Kidnapped Two

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Marisa’s POV:

    I gulped as Quad led me into a room. I couldn’t even think about what was happening to everybody. I didn't want to think about it.
    Quad led me into a room with another door and the same color floor as ceiling. Boring rooms, what’s new?
    He looked at me and smiled. “Just remember, it’s for a good cause!”
    “Yea, not to help cancer or starving children, nooooo, psychopath people who want to train army babies.”
    He seemed to think that was funny, because he laughed and left the room. Ug.
    The other door opened and a big man with a mask on his face and holding a medium In his hand- holy crap. It was my dog.
    “Let go of him, now,” I scowled to the man.
    I saw his smile through the creepy mask. “You’re a 70 pound girl and I’m a giant with a knife, who do you think is gonna win?”
    Ug. Sometimes I hated my cuteness.
    But I had to try. It was my dog. And I could be scary sometimes, ask anyone.
    I ran at the guy just as he was about to take the first cut at my cute, white dog, Chester. He wasn’t expecting it, and he got caught off guard and dropped Chester. I caught him and stroked him, but that’s when the guy got back on balance and took a swing at me. I screamed and dropped to the ground, the knife whizzing over my head.
    That lasted for about....30 seconds? Pretty good, in my opinion. But he pried me away from the dog and threw me against the wall, then Quad and Dester walked in and put handcuffs on me. Dangit.
    And that’s about when I started bawling. The man set my dog on a table, smiling. Then he cut him open, right away.  I wanted to throw up, or at least look away, but I couldn’t. My heart hurt more than I could ever explain. My dog let out a ton of whines, some growling and some sounding like he’d rather be dead, but he wasn’t yet.
    “JUST KILL HIM!” I yelled, not seeing very well from the tears in my eyes. “STOP MAKING HIM SUFFER!”
    “Oh, but that would be so easy,” The guy growled, and then started ripping apart his heart....or an organ. I wasn’t sure which one. This was the worst thing that had ever happened to me.
    “STOP! STOP!” I yelled again and again, letting out the worst sounding screams possible. Finally my dog stopped whining and moving.
    “I’m so sorry, I will love you forever,” I whispered to him, blowing a kiss. “I love you.”
    The man left and I dropped to the floor, unable to move.

    Harry’s POV:
    They set me in front of a screen. “What is this?” I asked.
    “Just watch,” A man I didn’t know answered.
    So I sat back and watched as the screen dimmed and then roared to life. Immediately, Marisa’s face filled the screen, and I blinked and sat forward. She was lying on a floor, not moving. Her eyes were closed.
    “What happened to her?” I found myself saying to no one.
    Then the screen changed, showing Marisa being held by two men and a knife being thrown into her scull. Blood oozed from her head and she made in-human sounds that should never come from such a small body.
    I began to feel my throat close up.
    The screen changed and Liam’s face came on, and I made a sound, but it didn’t quite reach my ears. He was lying on the floor in an unnatural crumble, screaming and shouting, and they were so real...they sounded so real that they had to be real, his voice was really in there, this really happened to him...
    And then Kayla.
    She didn’t even make any sounds as they killed her, which was really the worst part. They just showed her face, in so much pain and so sad, that I felt myself chocking on the air.
    The screen went blank and I was shocked to see I was crying.
    A voice came, “Want to see them after they were tortured? Before this happened?”
    “No,” I chocked.
    “Too bad.”
    The screen changed. It showed Marisa first, lying on the ground looking numb, clutching something that I think was a dog.
    Then Liam, sobbing on his knees. Sobs so hard that they shook his whole body.
    And Kayla, hugging herself like she was trying to keep herself from falling apart, into a million pieces. Trying to stay strong, but failing.
    I wondered what they had done and the images that came to mind were-
    I was really crying now. “Why? Why did you...kill them? Why not me?! Why just them!”
    And then, “We didn’t. Everything was a illusion. Test One is over.”

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