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"Why does it have to be a freaking attic?" I said, pushing away a hopefully spider-less spiderweb and following Kayla, having to kneel down a little in the attic. Liam and Harry were behind us, not seeming to mind it that much.

"Ewwww spiders," Kayla groaned.

"Be quieter!" Liam whispered/screamed. "They might hear us!"

"Is quieter a word?" I asked.

"Hey, do you think it's in this dusty box?" Kayla said, pointing to a.... dusty box.

"Don't touch it!" Liam said, holding his hands up. He carefully walked over to it. "It's going to explode if you make the wrong move."

"That's a lot of pressure," I mumbled.

"That's why you guys shouldn't touch it," Liam said.

"I feel like you think we are toddlers," Kayla said.

"No comment," Liam replied. He opened the box and inside was a bomb. It had a timer on it that wasn't set yet, with red, green, and blue wires popping out of every end.

"Whoaaa," I said. "Do you know how to work a bomb?"

"I know how to read on buttons," He said. He pushed a switch and the screen lit up.

"Ah!" Kayla screamed.

"Don't worry, I'm just setting the timer," He said. "Is five minutes enough?"

"What are you guys doing?!"

Our heads turned around to see Brock staring at us in suprise.

"What are you talking about?" Kayla asked.

"That's a nuclear bomb! It will turn us all into crumples of ashes!" He yelled.


We turned around and started running, barely missing Brock. We took the stairs three at a time, with Brock right at our heels.

"Ooof!" Liam yelled. He tripped in front of us and the bomb went flying. He got up to get it, but I pulled him away. "We don't have time!"

"I didn't get to set it for five minutes!" He yelled.

"How long did you set it for?!"

"Um...  like two minutes?"


We ran through hallways, Brock still right behind us. "Stop! You're going to kill all of us! The bomb is set!"

"Split up!" Harry yelled, and turned right away to the left. I kept running forward, my breath short. An alarm went off, blaring in my ears, and Brocks frantic voice came over me: "THESE IDIOT CHILDREN SET A BOMB AND WE WILL ALL DIE IF WE DON'T GET OUT IN TWO MINUTES! LEAVE EVERYTHING AND GO GO GO!!!!!"

I watched scientists hurridly run out of their labs, but a few stayed to gather up what they thought was vital experiments. What's more vital: some experiment or your life?

Oh well.

"Hey, Marisa!" A voice that sounded a lot like mine said. I turned and saw Marisa running with me.

"Oh, hey!" I said. "Aw, you're gonna die!" I frowned.

"I am? But I was just born!"

"I know, I'm sorry!"

"Okay, it's okay!" She said, then turned and ran away from me.

"Wow, I'm strange," I mumbled. I looked up and saw that I was almost at the door. I picked up some speed, my lungs feeling strangled. I smiled when I realized the door was right in front of me, but skidded to a stop when someone walked right in front of me.

"You think I'm just going to let you kill all of us?" Gage said. "If we're dying, you're going down with us."

It was crazy. There will people everywhere, litteraly running for their lives. I lost track of the others a second after Harry screamed, "Split up!" and was now being trampled by scientists, workers, security men, and other people that I don't know what to call.

I tried to run with them when I spotted something that made me stop. A little chicken that was oh-so familiar, sitting on top of a table, watching the chaos.

"Emmalina!" I screamed, running over to the chicken. "Oh, baby!" I cried, scooping her up in my arms and kissing her little head. "How did you get here?"

"Buh-bah!!" She answered, as if she was trying to tell me that we were about to explode.

I let out a sqeak and turned to see that most of the people were gone. I swore and, holding Emmalina, and started to run in the direction I thought that everyone else was going. A window! Right there, in front of me. I ran to it, opened it, and looked down to see that I was about four stories up. Dammit.

"Kayla?" A voice questioned, and I whipped around to see Harry.

"Harry?" I asked, but then "Harry" blinked, and his whole body went fuzzy, like a messed up computer screen and I knew that this wasn't Harry, but a Harry clone.

Harry's whole body shook. "You...Can't....Leave."

"Uh,  yeah I can."

"Master Brock...says.....no." Harry lunged, tackling me and Emmalina. Emmalina, that lucky little duckling, went flying out the window.

"Emmalina!" I started to scream, but it was cut off as my head hit the tile hard.

I moaned, rolling over. I leaped up to see Harry still standing there. If this Harry clone had all the stupid ability that the real Harry had, I was gone for. Harry's had been really annoying latley.

Harry swung, hitting me hard in the gut and I doubled over. I brought my knee up, hitting him in the crotch and he let out a small sound of pain, but that was it. I kicked, hitting him in the chest, and he stumbled. I ran to the window. I wrapped one leg around it, ready to swing the other one over and pray for the best, but Harry grabbed my arm and yanked me back into the building. He hit me on the cheek and my head spun to the left so hard that I was pretty sure I could hear my bones cracking in protest.

Harry swung again, getting another good hit to my poor stomach. I moaned, trying to think of the Real Harry's weakness's, and thought of one. I stood up, gasping, and kicked Harry in the stomach, then whirled around him and kicked him in the back of the knees. He stood, ready to fight back, but I already had one leg out the window.

"See ya!" I screamed, and jumped, pushing off the window just as the building exploded.

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