We are having a baby.

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Meredith was pregnant. This is not what she had planned, especially being only 18. But she knew she could do this with Derek. They stayed in the cafe talking over everything and convincing Derek that she really was alright. They eventually made their way back over to Derek's house. Wasting no time they went on to the porch with Derek stopping in the kitchen to grab them some drinks and snacks. He leant on the side with his head dipped down.

"Derek, love, are you alright?" Derek turned around to see his mother standing there. He was panicking, he wanted to be there for Meredith but he had no idea how to be a father.
"Mom, I'm so scared. Like I'm so in love with her and our baby already but how do I do this."
Carolyn walked across the kitchen and pulled her son into a hug.
"Look son, this has happened quick but you never feel ready for a baby. But you aren't alone. Me and you father will be by both of your sides all the way through. She needs us, she is beyond scared and has no one but us. So don't keep her waiting."
Derek placed a kiss on his mom cheek and said
"thanks mom, I'm going to go."
He turned and grabbed everything and made his way outside.

He walked outside and there she sat. She really was glowing. Hearing him enter, Meredith turned to smile at them, with a hand resting on her stomach. It was already a habit.
"I forgot how beautiful it was out here." Meredith said as she turned to look out the garden that went down on to the beach. Derek placed himself down next to her and passed her the drink.
"Thanks Der."
Together they sat in silence, with their hands clasped together. Eventually Meredith broke the comfortable silence and started to speak.

"Look Derek, I know this a lot and I understand if you need some time or decide you don't want this. But I couldn't not tell you, this is our baby. It's scary, real scary but I truly believe we can do this. I will get a job and work, I don't expect you to pay for everything. I'm around 6/7 weeks pregnant, I will know more once I've seen the doctors. So, it's your turn to speak." She looked at him and honestly couldn't read his face. She was waiting for him to bolt.

Derek truly was speechless, he hated that she thought he wouldn't want this baby or he involved. She couldn't be more wrong. He took a deep breath before speaking.
"Mer, I know this isn't what we had planned but it's happening and I couldn't be happier. We are having a baby. I will be there for you every step of the way, we will get through this. We will stay here, mom and dad have already said they will help and then eventually we will move out and get our own place. We can do this and we will do this. Plus, Amelia will be very excited to become an auntie." Derek said referring to his younger and only sister.

With the Meredith giggled and they both leaned in to press a long kiss to each other's lips. Their tears mixed together, tears of happiness. Their journey was just about to get real bumpy. But they could do and they will do this. Together. They were a team and Meredith finally had a family where she felt she belonged and fit in.

This was probably a very unexpected turn but please stay with me. Amelia is Derek's only sister and she is 14, she will be brought into the story very soon.
Derek and Meredith aren't training to be doctors in this story.
Thank you for the all the favourites! I appreciate you all so much :)

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