Mother daughter time

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Meredith walked up to the house that she had called home for so long, Summer was secured tightly in one arm and with the other, she reached up to knock on the door. She heard some shuffling behind the door before it creaked open, to reveal Carolyn. She looked so sad and empty still but at the sight of seeing Summer and Meredith, her eyes lit up.

"Meredith dear, what a lovely surprise, it's so good to see you both come in." She opened the door further for them, allowing them to enter. "What have I told you before Meredith, you don't have to knock, you can just walk in."

Meredith placed Summer down and watched as she walked over to the make shift toy box that Michael had made for her.

"Mom, this isn't my home anymore, I'm not just going to walk in." They walked into the kitchen together to grab a drink before grabbing a seat in the living room.

"Meredith, this will always be your home, just because you don't live here anymore, it doesn't mean anything." Carolyn sipped at her coffee, watching her granddaughter playing and talking to herself. "God, she is growing so quick and she really does look like Derek doesn't she?" At mentioning Derek's name she saw Meredith's expression lighten up again. She knew Derek was working hard to get Meredith back.

"I know, I go through all that pain of pregnancy and then giving birth to her, just for her to look like Derek. But she's so beautiful." Meredith smiled and her eyes lit up.

"So Meredith, how have you been?" Carolyn asked, turning her head to look at her.

"You know mom, for the first time in a long time, I'm really good. Things are starting to look up, like with Derek he is putting in the effort again, but you know I'm scared. What if he goes back to how he was before and forgets about me again?" Meredith's eyes dropped to the floor and she fiddled with her fingers.

Carolyn sighed before placing her cup down and leaning forward to speak. "Meredith, I love my son, I really do but he was an idiot. We was all grieving but he took out on you, he knows that he messed up now, he really does. I'm not saying you should forgive him straight away but Meredith, you love one another so why are you trying to deny that?"

Meredith sighed and leaned back in her chair and turned to stare at her daughter. "I do love him, I always will. But it's hard you know to trust him again but I am hoping with time, we will get back to where we was before."

Carolyn and Meredith spent the afternoon talking and playing with Summer. Eventually, Summer crashed so Meredith took upstairs to her old room and placed her down in her crib. It was bitter sweet being back her, this is where they brought her home and their life had truly begun. Pushing her way into her old room, she noticed that things had been kept the same. With the exception of a new photo, placed on his bedside table, she frowned trying to get a better look before walking up to pick it up. It was a photo of her and Summer, cuddling into one another, both of them smiling.

Hearing the click of the front door, she placed the photo back down and made her way downstairs. She walked into the living room and was met with Derek standing there.

"Hey." Meredith spoke at barely a whisper causing Derek to turn and smile brightly at her. Seeing him smile made her smile back without even trying.

"Hey, I didn't know you was here, where's Summer?" Derek asked as he walked closer to Meredith,wanting nothing more then to take her into his arms.

"Oh, it was a spontaneous visit, I wanted to come see mom and was hoping to see Amy but she's out again. As for Summer, she is upstairs fast asleep. If you want, she can stay the night here tonight, only if you aren't too busy?"

"Yeah, I would love that, so would mom and Amelia so thank you for that." He reached down and grasped her hand in his, running his thumb over her knuckles.

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