New jobs and pee

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The rest of the plane ride went by in silence. I layed against Liam for most of it, staring out the window. I found myself drifting off, and when I woke up we were landing in Toronto, Canada, Kayla was slouching down in her seat, and Harry had a red mark on his cheek. The whole "slipping" thing wasn't very believable.

We unboarded the plane and bought some food with the few dollars we had. We walked out of the busy airport and I looked around. Canada wasn't as exoctic as the places we had been to before, but it was still nice. The people had accents, the air was fresh and there were trees everywhere.

"So what now?" Liam asked. "We should probably get some more money somehow."

"A job?" Harry asked.

"I don't think that would work out...." I said.

"We have to get money if we're gonna survive, that is until Jean somehow finds us, which I'm sure he will," Liam said.

So, we walked around the streets of Toronoto, (which was probably pretty dangerous, considering we were all alone, but what the heck) looking for help wanted signs. We found one pretty quickly.

"Burger King?" Harry asked. "Really?"

"Hey, they probably aren't looking for high quality people," I said, and opened the door.

They really weren't. When we told them we wanted to apply for a job they just asked us a few things (which we lied about, of course) and then asked for our ID's, in which Liam said gracefully,

"Oh... we forgot them at home, and its far away. You see our faces, right?"

The lady raised her eyebrow, then shrugged. "Wash your hands and head over to the fryer."

We got to put on those cute little paper hats, washed our hands, and headed over to the... fryer? It just looked like a metal basket in some very, VERY gross looking grease.

"We have three orders waiting," The worker said, whose nametag read Stephanie. "Get to the fries!"

"Sure thing," Kayla said, smiling, then turned back and her eyes widened. "What the hell are we supposed to do?"

"Just... dip the fries in the grease," Liam said, grabbing a huge handful of frozen potato strips and plopping them in the liquid.

Yeah.... that didn't exactly work out. At first they actually started to look like real fries, but then they all crumpled up and shrviled like an old person.

Liam used priers to pull them out and stared at the small fries. He shrugged, putting them into a Burger King bag. He opened the window to view a kind of angry looking mom, handing her the bag with a smile. "Enjoy your meal!"

"Finally," She sighed, opening the bag. Her eyes flared back at Liam. "These look like raisins!"

"Yeah.... have a nice day!" He closed the window. "Next order?"

Stephanie seemed to busy to notice our reject fries, and she assigned Kayla and I to flipping burgers. Since even Liam screwed up, you can imagine how Kayla did.

"Are they supposed to look like coal?" I asked, turning my head.

"Definitley," Kayla said, grabbing buns and squirting mustard and ketchup on the charcoal burgers.

"Here you go," I said, handing the bag to a young looking male.

"Thanks," He replied, smiling.

"Just remember, no refunds!" I shouted as he walked away.

I leaned against the counter, huffing. "I didn't know fast food required actual work to make people obese."

"How are we going to do this for a good enough amount of money?" Harry asked from the fryer. I could see many, many angry faces in their cars from the drive-thru window.

"You won't have to worry about that," Stephanie said. "You're all fired." She threw twenty bucks at each of us, which I thought was fair.

"Okay thanks byeee!" We said as we threw the paper hats on the ground and headed through the door. I didn't think I would eat another fry again.

"Dog grooming?"  I asked, crossing my arms and glaring at the sign.

"Yeah," Marisa said. "It's just dogs. How hard could it be?"

"Some dogs are evil," I said. "Like realllly evil."

She sighed. "Oh, it's fine. Right Liam?"


"Whatever," I said, and we walked into the store to be greeted by a thirty looking man with dark hair. When he spoke, I could detect his accent. 

"Hello," he said, smiling at us. "What can I help you kids with?"

"We saw that you were looking for employees," Liam said. "And were wondering if we could apply."

"How old are all of you?"

"Eighteen," Harry quicky said.

He shrugged, "Well alright then." He walked us around the shop, showing us the different brushes and baths and where to go to do what. He began to assign us jobs. "You," he said, pointing to Marisa, "Can be the hair dryer. You have to blow their hair out. Liam, you can be the one who actually gets the dogs and brings them over here from the owners, who wait in the front. Kayla, you can be the shampoo and conditioner, and Harry, you can be the brusher. So Liam, you bring them over, hand them to Kayla who'll wash em, then give em to Harry who'll brush and then Harry you give them to Marisa to finish it off. Okay?"

"Okay," we all responded. "Liam," Marisa said. "Go get the first puppy."

He nodded and walked out to the front and walked out with a little rotweirler in his arms. He handed it to me and I put him in the bath that was already full of water. Its actually a lot harder to wash a puppy than you would think.

They move around ALOT. The little guy tried to crawl out of the bath more times than I could count, splashing water on the floor and getting me wet. "Someone help meeeee," I said after five minutes of struggling with the puppy to get shampoo out of his hair.

Liam sighed and walked over, holding the puppy down while I finished washing it. "thanks," I said when we were done. I picked it up and handed it to Harry, careful not to touch him or make eye contact, because we hadn't talked since...

Yeah. I wasn't thinking about it.

He brushed him, then handed him to Marisa. And therefore, dog grooming started.

You might think that blow drying was the easiet job. I thought so too. Plus, ya know, it's freaking puppies. So a pretty good job. But noooo.

And some puppies are vicious. And somehow when I was blowdrying a small yellow lab, the heat did something... because he peed all over the floor.

"NOT cleaning that up," I said, walking away.

"I'll get it," The man who worked here said when no one volunteered.

But other than the barking, hair everywhere, sneezing, attempting biting, it was a pretty good job. Some of the dogs were just so dang cute.

For a few minutes no dogs needed to be dryed so I walked over to Kayla, who was in the process of scrubbing an adorable baby husky.

"So.... slippped and fell on the way to the bathroom, huh?" I said.


I pursed my lips. "Kaylaaaa."

"I'm sorrrryyy not every relationship can be perfect like yours and Liams."

"Our relationship is not perf-"

"It's pretty damn close."

"Well we both know that Harry loves you and you love Harry so what else matters?" I pat husky's wetted down head and headed back to my station, where a labradoodle was waiting, anxiously smiling at me. She shook, flying water everywhere, and I closed my eyes, laughing. When I opened them Liam was standing nearby, smiling at me.

Maybe it was near perfect.

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