Surfing and Possession

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After what seemed like the longest flight ever, we landed in Aruba. The Rays went to grab some food for us, and Liam, Harry, Kayla and I sat down by a window.

"Oh my gosh, Aruba is pretty!" I said, looking out at the ocean.

"I know, right?" Kayla said.

The Rays came back with sandwiches for each of us, and we ate it like we had never eaten in our life.

"Alright, so we have to get our business started tonight, so here's some cash. Go see a movie or go shopping or something. Just don't draw attention to yourselves, you guys are probably wanted too," Clay said. "We'll meet back up at this address in two hours." He handed me a piece of paper with a scribbled address on it.

"What? What have we done?" I asked.

"I mean, you were seen with us and Jean," Drew said.

I nodded. "True."

Harry slumped down in his chair, looking exhausted. He had been quiet practically the whole flight, which was rare for him. I guessed he was still recovering from the surgery.

"Cool," Kayla said, grabbing the wad of cash from Clay. "So where do you guys want to go?"

"Oh my gosh, can we go surfing?" Liam asked. "I've always wanted to do that."

"Yeah! I mean, I'm sure I'll fail, but sounds fun!" I replied.

We walked out of the airport and wandered around some streets until we found a surfboard rental place right on the shore.

"Do you guys want some lessons?" The store clerk man said in an Aruban accent.

"Nah, we got this," Kayla said, grabbing her blue board.

We got into the cold water and tried to figure out what to do next.

"We have to paddle out and catch a wave," Liam said.

It took a lot of flailing around and failed attempts before any of us successfully stood up and rode a wave. I only really did it right twice, but it was fun trying anyway. I knew that my arms would be aching from all the paddling the next day. Harry still didn't say much, but he seemed to enjoy surfing too.

We came back to shore as the sun was setting and headed to the address that Clay had given us. It was a small but bustling cafe house in the middle of the city. When the sun went down, lights lit up above us, and with the warm air and smiling people it actually felt like a vacation.

"There you guys are," Drew said, standing up from where they were sitting outside of the cafe. "We found a small hotel we can stay at for tonight."

"Can we order some hot chocolate first?" I asked, giving a persuasive smile.

Clay sighed. "Fine. Cole, can you go get four hot chocolates?"

"Why do I have to do it?" He asked, looking offended.

"Because you're annoying," He replied. "Make yourself useful."

He looked like he wanted to protest, but eventually gave up.

"Harry, you alright, man?" Drew asked, noticing how Harry was completely silent.

"Yeah," He replied.

Kayla looked at him worriedly. "You sure?"

He just nodded.

"Alright, well what's the plan for-"

Before Drew could finish his sentence, a loud shot exploded in front of us. Clay fell back in his chair and landed on the ground, motionless. Kayla gasped, Liam jumped back, and I screamed. We all turned to look at Harry and saw he was holding a pistol in his right hand. The crowd around us erupted with screams, and everyone started running.

"Harry!" Kayla yelled.

He whirled around, still holding the gun, and pointed it at us.

Several things happened at once.

Drew ran to Clay's side and pulled out a cell phone. Cole came running out of the cafe, four cups of steaming hot chocolate in his hands, all of which he dropped when he saw Clay laying in a pool of blood on the pavement. I ducked under the table and curled into the fetal position. Liam leaped to tackle Marisa to ground, covering her with his own body, and another shot rang out.

What the actual heck was going ON?!?!?!?!

Marisa started screaming.

Ugh. I should probably get out from under the table try to, you know, help everyone. See what the fudge was going on with my boyfriend and all.

"Maris-?" I started to ask, crawling out, but stopped short. She was sitting on the pavement next to Liam. A pool dark red was spilling out of his upper left thigh, and it took me a second to realize is was blood.

Holy chickens everywhere. Shooting Clay was one thing. But why the heck would he-


I took my eyes off of Liam and Marisa. Marisa was scrambling to get her sweatshirt off and tie it around Liam's leg, and Liam was sort of whispering a bunch of swear words, but he knew better than to full on swear in front of Marisa, so he kept it quiet.

Harry was standing in the same exact spot, not moving. His green eyes were glazed over, hair falling in front of his pale forehead, which was glistening with sweat.

"Harrrrrryy...." I said, quietly, drawing the words out and beginning to slowly walk towards him. "Let's put the gun down now, okay?"

He opened and closed his mouth. A few strangled sounds came out, but no words. It sounded like he was chocking.

Was I even talking to Harry? Or was I talking to the annoying, pervertish, certifiably insane ginger I ditched back in Cuba?

"Jean?" I tried.

Harry eyes glazed over completely. When he opened his mouth, it wasn't Harry's voice. It was Jeans.

"Sup Kayla."


"Ya, you already said that."

"Um. How are you-? What did you-?"

"You left me in Cuba."

Jesus. Hearing Jean's scratchy voice come out of Harry's mouth was so freaking weird.

"Well, I mean, I didn't want to, but-"

"Harry got his chip removed, yeah? But not both of them."

Somewhere a couple feet away, I heard Drew mumble, "This isn't even scientifically possible."

Jean pointed the gun at Drew.

"Woah, woah, woah, let's chill out, calm down, take a pill, ight? Can you please leave the inside of my boyfriend?"

Cause that didn't sound wrong.

"Alright. I just wanted to drop in and say hi anyways." He winked at me. "I'll see you soon."

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