Double the us

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After seeing what happened to Harry, I let the huge scary man half-carry me away to a huge room with four big machines. They were shoped in a oval, and there was a door to each one of them.

"Um... is this going to hurt?" I asked.

"Oh, shut up," Harry mumbled, still looking in pain.

Brock stood in front of all of us as workers started pressing buttons on what I assumed was the cloning machines. They started to light up and make noises. "Alright," The blond, buff man said. "Listen up, kids. It's really important that when your in the cloning process that you do not move. It could mess up the clones, like seriously. So don't have any spasms or anything. Just be normal. K?"

"Does it hurt?!" I repeated.

"Maybe a tiny bit," Brock said, then pushed me in the first cloning machine. As the door closed, I saw Harry, Liam and Kayla doing the same. I looked at Liam worridly before the door closed and I was alone, in the cold, dark machine.

Then the lights turned on, and I could feel heat enter the machine.

"Ummm hello?" I said. "This is pretty scary."

"Just shut up and stay still!" Jean yelled.

I realized I was almost sweating now from the heat. I heard Kayla scream. "What?" I yelled, then felt a hard, sudden zap. It shocked my whole body and left it buzzing. "OWWW!" I yelled.

The machine started to power down and the door opened. I practically fell on the hard floor. "What the hell? That hurt!"

"Yeah, but it's quick and easy," Brock said, pressing buttons on another machine, different from the others. "Now, watch. The machines have your DNA and we are using our high technology to transfer it into other bodies."

"How many clones are we making?" Harry asked, his curly hair up all around him. Oh, gosh. We all looked like that.

"Three," Brock said. He pressed more buttons and all of a sudden a Marisa popped up.

"Oh Jesus," I mumbled. Two more popped out, looking around the factory like abandoned puppies.

"Marisa?" Liam asked.

"Yeah?" Four voices said.

"Whaaattttt?" I said. "This is freaky."

After that, three Liams popped out, then three Kaylas, then three Harrys. We all walked over to our clones, touching them.

"Hello?" I said to one of my first clones.

"Hi?" She said, smiling. It was like looking into a mirror. But then she twitched, sending electricity everywhere.

"Uh, what's wrong with her?" I asked, turning to Brock.

"You MOVED!" He yelled. "I told you there would be problems if you moved during the process!"

"Well I'm sorry that I have reflexes and that you SHOCKED me!" I huffed. I turned and saw all of the other's clones twitching in the same way.

"This is not good," Brock whispered. He pulled out a walkie-talkie. "Mark? Secure all the doors. We might have clones running around wild."

Things got bad pretty quickly.

With sixteen teenagers in one room, only four of them being actual real teenagers, it was chaos. I yelped as something was thrown at my head, then looked for the source and found that it was from one of the other Kayla's. Go figure.

I ran for the exit, dodging screaming kids, a screaming Brock, and flying machine parts. I yanked the door open and ran right into a hard body.

Hands caught my back and steadied me and when I looked up I saw Harry. Well, I either saw Harry or I saw a Harry clone. Wouldn't know.

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