Times flies

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Thanksgiving had been and gone. Christmas fast approaching and Meredith was now 5 and a half months pregnant. Both her and Derek had thrown themselves into work, however, they still ensured they had at least one date night a week. If this was just a walk on the beach, a breakfast date or even date night.

Meredith was on her lunch break at work when the bell, alerting her that someone was here. She made her way out to the front of the store to be met with someone she wasn't expecting to see. Addison.
"Addison, hey." Meredith said, she felt a flutter under her hand when he daughter was moving.

Addison's attention was drawn to Meredith's stomach and she was surprised to say the least.
"So, you and Derek, you're pretty serious then?" She said raising her eyebrows.
Meredith was taken back by this, but knew she couldn't let it show.
"Hm yeah, we are having a baby. Obviously. I'm 5 months and we are having a little girl. We are both really excited." Meredith said with a nervous giggle.

"Oh congratulations. But I just came to see if you had this book." Addison said with a forced smile. They carried on with their business before Addison left with a quick exit. Meredith sighed with relief before making her way back out to finish her lunch, joking Margaret once again. Whilst Meredith was taking a drink, she felt a sharp jab in the side of stomach causing her to let out a gasp. This grabbed Margaret's attention immediately.

"Meredith dear, what is it? Is it the baby?" She was immediately at her side.
"I'm not sure, I think the baby just kicked but I don't know, I've never felt that before." Meredith looked up and Margaret saw the vulnerability in her eyes.
"May I?" She asked, reaching out to place her hands on her bump.
Meredith nodded her head not begin able to speak. Maybe this was the other shoe dropping. She couldn't lose this baby. Before she knew it she felt the same sensation again and was about to panic but she looked up to see Margaret smiling.

"Oh love, this is not a bad thing. This is a good thing, that is indeed your baby kicking."
Meredith couldn't stop the happy tears from flowing. She needed to tell Derek, she went and grabbed her phone straight away and rang him.
The phone didn't ring for long before Derek answered.

"Hey Mer, are you ok? How's work?"
"Yeah yeah works fine but Der, I have some good news. Really good news. Guess what just happened?"
Derek could hear the excitement in her voice.
"What is it Mer?"
"The baby kicked. Like proper kicked, so hard that I had to stop what I was doing. Even Margaret could feel."
"No way Mer that's great! Give me 10 minutes and I will be there!"

Before Meredith could respond Derek had hung up the phone. She giggled and sat back to wait for him to join her. Before she knew it Margaret was directing Derek through to the back. He walked over to her and placed his hands directly on her bump and placed a kiss to her lips. And that's how they sat. Waiting. Eventually they felt her kick. No word where said, they said everything they needed to by looking into each other's eyes.

So this is just a little filler chapter, ok currently writing the next few chapters so will try and get them out tonight.
Also please don't hate me for bringing Addison back, she won't be sticking around for long!

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