So what are we?

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The next morning, Meredith rolled over expecting to find Derek but the bed was empty beside her. She sat up, clutching the sheet to her body and looked around the room. He was no where to be seen. That's when the smell of bacon, toast, eggs and coffee attacked her nostrils. He was cooking breakfast. Before she could even attempt to move out the bed, she heard him making his way upstairs.
She sat their with her hair falling round the face, looking at the door, waiting for Derek's appearance.

The door slowly opened and there he stood. Shirtless,holding a tray full of breakfast. Meredith pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. He came over and placed the tray over her lap and placed a kiss on her lips.
"Morning beautiful, I thought you'd be hungry this morning. So you've got a cooked breakfast, some chopped fruit and yoghurt, some orange juice and of course the coffee."
She looked at the full plates of breakfast and then turned to look at Derek, smiled and kissed his face again.
"Thank you Derek, you are officially my favourite person ever!"

With this, they started eating breakfast, chatting about the past adventures together and laughing, whilst feeding one another. Eventually all the food was gone and Meredith was staring off into space.

"Mer, are you still with me?"
Meredith snapped back to reality and said
"Yeah sorry, I'm just thinking."
"Well fancy telling what you are thinking about, you look stressed what is it?" He reached up and placed the loose hair behind her ear as she sighed.
"Look Derek, it's nothing bad, I was just thinking what are we?cause I know I like you a lot more then just being friends, I mean I love you Derek. I want to be with you,so like are we together or?"
"Mer, I would love nothing more then to be your boyfriend. And by the way, I love you too."
"You do?" Meredith asked with tears in her eyes.
"So much Meredith." With this Derek took her into his arms and cuddled with her.

It was official. They were official. And they couldn't be happier. For a while they lay together just telling stories of the times they weren't together and catching up on time they'd missed.
"Look Mer, my mom and dad keep asking me, actually begging me to invite you to dinner one night, so what do you say,want to come to dinner at ours tonight?"
"Of course Derek,I'd love to but do they know?about us?"
Derek could tell she was nervous, so he tried his best to relax her.
"They don't know yet but they will and don't worry Mer, they love you already and have missed you."

Derek reached for his phone to let his mom know that Meredith would be coming for dinner tonight. They lounged around for a bit longer before reluctantly pulled away from one another and got changed for the day. Tonight she would be having dinner with the Shepherds and she couldn't wait.

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