Factories in the Forest

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The door to the van rolled open and I saw Gage, smiling at us. "Hey, long time no see."

"Ugh," I mumbled. "Weren't you shot already?"

"Just get in," Jean said, pushing us in the back. "And stay quiet."

He started up the van and started driving down an abandoned road that seemed to get deeper into a thick forest.

"So...... where are you taking us?" Liam asked after a few minutes of silence.

"I said silence!" Jean yelled.

"I was just asking a question!" Liam yelled back in a squeaky voice.

"Well shut up!" The ginger screamed.

We kept driving through the forest until it cleared and a huge building  came into view. It looked like a factory, with many chimneys with smoke coming out and evaporating into the air. I saw trucks being driven into garages, people walking in and out of the factory, and it was reallly noisy.

"What is this place?" Harry asked, turning his head.

"Just follow me," Jean said. He still held the gun at his side, ready to use it at any second. We followed him into the huge building. He buzzed a button on the side, said his name into a small speaker, and the doors opened for him. The factory looked even bigger on the inside. There were machines, boxes, and workers everywhere.  A huge, muscular, blonde man in a fancy tux walked forward.

"Jean, you're late," He said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, sir," Jean said, looking pretty small compared to the blondie. If you thought Jean was freaky, you should've seen this guy.

"Well, introduce me," He said to Jean.

"Kayla, Marisa, Liam, and Harry," The ginger said, pointing to each of us.

"Hi, I'm Brock," He said, nodding.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Please follow me," Brock said, ignoring my question. His huge feet sounded over the factory as he lead us into a small office. There were pictures of the factory, from black and white to present day. There was a large, wodden desk with papers strewn everywhere.

"SIt," Brock said, and we sat down without objection in the small, leather chairs. "We have much to discuss."

"You want to do what now?" Liam asked.

Brock sighed. "Do I really need to explain all of this again? I just spent an hour telling you."

"Maybe you could just sum it up?" Marisa suggested.

He thought about it, then nodded. "Fair enough. The expreiment that you were all starting to be tested on about a month ago on how the teenage brain operates is still incomplete. You guys somehow were always able to escape, therefore ruining the experiment and all the data collected. The fact that Harry lost his memory could have been extremeley helpul, except now that he has it all back there isn't much that we can do. We do still need to do the experiment though, in order to have our army sucessful. Do you remember that? The fact that we are going to bring in a hundred chilren and train them to work for us because loyalty has been questionable latley? But the teenage stage of the typical human body is the most rebelious, so if we know how it works we'll be able to figure out how to stop this need for rebelion. But you children are always getting away...no matter what we do. This is becoming a serious problem for the company that Quad and I started. Well, now it's my company since one of decided to shoot my dear friend Quad. The company, as I told you of earlier, is for one purpose: Money. We steal, and kidnap, and that shit anything that can get us money. What we do with this money can vary, sometimes we use it for drugs, sex, possesions, houses, islands, boats, anything needed. We are the biggest and most under the radar gang around today. Our only issue is the whole loyalty thing, people keep betraying us which is putting the gang at risk. Hence the experiment. So, in order to finish the experiment on the brain, we need to keep you guys here. But that seems rather unlikely and questionable based on past events, so there is really only one solution. To clone you."

We sat there, obsorbing this.

"I just have one question," I said. "Why does it have to be us that you test?"

Brock nodded. "You've been through a lot. Loss, love, friendship, fear, everything. We expect that the kids we train will be going through all of those emotions too. You can't find many teens like that these days."

"He's got a point," Marisa said. "We have been through a lot."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean he has to clone us!" Harry said.

"Another good point," Marisa said.

Brock laughed. "It's not like it's up for descussion. It's happening in about twenty minutes."

"Twenty minutes?!" Liam exclaimed.

"Yes," Brock answered.

"And what if we say no?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Jean," Brock called. He burst through the wooden doors and I wondered if he had been sitting there the whole time.

"Yes, sir?"

"Would you like to show the children what we're going to do if they say no?"

"Of course, sir. Who would you like me to demonstrate on, sir?"

"The curly haired one."

A smirk appeared on Jean's face. "I would be honored, sir."

He began to make his way towards Harry. Liam leaped up but two men were suddenly there, each holding one of his arms. Another grabbed  Marisa and I was just about to run across the room when another grabbed me.

"Harry!" Liam screamed.

Jean made his way over to him. I wasn't too worried. Harry could take Jean. He'd done if before.

"Smith, Rogers," Brock called, and two men almost as big as Brock appeared and grabbed Harry.

Okay now I was a little worried.

Jean leaned down so that he was just in front of Jean's face. Harry spit."You ba-" Jean started, then stopped, realizing his big bad boss was in the room. Jean brought a fist up and punched Harry. Then he did it again. And again.

I fought back the urge to scream.

"And if you still don't want to cooperate," Jean said, turning towards us. "This will happen." He brought out a taser and forced it into Harry's stomach. Harry's spine made a backwards C and he fell llimp forward. 

I couldn't help it anymore. I screamed, and I heard Marisa and Liam doing the same.

"And if you stilllll don't cooperate," he said. "This will happen." He brought out a gun and pressed it to Harry's skull. Then brought it back down. "However, it is against orders for me to shoot Harry currently. Right, sir?"

"Right Jean. Now, let the boy go and lead the kids to the clone room."

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