Argentina and Old Friends

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The flight was actually quite long.

We entertained ourselves by singing Jonas Brothers and old Stephen Jerzak songs (god, we missed that boy) and playing other games. I made sure they didn't involve our boyfriends kissing each other again.

Kayla was the "pilot" the whole time, smiling as Harry- or Curly, as she seemed to refer him now quite often- kept her company in the passengers seat. Liam and I sat behind them, playing a card game.

The sun began to set, and it was actually really pretty since we were above the clouds, and then it was night time.

"How am I supposed to see a damn thing when its pitch black?" Kayla asked, suddenly sounding worried.

Liam looked down at a map he had found. "Well we should be reaching Argentina in about an hour, so just... try to stay straight."

"Oh, yeah, that's helpful."

"Well it's not like I have a giant flashlight we can shine on the clouds," Liam retaliated.

"Someone should invent that," Harry nodded.

I huffed. "Don't we have headlights?"

"Oh, yeah," Kayla said, and searched the endless buttons in front of her until she found one that switched on blinding lights in front of the plane. We couldn't see that far in front of us, but it was enough that we could keep going without running into anything. Well not like we could run into anything up here... besides other planes and birds.

The next hour passed with Kayla only getting lost and yelling at everyone three times. Finally, Liam said we should start lowering the plane and we should reach land.

"Slowly," He added.

That didn't really work. Kayla did the same stunt she had done not so long ago for a dare and dipped the plane down very very fast. Finally, Harry wrestled her until he gained control and began to slowly lower the plane.

"Oh god, I'm naseuous," I complained, rubbing my head.

The clouds began to clear and we saw a huge spectacle of lights in front of us. We had obviously reached a busy city, though none of us knew where. Beyond the endless city peaked mountains, and I somehow remembered how we had studied that the longest mountain range was in south america... am I right? Ah, we hadn't been to school in quite a while.

God, it was so nice to be back to real civilization and not in a frozen iceland.

"Where do I land?" Kayla asked.

Liam directed her to away from the city, near an open farm range.

The ending was less than smooth, let me say that. Liam had to take the wheel and lower us until we hit the hard ground with a skull-shattering crash.

He stopped the plane and we all breathed a sigh of relief. We were all a little suprised we had survived that ride.

"I bet no one even noticed that," Harry replied.

But people had. Right when we got out of the plane, three nearby civilians came up to us, confusion across their face. It wasn't helpful that when they spoke fluent spanish we had no idea what the hell they were saying.

"God, I can't believe we've taken two years of Spanish and we can't understand any of this," Kayla complained.

Liam seemed to understand a little of it though, and he managed to say something about us being pilots or something.  But the people were still confused.

"What are we going to do? If we don't tell them something they might just call the cops," Harry whispered to his brother.

"Um.... charades," He said.

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