Rock climbing and apples

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I woke up to the smell of salt water and a breeze hitting my face. Sharing a room was kind of tight, but we had been through worse sleeping places. Kayla was still sleeping, but Liam and Harry were on the floor playing a card game that I guessed was Egyptian Ratscrew.

"Morning," Liam called, and I smiled at him.

"Hey, I see land," Harry said, standing up and looking out the window. "An island?"

"Niceee," I said, looking out with him. The land looked really small, but I saw some volcanoes touching the horizon and some forests. "What are we going to do here?"

"Who knows? Jean will find something for us to do. Probably something illegal," Liam said.

"Probably," Harry agreed.

"I'm starving, you guys wanna go get some food?" I asked.

"Sure, what about Kayla?" Harry asked.

"Eh, just leave her," I said. "She doesn't eat food anyways."

I changed into presentable clothes and followed the boys to the top deck where the most glorious, fattening food was layed out. It was a little later in the morning, so luckilly the lines weren't that long. I grabbed a plate and headed for the fruit smoothies and grabbed a donut and a bowl of tropical fruit.

Liam, Harry, and I sat down at a table near the edge of the boat and I looked out at the water that seemed neverending. Kayla came towards us, her hair a mess and slippers on her feet.

"Hey," She said, sitting down with an apple with peanut butter.

"Good morning," Harry said, smiling at her. Kayla smiled back, and I giggled and took as sip of my strawberry smoothie.

"So, we're in the Bermuda Triangle?" Kayla asked.

"I guess so," Liam replied. "We better not magically disappear or anything."

Just then, Jean, Sam, and Dean walked over to our table. Jean had a smile on his face..... wait, a smile? It wasn't like his usual I have an evil plan or you guys are going to die smile, it actually looked like a real smile.

"Why are you so happy?" Harry asked.

"Hey, just cuz I'm a kidnapper, I can't enjoy a vacation?" He said, shrugging. "Anyway, we'll be landing in about an hour, so hurry up and do whatever else you want on this cruise, cuz we probably aren't getting on another luxury boat off this island."

After breakfast we went over to the rock climbing wall. Marisa was pretty good but she didn't like the progress of coming down. Harry and Liam both kicked ass, and I was okaaaay by some standards.

"We should race," Liam suggested.

"Okay!" We all  responded, and got ready to race up the same wall. There were only three harnesses available though, which was a small issue.

"We don't really need harnesses," I said.

"Yes we do," Marisa said.

"It'll be okay," I said.

"I don't think it will," Marisa answered.

"It will."

"No it won't."

"Yes it will."

"No it won't."

"Yes it will."

"No it-"



We all got ready to climb, without harnesses. "Ready?" Liam asked. "Go!"

 We all started to climb. I concentrated on grabbing onto the right rocks and not slipping and falling to my death. Harry and Liam were both well ahead of me, and Marisa and me were both pretty tyed. I was thisclose to being at the top went suddenly the wall was just...gone. One minute it was there, and then it wasn't.

I heard Marisa screaming, so I figured I hadn't just imagined the wall dissapearing. "The heeeeeeeeellll-" I started to yell, and then everything everything went black.

When I woke up, I was lying on top of a very uncomfortable bed that felt kind of like a bed of nails.  I swung my legs over the side and stood up. The room was pretty much empty, with nothing but pale walls and the bed I had woken up on. My stomach made a growling sound, no doubt mad at me that I hadn't fed it in a loong time. "I really wish I had apples with peanut buttah," I said.

Suddenly, the wall split apart in the center of the center wall. A black hole formed about the size of a dinner table and a plate full of something flew out and landed delicatley on the floor. In a milisecond, the hole was gone, leaving nothing but the blank wall. I stood there, staring at the wall with an open mouth before I finnaly got up the courage to walk over to the plate.

Lying there on the plate was apples with peanut buttah.

"Woah," I said. I sat down, sitting criss-cross on the floor. Slowly, I reached for an apple slice and dipped it into the peanut buttah. I brought the apple to my mouth and bit. It was the best apple and the best peanut butter EVVVVVVEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRR.

After that first bite I kept eating the apples like crazy. I found that the wall would give me anything I asked for.... apple juice, more peanut butter, a sweatshirt, anything. After fifteen minutes of doing nothing but eating apples, I stood up and walked outside.

The world looked different.

Cars weren't on roads they were flying. Like through the air. The clothes were different too. Instead of yoga pants and jeans it was tight brown pants and lose blouses, paired with tall different colored boots ranging from black to lime green. I walked up to a lady who seemed to be selling some kind of electronic thing and said, "Where am I?"

"Dallas, darlin'. Where else would you be?" She glanced at me, my yoga pants and Uggs and t-shirt. "Oooohhh, good heavens! What are you wearing? That outfit isn't very fashion-making."

"Fashion-making?" I asked.

"Yeah. Where have you been living. Under a tendes?"

"A what now? Look, lady, just tell me where the hell I am."

She frowned and crossed her arms. "I already told you. Dallas, Texas."

That didn't make any since. I went to Dallas last year, and it was crazy, but not this crazy. A thought occured to me, and I asked, "What year is it?"


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