon to spend the night at the spa. Their time together was spent lazily sitting on the sofa before Cristina came to collect Meredith.

From out the front the heard the beeping of a horn to alert them that Cristina was there. Derek leaned down to pick up Meredith's bag before helping out to the car. Together they reached to their car to see Cristina and Izzie there.
"Hey love birds, took your time." Cristina shouted. 

Derek sighed and rolled his eyes before speaking.
"Cristina, it's always a pleasure." He leaned in to whisper in Meredith's ear "remind me again why we are friends with her again?"
Meredith laughed and playfully slapped his arm.
"Shut up Derek, hey Cristina, hey Izzie." She said waving to them both.

They made their way to the car where Derek chucked her bag in the boot and then helped Meredith into the back seat.
"You enjoy yourself and I'll see you tomorrow, love you,both of you."
They quickly pecked their lips together, like it was habit, like they'd do it for the rest of their lives.

Cristina groaned from the front seat "honestly, you two are so loved up it's disgusting, move Shepherd so we can go enjoy our weekend."
Derek rolled his eyes before speaking, "Cristina it always a pleasure to be in your presence. But drive safe, you've got my girls on board here so look after them." His tone became serious causing Cristina to hold her hands up in her defence. He closed the door and they waved at one another as the car drove off into the distance. Derek stayed at the curb waiting till the car was completely out of his sight before reentering the house.

*at the spa*
Quickly they dropped their bags off into their room before throwing on the robes and heading down to the spa. Upon entering the spa they went straight for a facial and massage. With Meredith being 7 months pregnant, the massage was well and truly needed. Her whole body was aching and the amount of pressure on her back was slowly getting unbearable. Most of the afternoon was spent in silence cause they were enjoying their treatments.

Once all of them were done for the afternoon, they made their way to sit around the pool. Cristina came and placed herself down next to Meredith.
"Mer, I've got to say I am so glad you are having a girl, we really didn't need a mini McDreamy running around the place. Derek is a handful enough."
Meredith giggled and rolled her hands whilst she lovingly rubbed her hands around her bump. Underneath her hands she could feel Summer rolling around and kicking every now and then.
"Stop it Cristina, Der has been amazing this whole pregnancy and I just know he is going to be amazing dad."

Cristina made a gagging sound at Meredith's words, she was never ever an over the top loving person, so seeing Meredith this way made her stomach churn. However, she was happy for her friends, they did bring out the best in each other. Both of them got up and enjoyed a lazy swim before heading up to have dinner and then go to bed.

*the next day*
The weekend had got away from them and now Cristina was driving Meredith back to the house. Derek was at work today meaning she wouldn't get to see him until later. They were approaching the house when they saw a male figure standing at the bottom of the path leaning up to the house. Meredith squinted to see if she could make out who it was. She gasped when the realisation hit her. Finn.

"Mer, are you alright? Who is that?" Izzie asked as she placed her hand on Meredith's shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah, that's, that's my brother Finn."

She had no reason why he was there. In 7 months they had been no communication between them and she had no idea why he would possibly be here after so long. Maybe something bad had happened and he was the one that was sent to break the news. Cristina pulled the car up to the curb and Meredith stepped out. She walked up to Finn and sighed before speaking.
"Finn, what are you doing here?"

Hey loves! Just a quick one, I'm going to be busy again over the next few days so will try and update as soon as possible. Just a quick little update today. Leaving it on a bit of a cliffhanger, currently worrying the next chapter!!

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