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I'm not sure if this was mean, but I kind of thought it was entertaining when Liam was jealous. His face got all red and he always wanted to be by me. And I was flattered that Drew liked me, and you know thought I was hot, but it wasn't like anyone would compare with Liam.

"Hey guys," Drew said, walking into the room, with Clay and Cole trailing behind him. He smiled at me, and opened a cabinet, pulling out some chips. "Hows the noodles?"

I shrugged. "Noodle- decent."

He laughed and sat down near us.

"We should all do something fun," Clay said, sitting down near Kayla. Harry and Liam passed a look to each other, and I smiled a little. Was that bad?

"Like what?" Kayla said, scooting closer to Harry and farther from Clay.

"Like, go to the Eiffell Tower, or something," Drew said.

"NO!" We all screamed at once.

"Oh- kayyyy," Clay said. "How about a movie?"

"We're all kind of tired," Liam said. "Right Marisa?"

"Yeah," I said, yawning.

I could practically feel Drew tense next to me. Really?

"Come on, don't be poos," Clay said. "Cole can take us to the nearby theatre."

"I think we should get some more sleep and more food, then maybe later," Kayla said.

Clay's smile dropped. "If you don't come see a movie with us we won't let you stay here."

I debated it. A movie with two persisting guys and two mad ones, or walking down the streets, cold.

"Fine," Liam piped up. "Let's go."

We piled into a run down Jeep and Cole drove us to the theatre. We got in line for tickets for some french movie that I couldn't even pronounce that was two hours long. Yippee.

"Liam and Harry, can you go save us seats?" Drew said. "We'll buy the snacks."

"How about YOU go save the seats?" Harry said.

Clay shook his head. "Go. Now."

Liam huffed, and they walked into the theatre.

"What do you gals want to get?" Drew asked. Cole stood awkwardly nearby.

"Raisinets," I said quickly. "Maybe two if you're feeling nice."

Drew smiled, and pulled two boxes out. "Sure thing."

"I'll get some cookie dough," Kayla said. "And an ICE. Blueberry flavored."

Clay grinned. "I love cookie dough. It's my favorite."

"Congrats," Kayla snapped back.

They orders our food in french, so I couldn't interpuret any of it, and Kayla and I headed in the bathroom before the movie start.

"This should be interesting," Kayla said as we washing our hands.

"Hey, at least I'm getting candy out of it," I replied.

We found our seats, and of course mine was Liam on one side and Drew on the other. Kayla had the same situation.

"Oh, this movie looks great," Drew said, pointing at a commercial playing. The theatre was pretty packed.

I nodded and bit into my candy.

"Hey Marisa, you look cold, here," Liam said, pulling off his jacket and wrapping it around me. For a second I forgot he was trying to get the point across to Drew, and I smiled and wrapped it closer. It smelled like Liam- fresh and minty.

Kidnapped TwoWhere stories live. Discover now