Beach day

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Sunrise, the wind was peaceful, reds,golds and oranges scattered across the still ocean and the birds quietly began to chirp. Meredith had no idea why she was up so early but she nursed her cup of coffee out on her balcony and embraced the warm summer morning. She had never felt peace like this, finally she was at a place in her life where she was truly happy. Happy. Meredith owed that to one person.

Far off in the distance Meredith could see a figure running down the beach. As he approached she released it was Derek, running shirtless across the beach. Even from a distance she could see the sweat running down his toned body. Shaking herself from her daydreaming she took off into bathroom to get ready for the day.

*a few hours later*
Meredith had decided to wear a white bikini, with a pair of shorts thrown on as well. She didn't see the point of wearing much else as she would be spending most of the day in the sea. Before she knew it there was a knock on the door, alerting her that it was time to go.

Quickly, she made her way down the stairs and opened up the door to see Cristina there.
"Cristina, come in, just got to grab a few last little bits. Also, we don't have to do all the hugging crap do we?cause Izzie is very big on it and I am not."
Cristina laughed
"Oh god no, please don't ever worry about me hugging you, I'm not a hugger. But come on, Izzie, Callie, Arizona and April are already at the beach waiting.
No more then two minutes later they were making their way down to the beach, laughing about anything and everything. Personally, Cristina was her favourite out of the girls, they just clicked. They were both, dark and twisty.

Once they arrived with everyone else, she took her shorts off and placed them in her bag and pulled her sun glasses down across her eyes.
"Hey Meredith, did you need any sun cream? Cause I brought plenty, just let me know."
"Thanks April, I appreciate it, but I put some on just before I left."
As the minutes ticked by the group of girls talked about their plans after summer, all of them going off to college to study medicine. They decided that they would stay in contact with one another, Meredith knew right now in this moment that these girls were friends for life. Bridesmaids at her wedding and her future children's aunties.

Meredith jumped and said
"Look I'm going to go for a swim, you all coming?"
She then set off, running towards the ocean and diving straight in. Before she knew the rest of the girls joined her and they spent their time chilling in the cool water.
Suddenly, April spoke up and said
"Hey guys, isn't that the boys walking down the beach?"
They all turned around to confirm that it was.
"Yeah it is, come on, let's go see what they want and why they are interrupting our girls day." Cristina said as they started to exit the water.

"Ladies, your favourite man has arrived." Mark exclaimed very loudly which the whole beach heard.
"Very funny Mark but I don't actually see Derek around. Where is he actually?"
Before Mark could answer, Callie spoke up.
"Holy shit, is that Addison?"
With this the whole group turned around and looked in the direction that Callie was pointing.
Arizona then spoke up and said
"Yeah it is, I wonder what she is doing here."

Still at this stage Meredith was left confused but slowly she turned round to see Derek talking to a gorgeous red head. She had her hand on the top of Derek's arm and she was flirting with him. Meredith turned to Mark to get some answers.
"Hey Mark, who is Addison? And why is she all over Derek for??"
"Oh shit,well basically they kind of had a thing this time last year, but to Derek it was just sex but she always wanted more, you know? Honestly Mer, you've got nothing to worry about."

Nothing to worry about. Sure. Quickly Meredith went to her stuff and started gathering her things together when Cristina approached.
"Where do you think you are going? You aren't leaving with Barbie, no way."
"Look Cristina, I just need to go home, I'm not feeling too good." As she said this she turned to look at Derek again and this is when blue met green. A smile graced Derek's face and before she knew it he left Addison and made his way towards her.

Planting a kiss on her forehead, he asked
"Hey,are yo- wait where are you going?Are you leaving already?"
"Yeah Mer, where you going?"
Meredith turned to glare at Cristina which warned her to be quiet and walk away. In which she did.

"Look Derek, this thing between was just fun. If you wanted to see someone else then that's fine. I mean we was never official but please don't lead me on."
"Wait Mer, what are you about? You think I want to see someone else. When would I have time to see anyone else, you're a handful enough."
It suddenly hit Derek why Meredith was acting this way.
"Meredith Grey, are you jealous?"
"Wait, wha-no I'm not jea- ugh!is it that obvious?"
Both of them erupted into laughter.
"Mer, Addison is a nobody. Yeah we have a history but yo- you are my future and I won't do anything to risk that."

Meredith didn't have to say anything else as the only way she could express her feelings was reaching her arms round his neck and placing a deep kiss on his lips.
"hey guys, we are going to play some beach volleyball,you up for it?"
"Yeah sure Avery we are coming now." Derek replied.

Meredith hopped onto Derek's back and made their way towards the group. Together they played multiple games of volleyball before finally collapsing with exhaustion. Slowly but surely the group started to break up and go home.
Derek lay with his head on Meredith's stomach, with her running her fingers through his hair.
"Yeah Mer."
"Can you stay with me tonight?"
Derek sat up and looked Meredith in the eye when he replied
"I would love to, shall we head back now?"
"Yeah let's go."

They gathered their stuff together, Derek took Meredith's bag in one hand and then linked fingers with Mer with the other hand. Derek turned round to Mark,Cristina and Owen and said
"Look guys we are going to head back, we will see you tomorrow at some point."
Mark lowered his glasses down from his eyes and said
"Derek remember, no glove, no love my guy."
"Mark shut up, see you guys later." Derek exclaimed and turned to walk away with Meredith.

Behind them they could hear the laughter of the three of them, they continued walking whilst shaking their heads and trying not to laugh too.
Meredith turned and surprised Derek by saying
"You know what Mark said, he's right."
Derek stopped in his tracks and looked at Meredith with a huge smile on his face.

Out of nowhere, he bent down and threw Meredith over his shoulder and started slowly jogging towards the house. Meredith laughed and squealed, whilst pounding her fists against his back. At one point she gave up as she never he wasn't going to put her down until they were back. Before she knew it, she was being placed back on her two feet in front of the door. Derek placed a kiss on Meredith's lips, leaving her breathless and her legs weak. She was excited for where the night was going and she knew in that moment that this is what she wanted. Derek is what she wanted. Derek.

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