Talk to me

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*continuing from last chapter*
Meredith looked at the time on her watch; 9:30pm. She knew it was getting late and that she should probably be heading back.
"Hey, so it's getting kind of late, so I'm going to be heading off now. Thank you so much for dinner, it's been a pleasure. Thanks for having me."
She started standing up from her seat when Derek grabbed her hand forcing her to look down.
"Stay Mer, it's late. Plus I don't want you being on your own right now. So please stay." Derek looked at his mother, pleading with her to get her to say something.

"Derek is right dear, please stay. We've enjoyed having you here. Plus we can get up tomorrow and have a nice lovely breakfast together."
Meredith looked at their faces and knew she couldn't say no.
"Alright,only if you are sure. But I am kind of tired so would it be alright if we went up to bed now Der?"
Without hesitation he jumped out of his seat and began to say goodnight to his mom and dad.

*upstairs in Derek's room*
Both of them lay on Derek's bed, under the covers, cuddle close together. Derek ran his hand up and down Meredith's back. She was wearing one of his shirts and underwear, whilst Derek slept in just his boxers. Meredith leaned up on elbow and sighed and then began to speak.
"So that phone call earlier. I'm going to tell you about it but I need you not to interrupt me,ok?"
Derek nodded his head and continued to listen.
"Ok, right. Finn called to tell me that my mom, Ellis, she, erm- she's sick. Like really sick. She's in a home. Alzheimer's. Apparently she has known for ages but now it's too far gone and Richard placed her home, that's her husband by the way. He told me that she got diagnosed 4 years ago and that's why she sent me to live my dad. She didn't tell me Der. That hurts the most cause in her time of need, she sent me away. Finn had to tell me. And I jus-"

At this point Derek couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed Meredith and pulled her into his side.
"Thank you for telling me Mer, I know it's not easy for to open up. I love you." She turned to look at him and pressed a kiss to his lips. This kiss was different. It was slow and full of love. Between each kiss Meredith said
"I love you too Der."
She then yawned, alerting Derek of how tired she really was.
"Go to sleep Mer, I'll be here when you wake up."
Within seconds she was fast asleep and Derek watched her.

The minutes ticked by and Derek finally fell asleep. Sleep came easy to him that night purely because Meredith was there. Together they stayed embraced in each other's arms until the next morning.

this is just short little filler chapter. I've got an idea of where to take this story, it may be a bit of a slow burner but please stay with me!
Any ideas that you want put in this story then just leave a comment below :)

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